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Messages - Thenamelessone

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Games / Re: DoD and CS:S guest passes!
« on: December 31, 2008, 09:15:55 PM »
Can I have a CS:S one?That game looks cool.
Steam ID:TestSubject

Games / Re: Steam sale on everything
« on: December 31, 2008, 09:14:35 PM »
I wish someone would gift me TF2 or CS:S.Since I don't have a credit card of my own and my parents buy me all my games off of Steam and won't buy me any more games for like a month and I could actually buy both with my own money :(.Though if someone gifted me one of them I would gift them something on another holiday :D.(My Steam ID is TestSubject if you would be so kind as to gift one to me :D)

How do you not understand?Constraint means to weld together(Not actually sure just too lazy to get a definition).By Secondary and Primary I mean the mouse buttons.And it would weld the vehicles together like if you hammered a nail into a board that is on top of another.

Add-Ons / Re: Crowbar
« on: December 31, 2008, 01:16:15 PM »
I just realized something.The sound it uses is from HL not HL2.Nice job on it though, you should make a HL2 Pack or something.

Drama / Re: ID Discrimination - Why are you picking on us?
« on: December 30, 2008, 09:21:48 PM »
People are going to discriminate against people with IDs over, well, probably 7,500ish.

The only way to escape this is to gain a reputation that includes, but is not limited to;

  • Correct spelling.
  • Acting like a human.

And being on the forums. The thing is, everyone that was on the forums and was cool got their IDs low when retail came out. As the IDs get higher, there are less and less proven-mature people buying IDs, so we have to rely on mature people stumbling across the game.

And people that stumble across the game are usually people that are 10 and under that searched 'lego game' on Google and got this.
Odd, My ID is 7904 and no one has ever banned me or disliked me because of my ID.

Suggestions & Requests / A hammer that can constraint things and attack.
« on: December 30, 2008, 09:07:43 PM »
A hammer that could constraint vehicles would be cool.Like if you wanted to Self Delete bomb someone you could hammer flame barrels to a plane and crash into them.That would be like a secondary attack and primary would hurt things like the sword does.

Add-Ons / Re: Click Push
« on: December 29, 2008, 11:07:11 AM »
For some reason it only works if I click someones head.I don't really care about that so long as it works.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Blockland/halo stuff
« on: December 28, 2008, 09:08:58 PM »
It would be nice to have a variety of creatures to fight,but Halo?No.

Off Topic / Re: Who got gifts? Post what you got this holiday season.
« on: December 25, 2008, 05:08:35 AM »
animal crossing wii :D
guitar stand
wasabi peanuts :o
some other food stuffs

still more to get though
What are wasabi peanuts?

Also it's 5:10 so I haven't woken up my family yet to open presents.
But I think I got Animal Crossing:Wild World(Wii) because my mom had been trying to get one off ebay and something in the shape of a game case arrived one day but I didn't feel like spoiling it so I didn't open it.

Off Topic / Re: About My Muppet...
« on: December 21, 2008, 09:21:49 PM »
I wish I had a muppet of myself,yours is awesome though.

I've never seen you do anything that annoys me :D

Drama / Re: Admins
« on: December 21, 2008, 05:53:51 PM »
He was an admin on someone elses server.I believe it was "Wizards City Build"

Drama / Re: Admins
« on: December 21, 2008, 05:44:16 PM »
Once an admin was saying his server didn't work so I told him to forward his ports and I got perma banned for this reason: "I know that!

Games / Re: List the games you want but don't have.
« on: December 20, 2008, 03:54:10 PM »
Counter-Strike: Source
Half-Life 2 & HL2 Episodes
Team Fortress 2(Mom wont buy it for me :C)
Prince of Persia(Newest One)
Prince of Persia Warrior Within and Two Thrones

And by the way,Garry's Mod doesn't need Half-Life 2,I used Portal which uses the Source engine also.You could even get Half-Life:Source($10.00) and Garry's Mod (Makes it only $20.00 :))

Off Topic / Re: Kid Shoots Parents for Taking Away His Copy of Halo 3
« on: December 20, 2008, 02:44:51 PM »
He is an idiot because of this, this is probably why his parents didn't want him to buy it,He would get addicted and then get it taken away and be mad.

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