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The Blockland Wrestling Association is back after 5 years of hiatus. We're now the Brickadia Wrestling Assocation and we plan on hosting our inaugural event at 6PM EST on the 23rd - stuff your Bricks.

The event will be around 2 hours long, consisting of planned matches, promos and impromptu matches between members of the crowd. Note that due to the lack of a wrestling weapon, fists or modding we'll just have to settle for stabbing each other to death.

If you want to participate in a glorified knife fight in the only squared circle known to Albanian lego games and call crowds of people virgins with negligible consequences then contact me and I'll give you a match. Note that those who do not sign up for a match beforehand may not be able to participate. Those who do sign up will also require a gimmick of some sort to distinguish them from the typical jabroni from the crowd.

Golden Brick Gauntlet Card

Match 1
"Macho Man" Randy Savage VS TBA
Singles Match for the BWA Championship

Match 2
Loser enters the gauntlet first

Match 3
Loser enters the gauntlet second

Match 4
Golden Brick Gauntlet
Winner faces the BWA Champion at Brickmania in July

stuff your Bricks Results

Match 1
Boney Nasty VS Raptor Boy
Singles Match

Match 2
Crowd Battle Royale
Winner, The Cuttah, faces The Bonerlifter

Match 3
The Bonerlifter VS The Cuttah
Flintlock Duel Match

Match 4
Singles Match

Main Event
Hulk Cryptogan VS "Macho Man" Randy Savage
Steel Cage Match for the BWA Championship

Off Topic / Re: hello remaining blf denizens
« on: March 26, 2022, 01:06:50 PM »
it's not like there's autism medication
isnt that what blockland is

i dont remember anything from taboo other than that they were another anime avatar who argued a lot (50 hulkbucks to whoever can figure out how many people fit in this category

So glad none of you forgets have kids lol
goth77 has a kid iirc

Off Topic / are u a gooner?
« on: March 23, 2022, 02:34:10 PM »
come on, you can tell us.

Only if you send them to public school.
where did you come from

ur kids gonna be a drag queen just saying

Off Topic / Re: worries and thoughts
« on: March 20, 2022, 03:33:18 PM »
plad im gonna put nicotine patches on your body while you sleep so that you wake up with the biggest stuff known to man in your bed

Off Topic / Re: Bad things your body is doing
« on: March 18, 2022, 10:29:06 AM »
microscopic snake from decades of steroid use brother HH

Making a difference is easier than you'd think; check your local governments website. There are probably open seats on a lot of different committees, boards, ext.
what if your views are against the status quo, what if billionaires produce propaganda stuffting on your views daily, what if you don't have the time because you're working?

General Discussion / Re: CRP2 - Update Pg8
« on: March 15, 2022, 02:46:31 AM »
Which one was that? Lol
when people are asking "which child research incident was that" you may have a problem in your staff

I laughed harder at impractical jokers

the rolling blunt
lock the thread, nothing will be funnier than this


found out that rvd was in a weed debate on msnbc over a decade ago, pretty wacky

Off Topic / Re: balls thread
« on: March 11, 2022, 04:30:32 AM »
This thread rocks
you don't have balls get out

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