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Messages - Harm94

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Games / Re: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4
« on: November 14, 2015, 12:28:36 AM »
Whoops, the point I am trying to make is that it's not that difficult to write up a place where your post apocalyptic game takes place and who and what inhabits your world. They could have easily made a futuristic game with the 1950s transplanted into it and focused without having to go buy the Fallout IP.

95% of Fallout 3 is pretty unique to itself and has nothing in common. The other 5% could have been ripped off and renamed to avoid trademark and copyright issues.

The 5% that 3 and the others have in common would be the vault boy mascot, pipboy, the chems, the weapons in name, the T-51B and T-45(Van Buren), Harold, the death claw, mole rat, radscorpion, ghouls, the super mutants, the BoS, and the Enclave. Other that everything else is unique in itself.

That's pretty much it. Tim Cain under Troika could have gone on to make Fallout 3 and Bethesda could have had their own Unique post apocalyptic rpg with TES elements. Don't know why they went on to go buy the IP though since it doesn't make sense.

its not smart to engage terrorists using automatic weapons with civilian arms
keep your head down and stay in a defensive position
semi > auto

The only gun I'd consider "civilian" is any rifle that has a Class 3 specification that has been removed of its full auto capability. Like an AR-15.
Full auto has always been a gimmick on small arms. No one trains to use it because its a waste of ammo since you have factors like barrel climb and recoil. Semi will always been king.

Games / Re: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4
« on: November 13, 2015, 11:39:01 PM »
I have a feeling you've never done it before
Trust me it's easy.

Our ripoff we'll be called Afterglow, For our rip off we'll pick New Mexico. The bomb shelters will be called Sanctums. Pip-Boy can be Pid-Man. Our main factions will be called Order of Steel, Directorate, Co-Prosperity Union, and Disciples of the Mushroom cloud. Our "Raider" factions will be called The Red Tide, Copperheads, the Brakemen, and some generic bandits. Minor Factions will be Children of the Church and Rail Gypsies. Some of our Communities will be Rail Junction(Santa Fe), Glow Sands, and The Crucible.

Our monsters and will be Giant Scorpion, Camel Bug, Gila Monster, Mega Copperhead, Coyotes, rabid dog, Death Stalker(death claw), Sand Rat, Sand Hawk(Cazadore), Long Horn, Ram.

The player's home has failed power generator that can only be fixed with a replacement part. They are running on back up power, but they need the main generator to sustain life support systems. They want nothing to do with the outside and they need you to find the piece. Said piece is locked up in an abandoned bunker that the main factions want a hold of for some reason. Had this been a game instead of Fallout, people who had never heard of fallout would have called this a unique game.

Games / Re: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4
« on: November 13, 2015, 09:27:51 PM »
Its their game now, they can do whatever they want with the lore. If they change it from Interplay's bullstuff then that's what they did.
Which begs the question in the first place, why buy the rights in the rights in the first place? They could have easily got Tim Cain, Sawyer, and Chris Avellone on board to do Fallout 3.

World building isn't that hard to do and essentially they already made their own universe which essentially has nothing to do with what has already been established.

Games / Re: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4
« on: November 13, 2015, 08:29:45 PM »
Im sick of everything taking place in california. That state is a spotlight whore.
Depends. If we are talking about Los Angeles I'd say yes. However I think NYC alone gets way more attention if not the East Coast.

I say we pick some irrelevant place like Idaho. The core region is pretty much done since it's a pretty settle place now and all that remains are pockets of badnits/raiders here there while the rest of the place is has modernizing civilization, grumpy greedy Brahmin barons, and bureaucratic NCR. We must push westward. Just not past the Mississippi.

Off Topic / Re: jihadi john is dead
« on: November 13, 2015, 08:13:36 PM »
So you're saying that most of the civilian deaths fit into this scenario or what?
Depends. Drones carry a very accurate missile which was made to go blow up soviet tanks in the 80s. However since it's pretty accurate it is used for precision strikes. Precision strikes are carried out to reduce collateral damage.

One of the most effective ways to weaken your enemy is to go after the leadership. Remember important people don't go out in the open often, if they do they are going to have a shield and they know that the US doesn't kill civilians intently, so they use this to their advantage.

I suppose they could send a sniper team, but there is no guarantee he will be there when they get there. Plus there is also the risk of your boys getting captured or killed. You could also chose for your target to vacate, but there is a chance you'll loose him or you will never see him again. Your window of opportunity is limited.

The drone is disposable, fast, and stealthy. If gets shot down or crashes, no big deal. Also compared to the Russians and their Soviets predecssors, they just lob giant pieces of ordinance everywhere and leave nothing behind. Civilian casualties aren't good, but they aren't unavoidable either.

so that means it's alright to kill them. ok
I don't see you offering solutions or alternatives. All you do is complain and go "nah ah, that won't work" and just throw out empty questions. If you want to do some good, then find the answer and sell it.

I've condemned invading Pakistan's airspace in the past, but the Pakistanis aren't angels either and they have proven themselves to be untrustworthy. I have also condemned strikes of civilians. However let's face it, why would you intently stand around a person knowing they got a target on their back.

if theres anything left they can check for body parts or ashes or... something
although they'd have to seperate whatever is left of the car and whatever is left of the body
You are going to send some guys out in enemy territory to sift through rubble to indentify some unidentifiable charred remains?

Violence can pass through "closed" borders.
It also happens in countries with even the strictest laws and regulations. Basically more likely in places than others depending on the conditions.

Definitely the year of terror attacks for France.

Off Topic / Re: jihadi john is dead
« on: November 13, 2015, 05:49:01 PM »
american drones aren't god or holy in any way, they kill innocents all the time
Depends on what you mean by innocent. Often higher ranking Taliban members are looked at as celebrities that people want to flock to meet. They often found at parties and weddings. Anyone who was caught in the blast damn well knows they are danger just by being there.

Annoying Orange has pretty much doomed himself

Games / Re: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4
« on: November 13, 2015, 11:15:59 AM »
I feel like all weapons look the same including legendary weapons. It's like there is no truly "unique" weapons and it's all just borderlands style guns.
it seems more like they want the bioware/borderlands/minecraft audience

Off Topic / Re: jihadi john is dead
« on: November 13, 2015, 11:14:23 AM »

Someone give that missile that killed him the purple heart and the medal of honor.

Off Topic / Re: poland ball thread
« on: November 13, 2015, 01:30:01 AM »

Games / Re: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4
« on: November 13, 2015, 01:26:21 AM »
I always hated the karma system. It felt so useless to me.
I think it is pretty important since it's been a key element in other games. For example certain followers had a certain code of conduct for example some followers refuse to work with other Flash Mobing starfishs and child killers, others refuse or try to kill you if you joined a certain faction. In other cases being an starfish got bounty hunters sent after you, pissing off the wrong faction sends hit men after you. Basically it ties into choice and consequence.

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