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Messages - RaIder915

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Help / Re: How do I make a door only open for me?
« on: October 16, 2016, 11:11:59 PM »
JVS had ID-based and trust-based locking. I think it's more complex for the new default doors.

That's why I remember the ID thing. I'll have to look around for events add ons.

Help / How do I make a door only open for me?
« on: October 16, 2016, 09:19:55 PM »
    I'm not one for eventing so i'm clueless when it comes to this stuff. But, how would I go about making a door only open for me? I remember one way that was ID based but i don't remember how.

General Discussion / Re: Blockland Memories
« on: October 16, 2016, 06:29:07 PM »
When i first actually got Blockland in like v9 or v10, my very first friend ever was Cosmic Jumble. I'm pretty sure that was his name. Then the very first server I ever joined was some Zombie RPG near v10 maybe v11 I can't remember. Then after awhile I made a really good Friend that went by Alpha_X , I think? He was an amazing builder, he's the reason why Im semi decent at building. I haven't heard talked to him in forever. Don't know if he still plays or not.

Gallery / Re: BSS Ryno (r.i.p, temporarily) Update
« on: October 13, 2016, 10:46:26 PM »

Gallery / Re: BSS Ryno
« on: October 11, 2016, 10:19:36 PM »
this would be sick for a space DM or some stuff.

if you would can you add a download link?

I'm not one for DM or anything because I wouldn't have a dedicated server for it. I'd have to host.

I personally, do like giving out my stuff, so I try hosting as much as possible as like a showcase. Plus there are quite a few brick packs that were used.

Gallery / Re: BSS Ryno
« on: October 10, 2016, 09:21:10 PM »
it looks like if you turned it, the front portion would just snap off

Lol. Its still a work in progress. Once I've done more with the second half it wont look like that.

Gallery / Re: BSS Ryno
« on: October 10, 2016, 02:37:07 AM »
-noedit and snip-

Gallery / Re: BSS Ryno
« on: October 10, 2016, 02:35:50 AM »
Picture Update

Sorry about leaving out Interior, originally wanted it to just be a preview of it, then when completed show all interiors. Cause most rooms, which are living quarters, are pretty much empty. But, nether the less, here is the interior.

- All living areas are pretty much 16x16 area's

This is what it looks like as of now.

This is the lowest part of the ship. This room leads off to two others on the left and right. They look the same.

This area has 6 rooms, then two doors in the front and back that lead off.

These are the two "machine rooms" in that area.

The two rooms that lead off

This is the area that's up from the stairs. The four rooms there are empty. The area behind this area is the same, but instead has a common area in the middle of the group of rooms.

This is the main Engine area, this area leads up to everywhere else.

Again, another Engine area. once you go up from the stairs.

Both rooms to the side area empty.

This walk way connects the halves of the ship.

The walkway leads to this. All six of these rooms are empty.

This is the Communications Center/War Room

This is the recreational area. With a small Basketball and small indoor soccer area. I plan on redoing this. This is on top of Communications.

These are small Engines on top of the Main Engine area and outside. The building there is a small storage area that will lead to 6 personal storage rooms.

This is the Engineering and repair bay. There are about 6 spots.

That is pretty much all the interior there is atm. More stuff will be added and redone. The exterior will not change.

James Elmer Ider

I am formally and respectively dropping out. My best of luck to our party's other Rep. You will certainly have my vote when the time comes.

James Elmer Ider

Tensions Grow

Despite what is going on, I am content that Niels is trying to handle the North-South conflict by creating a Border Zone. I hope that this will will help and make the tension slowly degrade.

Break Down

Due to this situation, I feel we need to issue our Military to help bring down these riots and so called "terrorist groups". If anyone has any information on these terror groups are or who, please report them to your nearest Police station. If nothing is done, this will become worse.

Terrorist Attacks

This is tragic. My prayers and condolences go out to the family that lost someone or know some how that was effected by this attack. I hope our current president will do something to quickly bring down these groups and control the situation in Niels. I hope in due time we can up our security in Airports, and we can safely recover our Air Transportation industry.

James Elmer Ider

Suppression of Journalism

The current situation in Niels is shocking. The jailing of this Journalist is not acceptable. He has the right to speak against the wrong. For doing that, what happens? This innocent man was jailed for speaking HIS mind, and that can not- I repeat that can not happen. If it were not for brave Journalists that speak against the wrong and document it, the future will just repeat and they will know that they did wrong because there's documents of it happening before. They then feel ashamed knowing they did a wrong, and try to cover it up by just simply jailing this man.


This new Governor needs to take BETTER control of these protests. These killings of innocent people, is not acceptable. It horrifies me that it has come to this. The police and Government in Niels needs to be fixed. Purged possible of any corrupted relations. Finding those who are will be a challenge. --But, right now this not a issue to be looked at now but soon hopefully we will. -The protests and killing of citizens is the issue at hand right now. Instead of issuing Lethal weapons to police for peaceful protests, we need to issue Non-lethal equipment. This should fortunately reduce the "trigger-finger"adrenaline and also reduce the risking of lives. -When I was younger, I was in our Country's Armed Forces, and I know what it will be like if we don't control this soon. This will quickly turn into useless bloodshed and fighting. -- Also, to not completely risk our Officers lives, have Lethal weapons inside a Armored Truck near by peaceful protests in case that they turn into Lethal and uncontrollable riot of some sort.

Battle for Sovereignty

This Battle for Sovereignty needs to be dealt with. This is an issue that can't go without being talked about or thought through. What we need or what we should do is bring in a selected political Rep. from the south, and a Political Rep from the North, the current Governor, and have them meet the current president help negotiate plans. When or if this occurs, have them deal it out. Though, at this moment, I am not choosing a side. But, I will note this: I do not accept the corrupt government. The Jailing of the Journalist is uncalled for and he should be released. The Police needs to be woken up and taken control of before more lives are lost. These are issues that need to be solved now and not later.

Gallery / Re: BSS Ryno
« on: October 09, 2016, 10:10:41 PM »
looks good, throw it in a space environment and i bet it would look awesome

I do when I build, I just thought having a plain background would show it better. When it's complete the pictures will have the space environment that fits it.

Gallery / Re: Something I've been working on for awhile.
« on: October 09, 2016, 09:55:47 PM »
I like it. For looking simple, it all fits really nicely. Can't wait to see more.

Gallery / BSS Ryno (10/22) Info Update
« on: October 09, 2016, 09:49:59 PM »
The B.S.S Ryno

   A crew of 20 people run the BSS. Ryno. In the not so distance past, a Deep space signal of an unknown origin was sent out. The most that could of been made of it was that it was unknown to man. So 20 people were selected to board the Ryno and find out what sent that Signal.
    The BSS. Ryno was made for Deep Space Expeditions and the crew is capable of going on a planet to map, explore, and to discover. The Ryno is the first of few to do Deep Space Expeditions. The ship will soon set course and not return for a long while.

The Crew
There will be a crew of 20 people. For now I have a place holding crew, unless people send in a App. What I will do with this crew, is attempt to make a story and such. Not 100%, but I may attempt to make a RP.

Who's already on board?

1. 1st in Command and Security Chief, James E. "Sketcher" Ider, Personnel #: 11765
2. 2nd in Command, -- "The Sir Rolfe" --, Personnel #:

Application for crew layout

IG Name and Blockland ID:

Character name:

Position you wish to have: (Security, Engineering, Pilot, [Wild Card])
If wild card, state what the job would be: EX: Doctor
(List of ideal Wilds cards. This does not limit what a wild card can be.) Medical, Civilian, Diplomat, Ambassador, Communications Expert/Comm., Cartographer, Chef, Ex-Military.

Short Character background:

Extra information--

Ideal means of contacting: Ex. Steam, etc. [/size]

Examples of a room and Locker


Sorry for the Three updates in a day.
10/16/16 (1) : Progress is now underway. So far storage is the only area in progress.
10/16/16 (2) : Storage is done. Currently working on Crew quarters. Almost done.
10/16/16 (3) : Crew quarters section is finished.
10/17/16 : 2/3 is finished. Crew quarters, Storage, Engineering and Maint. and systems is finished.
10/22/16 : The ship is almost done. Pictures will be posted when it is finished.


Old BSS Ryno progress

UPDATE 10/13/16
Stupid me accidentally saved over the save file I had the BSS Ryno in. so..
Rest in Peace BSS Ryno, 10/1/16 to 10/13/16
Never got to see space

In other news, I'm going to attempt to re-build and re-make the BSS Ryno from scratch. It's going to be tough because I had an immense amount of progress done on it since my last update and it's currently on me building it. I'll update when the new one has some progress done.

The B.SS Ryno is still undergoing construction (It's still WIP). B.S.S Stands for (at the moment) Blockland Star Ship. The Ryno when fully build should be able to hold a possible crew of about 25 People, subject to change. The ship when finished won't be equipped to fight. Only a very small Weapon System will be installed. This ship is mostly for Deep space exploring, expeditions, transportation, and also as a Limited Cargo ship. I intend for this ship to be pretty massive. So far I believe its 2 x64 plates wide and 5 x64 plates long. It's currently that long. The ship will probably go longer by one more baseplate. Everything seen in the picture below are areas you are able to walk to.

So, at the moment its not fully done. Will be done soon.



I will make Remington great again*

I guess it pretty much says that lol

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