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Messages - Kaz

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please, enlighten me as to this "overt censorship" and "blatant advertising." it wouldn't be that hard because it's already proven, right?
Here's a link to some of the censorship that goes on in /r/games. You'd have to give me a little while to find the thread that started it off, but they've nuked a few threads over the past few months. As for the ads, I feel that one is kinda self explanatory. For lack of a better word, there will always be shills.

... No. The price was raised so that they could go %30 off while maintaining the same price during the Steam Summer Sale.
The price wasn't raised at all. The game was and has been sitting at 59.99$ for a while. The discount is the free 1mil$ in online money that comes with the purchase of the BUNDLE and not the base game. The base game hasn't been discounted.

too bad you have nothing to back that up. like most conspiracy theories, lol.
You can go in the subreddit, look at their modbox, click their names and see the subs they mod. A popular example is r/games which has been making waves lately with overt censorship and blatant advertising. I don't really wanna argue with you or anything, you just keep coming at me for stuff that seriously has already been proven.

The price was raised because of the additional free money card in the package. The base price of the game is unchanged. In addition, the game without the card is still up on the store for purchase at original price.

can someone explain to me what the issue with SRS is
as far as I can tell it's just for making fun of people saying loveist stuff
which is far from the worst thing someone can do
From what I understand, it's a cabal of power users that get themselves promoted to mods on other subs and slowly turn the sub into the kind of hugbox rad fems seem to enjoy. The sub itself is kind of a staging point for them and a mix between /r/cringe and the opposite of /r/tumblrinaction.

It's honestly kind of a hivemind thing for rad fems.

That's imgur's problem, not reddit's.
The site also had a set of rules that prohibited harassment. When you break those rules, you face the consequences. It has nothing to do with whatever freedoms you may think you have in a private domain, they broke the rules, and they got banned.
The rules are iffy and abused constantly. What counts as harassment these days? What counts as private investigating? How is it private investigating if the info is available to the public?

Games / Re: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!
« on: June 11, 2015, 06:09:20 PM »
Support Kalista masterrace.

They were banned for brigading and harassing imgur administration- not becuase they were targeted by reddit administration.
Because imgur banned their content without warning or reasons given.

First of all, that wasn't a joke. The person who made that statement was Martin Niemoller, and he was imprisoned and put into a concentration camp by a national socialists. If that's your idea of a joke then apparently jokes aren't supposed to be funny anymore. Guess that's where the "jokes" at r/fph came from.
Chill. No need to be aggressive.

Secondly, this isn't like the national socialists jailing somebody for speaking out against the invasion of Poland or the ghetto-ization of the Jews. This is like the owner of an apartment building throwing out a bum who pisses out of a second story window onto the pedestrians below. Apples and oranges.
The site called itself the front page of the internet. The internet values personal freedoms highly. People feel freedoms were stepped on when the subreddits were banned. I agree that people can and should be able to say what they wish. When you work for an online corporation using your real name you should expect people to know who you are. You made yourself a public figure.

Off Topic / Re: Yo I'm almost an Eagle Scout
« on: June 11, 2015, 05:59:12 PM »
I was never into the whole scouts and group activities as a kid. Are you doing it for the benefits of having it on a college admission/resume? Are you just doing to because your parents put you in when you were young?

Games / Re: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!
« on: June 11, 2015, 05:15:43 PM »
Has anyone tried out Caitlyn post-patch? I've yet to see her. At least Ashe's insane poke is gone.

I think it's more about the principle of the matter. The internet is about absolute freedoms, even if that means things like stormfront or /r/picsofdeadkids. It's all or nothing; you don't get to pick and choose. Once people take away one form of freedom, what's to stop the rest from going?

What's that one joke about not defending other things until you find yourself alone under attack with no one to defend you?

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