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Messages - Soukuw

Pages: 1 ... 269 270 271 272 273 [274] 275
I bought it for $0
You bought it for the grand cost of lying awake at night deciding where you went wrong in life.

Okay I bought it for that much as well but it doesn't matter because I'm already plagued with the previous sentence.

I found Lord Tony's comment.

Coffee mug?
More like coffee mug holder!

Tonys full of himself.

And that guy there is a sad excuse for a Man.
I mean come on, Pinkie pie's train? Atleast get something better!
Like a Lyra plush!

Wait what, Faust isn't in the show anymore?

I'm going to go read the Wikipedia page a few times so I don't sound stupid later on.
She hasn't been for a while.

I don't really know if you guys care about this stuff but I find it funny as hell and I think at least a few of you do too.

The most recent installment of discussion from Tony.

Games / Re: Wurm Online - BLOCKLAND SUMMER DRAMA 2012
« on: June 05, 2012, 08:42:28 PM »
Does anyone want me to join them?

holy stuff zookuw has 666 pages of posts
Yeah I noticed that as well.

Off Topic / Re: dead cat helicopter 2012
« on: June 05, 2012, 06:32:02 PM »
I don't know how I feel about this.

Here is what he sent me if anyone cares to know:

Funny stuff.
Lord Tony's steam avatar.
I laughed.

I bet he's saying that I'm ruining art with my ponyfriendry.
Every sentence he says to me always has "(X)cigarette" in it, always.

Fun fact: Tony knew about my ban before I even did, that means he lurks this topic cursing our names. :D

Mad makes you mad, :P
They made anouther one, My little pwny, i do believe.
youtube it, you'll find it

How was that banner done anyway?
You go here:
Sign up then upload the images somewhere and provide direct links to the website.
Once you're done with that it has a link you put it somewhere and when you go to that link it auto redirects to the links you gave the website.

Edit: I just tried putting a bunch of non image links in one of them and apparently if you do that it will lead to a random link.

Well, at least the real OP doesn't have much other than NUMBERS a gif and what the thread is called.
Not much huh?
It's not a gif, gifs don't rotate like that.

Edit: Wait a second it does say it is a gif, that's weird.

Pages: 1 ... 269 270 271 272 273 [274] 275