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Messages - Defendor

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General Discussion / Re: last words anyone
« on: March 12, 2023, 08:50:11 PM »
TBM was better.
does this actually still exist?

Off Topic / Re: Forumers that are newsworthy
« on: March 09, 2023, 07:11:25 PM »
Browsing through his posts and found this50 this year damn dude
how do you quote ancient topics like that?

General Discussion / Re: last words anyone
« on: March 02, 2023, 06:53:18 PM »
Honestly same. The only other blocklander I knew at least lived in Colorado for a little while was Mardalf. I can't imagine it would've been a very great experience anyways since I was too young and there were too many predators on this site at the time. Although, now I think it would be pretty cool since everyone is older. But not with Mardalf lol
what did Mardalf do?

Off Topic / Re: Is anyone still in contact with the user "Boink!"?
« on: February 10, 2023, 06:50:02 PM »
Wyoming is loving lit, forget the WY hate. Any state without income tax is lit, but Wyoming, Alaska, and New Hampshire are especially litty because its chilly or mild. not to mention these three states have good gun laws and are very outdoorsy/scenic. I'm not a hunter but if I was I'd be living in heaven if I were there.

You need to take into the other expenses with living in Wyoming like services, since getting something like a new roof would require people to travel 30-120 mins to get to your place. Groceries are 30 min away, you'd have to do a monthly or bi-weekly grocery run unless you wanna spend a lot in gas. Wind damage is a legitimate concern out in the plains. I know you like the isolation but your neighbors will be elders.

Also luckily modern day internet shouldn't concern you. You're more than likely going to be gaming and streaming at a comfortable speed. When in doubt, Starlink will hook you up.

I can tell you though, I bought my first house a year ago for 200k with 10% down. (With a 0% down, which you are eligible for since you're a first time home buyer, the monthly payment is only like a hundred bucks more). Granted the interest rate was low, but I was piss poor. I worked two jobs for around 40k a year. Now I make about 3 times that but I'm only comfortable with spending 2000-2500 a month on a mortgage, compared to my current 900/mo, which was about half of my monthly income.
this is the kind of post i've been lookin for. these are some great points to be mindful of, and it makes me wonder how i'll keep unexpired milk in the fridge if monthly grocery shopping was necessary. And I would imagine investment in impact-resistant glass windows should offset the wind issue, but i'll keep lookin into that. When you mentioned your first house, did you get it in WY, or another state?

Off Topic / Re: Forumers that are newsworthy
« on: February 10, 2023, 06:44:06 PM »
you’re loving civdiv? please kill yourself dude LOL unironically
how do you know that's his name? he didn't even say it. speaking of that,

Surprisingly have a large name on YouTube. Never thought I’d have a “fanbase” but eventually, after many years, accumulated some sort of following. I post my combat footage and make videos about my experiences in war. A couple interviews here and there. I suppose it’s getting easier to brand yourself nowadays if you practice editing and understand the algorithm
what's your YouTube name?

Off Topic / Re: Is anyone still in contact with the user "Boink!"?
« on: February 06, 2023, 09:04:50 PM »
wait why would you wanna live in wyoming of all places
I always wanted to live there ever since i realized it was the least populated state in the country (and second least densely populated). Living in kind of a rugged small town with lots of wildlife just seems really cool to me. The low cost of living seems pretty good too. I've seen some houses for sale being under 200k which don't look dilapidated or anything. My only two issues that I can't shake yet are the job opportunities and the internet connection. I'm still working toward my degree and trying to get good at land surveying. I'm still trying to figure out of the entry level positions will be enough to take home a comfortable profit after paying for all the expenses. Also internet speed is important to me since I play video games. I assume Boink! also plays games since he was at this forum, so I'm just hoping he doesn't say. "it's awful, my Blockhead character gets to move one step every 5 seconds.  :cookieMonster: "

Off Topic / Re: Is anyone still in contact with the user "Boink!"?
« on: February 06, 2023, 07:44:06 PM »

Off Topic / Is anyone still in contact with the user "Boink!"?
« on: February 06, 2023, 06:35:33 PM »
He has the Godot drinking coffee gif as an avatar and use to have Powdered Toast Man before that. I just remember Zealot's BLForumer State thread and he was literally the only one to state that he lived in Wyoming. I always wanted to live there one day after I get out of school. I like asking Wyomingites what's it like there and what they think the best kind of job to have for settling there. Also how spotty the internet was for playing something like Blockland. I've heard that their internet on average isn't that great, but I'm thinking it depends on the city. I know he hasn't posted since 2016, but if anyone is in contact with him, let him know I got some out of the blue questions. I can probably get easier answers from other areas (which I have been) but I figured it wouldn't hurt trying for an additional guy's advice. Also if anyone else lived there, let me know what it was like.

if you did i didn't get it. unless if you were that chadzar guy from a few weeks ago, i thought that was a spam bot
yea that was me lol. i probably shoulda dm'd you or something

hello. to be honest i don't really remember you, sorry. do you have me on steam already? i have a bunch of blockland guys on steam and discord but i never talk to them. they might as well not be there.

the only guy i really remember is someone who i made some stupid whale video with, at least i think it was a video. we made a few builds together that he hosted on his server but i honestly can't remember his name or even what year this was. i think i posted some of our stuff in the gallery but i can't really be assed to look for it. i know i drew something for it, though i think i lost it when i went from a laptop to a pc.

besides him there was that group i played those autistic nation rps with in the forum games section but i never really called them friends. jairo is in my steam friends list and that's about it.
i just always remember seeing your name here and ingame during the 2010's. I added you on discord from the ID you have in your signature. idk if we still play the same games but i might msg you every now and then with some kinda pun if you accept

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Can anyone make this hat?
« on: December 03, 2022, 05:25:30 PM »
cmon guys you know you want to put this in BL

Gallery / William Henry Harrison and his lava lamp
« on: November 27, 2022, 09:31:51 PM »
you've seen it on blockland here for the first time

Img2brick is a beautiful thing. It can create things that were previously thought to be impossible

daaamn i was a tad late on making it to friday. better late than never maybe

well i do think a fun fact is how the bedroom clock blows up when it reaches 99:99.  Sorry if that is a spoiler, but i might as well spill the beans to anyone who didnt know before the forum finally shuts down

Off Topic / Re: what changes as you grow older?
« on: November 19, 2022, 02:29:46 AM »
i think the covid lockdowns was the thing that broke the camel's back. i became more openly hostile, started to see society and people for who they actually are, became severely antisocial and going against social norms more regularly.

during one of the covid lockdown scams i would say things under my mask to people irritating me in the shops, they wouldnt know who said it, or i'd pull faces at people. then one time there was this handicapped traffic light system to limit people in the shop, i pretended i had just exited the store then pretending i forgotten something walked in via the exit. i then started laughing uncontrollably and quite hard, no word of a lie.

i havent been as bad since but i am still more of a social hand grenade than i ever was. i intentionally do stuff to be aggravating to shop workers by moving stuff around or chucking stuff about.

there is something seriously wrong with me that is undiagnosed. i wish what i told you was some joker arc fantasy but it really isnt.
you're definitely not alone there, those lockdowns really changed everybody. hope you have someone close to confide in though, cuz that feeling is really unhealthy

Forum Games / Re: Describe the above user's avatar with one word v2
« on: November 19, 2022, 02:27:04 AM »

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