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Messages - Designer

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Karmas a bitch, ain't she?
Dosn't bother me much anymore, Now I'm back to moby.  :cookieMonster:

Glass begged me to go back to his stupid sever, he's hurting bad.
As i said. Someone stole my loving name. I don't even host anymore.

General Discussion / Re: We now have 36000 members!
« on: May 24, 2012, 08:06:41 AM »
Op is dumb.

glass came to gravitycat's fortwars yesterday and begged me to go play on his server.
The name stealer. My current name is Moby.

Topic is done please lock no questions at all
Bumped. From half way down to top.

Why did I sort of laugh here lol

But anyways, I agree with you Nobot. And I mean it's pretty obvious that Designer is Glass lol
Hes because the "Glass is back" avatar doesn't give it away.

General Discussion / Re: Name Stealer: Glass -Oh god it was TomTom.
« on: May 23, 2012, 06:51:51 PM »
nobody said you had
But ik people are going to try to Report it to try to get me banned.

Drama / Re: §Nibble§ - Lying and Abusive Host.
« on: May 23, 2012, 06:51:16 PM »
I'm not lying, dumbass. You were there at the time I was admin were you? no, thought not.
I am glass. and i never admined an idiot like you. I never even liked you, You just always stalked me.

General Discussion / Re: Name Stealer: Glass -Oh god it was TomTom.
« on: May 23, 2012, 06:50:17 PM »
It dosn't break any rules since i blurred it and it wasn't on Blockland nor Blockland Forums.

General Discussion / Re: Name Stealer: Glass -Oh god it was TomTom.
« on: May 23, 2012, 06:13:19 PM »
Is any of this against rules? Stealing a players name to purposely destroy what little friends i person has left, ANd purposely get a Name Deactivated?

I'm getting my friend to remove this guy, he looks like such a dumbforget.

Nice evidence, Nobot.
Mob connections?

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