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Messages - sir dooble

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Games / Re: E3/EA Play 2017 Megathread: Bethesda in 3 hours!
« on: June 11, 2017, 07:52:22 PM »
I really enjoyed the Microsoft Show, but I was a little disappointed that Xbox One X wasn't announced to have VR yet.

Also, some of the game reveals were a little boring or gave next to no info about themselves, like the space station game.
And they kept bringing guests on who then did nothing (like the 2 pointless drivers for Forza) or were spoken over by the videos.

I did thoroughly enjoy the Sea of Thieves video though, which was put together really well.
And I'm excited for State of Decay 2, curious about AC Origins, and intrigued by BioWare's new game.

damn for real?
It was announced at E3 two years ago, and released November 2015. So it's closer to a year and a half old.

Off Topic / Re: why do people hate mayo so much
« on: June 07, 2017, 01:22:50 PM »
for some reason, tomatoes from the grocery store are super nasty. the only acceptable tomatoes i've had were from my garden ... but now my household is a no-tomato zone 'cause it gives my dad an itchy mouth or something. i miss tomato. salty tomato is best
An itchy mouth means he has a mild allergy.

And I'm surprised your store-bought ones taste bad. Admittedly I have had supermarket veg that is dry or a bit off, but it's kind of uncommon.
Maybe try some from a greengrocers and see if they're fresher.

I do like tomatoes but not usually on their own. I'm also put off of cherry tomatoes for some reason.
But I love Beef Tomatoes, especially on a juicy burger.

I just finished Far Harbor for the first time and I'm about to get started on Automatron

I liked the quests and the story but the island was such an awful place to get around, my least favorite parts of the commonwealth have always been those areas where it's just kind of...lumpy? and that's the majority of the far harbor landscape with the addition of fallen trees everywhere and constant fog and murkiness that makes it a pain to see much of anything, it was actually making my eyes hurt

the Red Death quest and the story with the bowling alley were top notch though, I'm afraid I may have missed some other locations with good narratives but I hate moving around that island so god-damn much that I've got to at least take a break before I consider looking around any more
I rather liked Far Harbor, but I do agree with you regarding the annoying terrain.
The most annoying aspect though is that all 3 of its player settlements have the same poor terrain and it can be quite tricky to build decently on them.
One of the settlements is also mostly a pre-existing building to work in and as with most of these the default settlement system struggles as you try to squeeze things in without the game telling you they're clipping.

As for interesting Far Harbor locales there's one on a small cluster of islets in the West (If my memory serves me) which has a decent self-contained story, and it has a pretty good reward for any crafters/settlement builders, which also periodically respawns.

Off Topic / Re: why do people hate mayo so much
« on: June 07, 2017, 04:05:46 AM »
I love mayonnaise, but it is really unhealthy.
So much fat in it, but I could eat chips and Hellmans for days.

Off Topic / Re: UK Election 2017 - Snap election
« on: June 05, 2017, 08:14:39 AM »
Jeez, don't get me started on Diane Abbott. I can not believe there is such a blithering hyopcritical tribal so prominently stationed in the Labour party.

Off Topic / Re: UK Election 2017 - Snap election
« on: June 05, 2017, 07:01:00 AM »
Hoping that UKIP wins, if I had to choose a different party though I'd choose conservative.
UKIP aren't going to do well in the election. They suffered last election on account of the First Past The Post system which prevented them getting proportional seats.

This year they will suffer a lack of votes as they are a primarily one-issue party who have achieved their goal. They wanted the UK to leave the EU and that is happening and they don't have strong enough points on other issues. A lot of UKIP voters will return to the Tories.

Of note this is also likely should Scotland ever leave the UK. Lots of SNP voters will leave for Scottish Labour if the SNP ever achieved their main goal.

I am changing from UKIP to Tory.
I support Theresa May as a strong-willed leader who has a party in liine with her and will work towards good negotiations with Brussels.

I can't support a communist who wants to throw all our money away like it's going out of fashion.
Nor do I want him when he historically has a bleeding heart for terrorists and truly believes he can just sit down at a table with a loose organisation of jihadists.

Off Topic / Re: BLM wins peace prize
« on: June 05, 2017, 06:45:13 AM »
Obama has more wars than any other US president under his belt.

Wins Nobel Peace Prize.
BLM won the Sydney Peace Prize, not the Nobel Peace Prize.
The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in December in Norway, and has been taking place every year since 1901.
The Sydney Peace Prize is awarded in November in Sydney, Australia, and has taken place annually since 1998.

It's worth pointing out that they are two different organisations, as the Nobel is much more widely known and the two are easily confused.

That said both the Sydney and Nobel Peace Prizes are played to politics. The nominations come from political organisations and individuals, and in the case of the Nobel Peace Prize its members are voted in by the Nowegian government.

Neither awards really have much merit as they're open to lots of political bias.
This also goes somewhat for the Nobel Prize for Literature and slightly less so for the Prizes for Chemistry, Physics, Physiology/Medicine, and Economics.

Off Topic / Re: how do you pronounce
« on: May 31, 2017, 03:49:52 AM »
it has and always will be pronounced pair-a-dime
It's less "pair-a-dime" and more "para-dime" (as in parachute) when I say it, but I think I would boil the difference down to being due to accents.

Off Topic / Re: how do you pronounce
« on: May 31, 2017, 03:40:56 AM »

From an outside perspective it seems fine, but in a religion that teaches devotion to a singular truth, it seems difficult to adapt the religion in anyway without undermining its meaning.

There's not really anything wrong with the practice though, and all religions have experienced it to some extent.

I like The Rock as a person a lot, and I honestly can't be certain that he couldn't win.
But, he has no experience in politics or management at all.

I couldn't see him being a good or effective President.

I think Arnie could be decent if he can even run for the position.

Off Topic / Re: 300 US Marines vs 60000 Romans
« on: May 20, 2017, 05:22:37 PM »
Hmm, very good points.
I hadn't considered the Marines playing with semi-guerilla tactics. Makes me wonder if the Romans could win simply by not fighting and pinning the Marines down in a siege.

I still struggle to see the Marines winning just on account of the numbers, I feel like they would all have to be armed to the teeth and still play perfectly. Minor mistakes could cause a loss by simple attrition.

But I'm also struggling to not think of both sides by their portrayals in movies and TV. I can see a Marine going Rambo but forget that no Marine has ever faced off against 60,000 men all at once before. Could either sides Morale hold up? One faces an unending horde and the other a bunch of death machines.

Off Topic / Re: Icygamma: McBiography of an eventer. [VIDEO]
« on: May 20, 2017, 05:06:21 PM »
That reminds me, Whatever happened to IcyGamma?
He was around and then he wasn't.

Same with Furdle.
Icy has come and gone and come and gone a few times now. Not sure when his last visit was.

To the best of my knowledge Furdle is still doing charity work in Malawi. In October 2016 he said he had 9 months left out there, so he should be back around July/August.

Off Topic / Re: 300 US Marines vs 60000 Romans
« on: May 20, 2017, 04:56:47 PM »
I feel like the Marines would still have the advantage in any fight. Assuming that they only have infantry weapons, they still have grenade launchers, GPMGs, and disposable rocket launchers that would incapacitate several Romans at a time.
Your entire post is a really good point, but if we're allowing all sides to have access to their complete arsenal of infantry weapons then I still feel that the Marines are forgeted.

If I have 60,000 Roman Soldiers (who depending on definition may not even be Italians) all equipped with bows and arrows, then I can unleash such a volley of arrows that no Marines would survive, even if they took out thousands of Romans.

If we play in a real environment it only gets easier for the Romans to get into a perfect range.

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