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Messages - Cdog1st

Pages: 1 ... 22 23 24 25 26 [27]
Clan Discussion / Re: My assasians clan.
« on: July 22, 2009, 11:18:56 AM »
how is that i pwn most of the people i know i have a lot of practice you should get some to play this online kill game go to play stick arena buy a lab pass get practice there you get ranks street cred and a lot of guns but if you just start playing beware of people who will beat you im rank 6 we have 15 ranks play that thats how i am good im not saying im the best i can pwned i have before P.S. if i have a revovler it will hurt.

if you want to battle me go to Eminems server then we can fight he has add-ons so we will finaly et to know im there when ever the server is open not late though cause my mom wants on.

Clan Discussion / Re: My assasians clan.
« on: July 21, 2009, 01:54:10 AM »
very unlikley.

Clan Discussion / Re: My assasians clan.
« on: July 18, 2009, 04:21:28 AM »
And plus im still litlle new so im kinda am acting stupid cause im making a clan to early I must wait a while.

Clan Discussion / Re: My assasians clan.
« on: July 18, 2009, 04:19:32 AM »
One stfu this thread sucks don't reply to it wow your maturity sucks Two I don't give a flying forget if you join or not its not a clan no more Three I don't open servers cause no one comes to thme and how will you kick my ass on a game you handicapped dope.

Clan Discussion / Re: My assasians clan.
« on: July 14, 2009, 05:04:32 AM »
Shut the hell up I do not care at all don'y join I don'y give a damn christ.

Off Topic / Re: My mom just made me feel really sad :(
« on: July 12, 2009, 08:28:18 PM »
wow howdo you get heart broken over that im not trying to be a bully but wow.

Never mind im un-banned now don't post here no more.

Clan Discussion / Re: My assasians clan.
« on: July 12, 2009, 08:21:42 PM »
I know I spelled assasin wrong wtf idc and plus I don't need you smart mouth comments we are still growing so wtf ever im just building it will grow in time so be patcient I spelt it wrong, and what does it matter if you join I don't care so wtf.

I need help plz.

Off Topic / Grrrrrr!! i need help finding contact for uxie on v12
« on: July 11, 2009, 08:18:15 PM »
Some guy perma banned me for no reason and uxie said no perma bans how do i cantact whats his email or pm or reply something.

Clan Discussion / Re: My assasians clan.
« on: July 11, 2009, 07:07:37 PM »
No rasict replys.

Clan Discussion / My assasians clan.
« on: July 09, 2009, 08:25:27 PM »
My clan are assasians,(obvouis) we collect money from the people who want us to work for them.(we RP wit the money thing)
We arent a really in the whole clan thng ti'll we get more members i am planning to make my first allie though the S.A.S. clan S.A.S. means Special Air Services.

We have 8 members we all have tallents me im a sniper, my friends S.W.A.T. Guy he is a weapons provider,(I just said that idk really) and another friend of mine his name is uh I forgot well anyways hes a pilot.

So thats it, if you wish to join leave reply to this topic thank you and have a great day. P.S. We assasians have to disguies if we want to get to heavy targets.

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