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Messages - Edman

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Off Topic / Re: So uh, A kid in my class got arrested
« on: March 06, 2015, 12:06:18 AM »
That's not something you can just say and not explain what happened.
Day after my birthday I was riding around smoking, dropped friend off, forgot to turn lights on when it got dark. Pulled over on my way home. DUI and possesion. Paid a lawyer and got the charges dropped.

Off Topic / Re: So uh, A kid in my class got arrested
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:22:34 PM »
I got arrested the day after my birthday, which happens to be my dads birthday. Good times.

Off Topic / My picture.
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:51:48 AM »
Who's fish is it paying tribute too? Its been on there for damn near 3 years now..

Off Topic / Chance The Rapper
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:45:21 AM »
Anyone else a fan? I like his "Acid Rap" and "10 Day". Waiting for the release of his new project.

acid is fun as forget... only drug i can partake in now

I got pulled over because I turned off my lights to pull up to my friends crib, forgot to turn it on and there was cop on the street that i pulled onto. I got pulled over he said my car smelled like marijuana. He made me do a sobriety test, I did it and he said I failed when I feel i didnt. Then he said if i didnt consent to a search my license would be suspended for a year. He searched apparently got a possesion charge when i didnt have anything. so yeah possesion charge and DUI. if i didnt piss they were gonna strap me to a table and take blood from me. forget 12

I really miss smoking blunts. forget me dont get arrested guys.

Well no stuff you can get a DUI for driving high..
ofc u can. it's driving under the influence

update still dying
I guess me being a naive 16 year old I didnt realize this.

Word of advice: you can get a DUI for driving high. First hand experience, got one Wednesday, the day after my birthday.

sounds about right, I appreciate the advice. I smoke xanax laced blunts all the time, no big deal there. I snort pills sometimes so I was thinking about snorting one and swallowing one but i think ill swallow them both. Alcohol would be a bad idea too, right?

I plan on taking two hydros today, along with smoking 2 or 3 blunts. What should I know about hydros lol.

Off Topic / Re: What the forget do people talk about here
« on: May 11, 2014, 10:05:15 AM »
why do these stupid threads pop up every 2 weeks

"wow i've been gone for 5 hours and 12 minutes and so much has changed around here, is bush still the president??

jeez back in my day it was so much better *cough*"

Calm down Captian starfish, I was asking where the discussion went.

Games / Re: Competitive games
« on: May 11, 2014, 09:58:20 AM »
Less brain intensive == gets boring faster
Simple people like simple things. Simple is home

Games / Re: Competitive games
« on: May 11, 2014, 09:56:29 AM »
It can't be anything too brain intesive, because were all kinda burnt out. An fps would be preferable haha

Off Topic / Re: What the forget do people talk about here
« on: May 11, 2014, 09:55:23 AM »
I've been here for a long time :C
Not you I remember you

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