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Messages - Mysteroo

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Off Topic / Re: I got a TV show deal with Adult Swim.
« on: April 15, 2016, 02:37:05 PM »
'Processing video'


Off Topic / Re: Tips for my Youtube Channel?
« on: April 15, 2016, 12:53:58 AM »
Frankly, if you want to advance your YouTube channel and grow, you have to move away from Blockland.

Blockland has a small player base and it won't get much bigger, especially since the game itself isn't being developed any further. If you want to stay with at least what you have now, stick with Blockland. It's a good niche audience that works as a kind of safety net. But unless you either find another, bigger niche audience and a platform to get your videos out to people (like this forum,) or unless you spend tons of time making consistent, high quality videos as if YouTube were your job, it's going to be hard to get anywhere.

I have another channel that I started doing things on, and I've gotten to around 9k subscribers now. My main Blockland channel is kind of going nowhere, so I'm just using it as a casual one now.

interviews are loving gay. the kind of players to spam-add youtube channels, and be the bulk of your viewers, wont know who any of the users you interview are, and wont have an interest.

do like how minecraft videos, and review new mods. for some reason people love that crap.
or do a segment on jacking saves from servers, and renovating stuff builds into win.
or do a blockland unboxing.
Also this. To a degree. Interviews and livestreams and stuff COULD be interesting depending on how you do them, but they won't get popular. IMO they're only good if you're already popular and you've already got a pretty stable subscriber base going.
Also Blockland unboxing what. >buy on steam. >play. >end video

Off Topic / Re: Help me with a biology project! (Poll) (fixed)
« on: April 15, 2016, 12:34:16 AM »
Then you've already blown it, since you have no way of matching heart rate to exercise with this poll. You might be able to say that out of everyone who took the poll, 30% had a high heart rate and 30% exercised a lot, but you can't actually look at the responses and see whether it was the same 30%.

How do you plan on interpreting this data?
Yeah, I realized this after a little while. I could just do like you mentioned and say how many said what, which I don't think would be too terrible considering we have to survey 100 people. Maybe we should keep track of every person's response for both, but that'd be a lot more work and there's a chance our professor wouldn't care, lol

We may end up just asking a lot of people IRL anyway. But this is a good backu

Off Topic / Re: Help me with a biology project! (Poll) (fixed)
« on: April 14, 2016, 12:22:07 AM »

Off Topic / Re: Help me with a biology project! (Poll) (fixed)
« on: April 13, 2016, 05:12:12 PM »
Well, resting heartrate can change quite a bit throughout the day, especially if you've been active. I just measured mine and it came out as 64. I measured it a couple of weeks ago immediately after waking up for a full minute and got 53.
Eh, so our results will be a little skewed. This is just the basic lab project where we're showing that we know how to do the scientific method, so we can just list all that in the conclusion for things we'd do differently, lol

Sorry for posting this topic twice. I hit enter two early and couldn't change the number of votes after that. Blech

We had another project that I mentioned earlier this semester, but now we have this group project in which I have to poll people again. So yeah, you guys should totally help me save a ton of time I'd be taking to ask people in person.

We were assigned to do some project evaluating the correlation between working out and resting heart rate. So yeah, answer away

And by 'work out,' I just mean do you do any sort of physically active stuff
Test your resting heart rate by putting your thumb on your wrist and counting the number of beats in 15 seconds. Then x4

Off Topic / Help me with a biology project! (Poll)
« on: April 13, 2016, 02:35:40 PM »
We had another project that I mentioned earlier this semester, but now we have this group project in which I have to poll people again. So yeah, you guys should totally help me save a ton of time I'd be taking to ask people in person.

We were assigned to do some project evaluating the correlation between working out and resting heart rate. So yeah, answer away

And by 'work out,' I just mean do you do any sort of physically active stuff

Blarg, hit the wrong button and now the poll is messed up. Locking to fix it

Off Topic / Re: What's the most overrated movie.
« on: March 30, 2016, 09:46:44 PM »
Age of Ultron.
superhero movies are boring
except spiderman and adam west batman
I feel like superhero movies aren't even overrated anymore. There's a lot of people who like them, yeah, but there's a growing mass of people who say things like this now too.
Everyone likes to get hype over upcoming superhero movies, but nobody really seems to like them that much.

...although I personally really like most of marvel's
Not thor though, those were poop

I'm not sure you quite understand how the internet works
Or at least, I have no idea what you're saying

If there is no internet, then there is no line from your computer to anything online. There is no "detection" for Steam to boot faster than. Can you go on websites? If you can, then you have internet. If you can play games multiplayer, then you have internet.

What your dad might have disabled is certain different sites or places that you would use the internet on, in which case, it's just a glitch that you can get past it in the first place. Have you tried downloading a game? That would probably answer your question, lol

Off Topic / Re: We suck at D&D
« on: March 02, 2016, 01:56:46 AM »
Try arm-wrestling the bounty hunter for the right to not die.
Very tempting
However I think there's a good chance that the one after us is different from the one that I arm wrestled. :I

Off Topic / Re: We suck at D&D
« on: March 01, 2016, 12:22:18 PM »
I've never played D&D before, but it always looked interesting to me.

How do I get into D&D when nobody I know plays D&D?
Either buy/look up a basic/players handbook, print off some character sheets and stuff, fill them out, get one person to learn/look up how to be a DM, find a campaign either online or as a book, and get some people who are interested, and then goo

Also I don't think we've encountered any kobolds yet. We're in fandolin area. So prooobably not an option :I

Off Topic / We suck at D&D
« on: March 01, 2016, 12:19:50 AM »
My friends and I started a D&D session. Long story short, I got in an arm wrestling match, lost, and may have bet some oxen that we didn't actually own. While we were arguing the dude decided that it wasn't worth his time and left, but upon seeing the oxen, took them anyway.

So the dude who owned them now wants 500 some gold for them. We ain't got that kind of money (well we do, but barely. And it took 5 gaming sessions to get that.) If he doesn't get the money in a week, he's putting a bounty on us. In a failed attempt to intimidate him at night (to get him off our backs) our agent we sent in to do so, forgot what the goal was and instead thought we were intimidating valuables out of him- to pay off the debt that we owe- to the same guy that we are currently intimidating. He finds that the owner is not where we thought he was, and decides to just rob everything from the store instead.

He isn't caught, but this dude wakes up, comes to work and finds that he is robbed. So I guess he put two and two together and the next thing we know, there's a flag put out- calling for a rank three bounty hunter. The three of us are level three, so I have no idea if we're up to that kinda challenge. We left town just as the owner began talking details with the bounty hunter guild representative.

We tried bargaining with this owner, we tried getting rid of the flag before the rep arrived, we considered killing the owner so he wouldn't give us a bounty (that didn't go over well), and now we're leaving to find a banshee who can hopefully revive our friend. The owner can no longer be persuaded as he's basically now talked over the details with this rep dude. I am running out of ideas guys.

Now, without spoiling how tough a rank three bounty hunter is or any info like that which I wouldn't already know, I need advice. WHAT DO WE DO

Gallery / [video] Throwback to Avast your Blocko
« on: February 28, 2016, 11:52:07 PM »
I was going through my old videos and I saw this one. It's one of my favorite videos that I made- and yeah I posted this on the gallery before, but I made this two or three years ago around the time of greenlight. By now we have a butt-ton more people and hey, why not. /shamelessRepost

(Click the image)

Off Topic / Re: Where's the Fair use? #WTFU
« on: February 20, 2016, 05:44:21 PM »
More like "Wake the forget Up"**

Because that's precisely what Youtube should do.

I see
what you did
I'm not just posting this to bump the topic. No rly

Off Topic / Re: Where's the Fair use? #WTFU
« on: February 19, 2016, 06:26:19 PM »
IIRC, if your video gets taken down, there's a dispute button right on the "this video was taken down" page
the button is petty much useless. Boys automatically reject it most of the time. And if you try again, you're liable to get your video removed.

All it takes to ruin this effort is if a bunch of legitimate video/music thieves attach themselves to it. Kind of like what happened to Occupy Wall Street.
I don't even know if this effort is going to go anywhere anyway. But better to try than not

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