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Messages - Arekan

Pages: 1 ... 220 221 222 223 224 [225]

Modification Help / Re: Slayer | OMA *FINAL* released! | New poll!
« on: November 19, 2011, 06:16:40 PM »
Why does it crash on me when I set it to OMA mode D:

Name: Arekan
BL_ID: 5752
Have Steam: Yes
How often you will check for our server: Whenever I am on (Which is always)
Why you should test: I'm bored / Would like to help.
Have you tested for me before: Nope.


I could also help make sounds and song loops.
(I could also make a video preview that isn't stuffty, but I don't think its needed.)

I think I have edited the explosion sound :o
and somehow the door / chest sound.

Found out it was updated just today.

Games / Re: How much have you spent on Consoles/PC's?
« on: November 13, 2011, 12:47:01 PM »
I don't know, but probably closer to 1 thousand.
Thousand dollar PC
Xbox (150)
PS3 (somewhere around 100)
Wii (dontknow)
Games on all those (probably about 1200 right there)

2250 dollars if I am correct.

Help / Player Light Doesn't Work
« on: November 12, 2011, 04:19:22 PM »
Its on my server only, The default player light won't turn on for me or any other joiner. I think it might be a conflicting mod, but I am not sure. Have any ideas on it?

Games / Re: Apparently you CAN beat minecraft
« on: November 12, 2011, 12:36:18 PM »
Holy stuff. Those are very burger-like burgers.

Off Topic / Re: What dog breed is right for you? 2.5
« on: November 12, 2011, 11:03:22 AM »
Golden Retriever yeah!

i like golden retrievers c:

Help / Blockland launcher starts then closes
« on: November 11, 2011, 07:21:09 PM »
The launcher starts up, when it finishes 'Blockland.exe has stopped working' comes up and its forced to shut down, I don't know but there is one line in my launcher log that concerns me, ill post the full log in case needed.

Trying to launch game with CreateProcess, binary is 'C:\Users\Brandon\My Documents\Blockland//Blockland.exe'
Shutting down the OpenGL display device...
Making the GL rendering context not current...
Deleting the GL rendering context...
Releasing the device context...

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