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Messages - Ide

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General Discussion / Re: zapk did me a favor
« on: February 04, 2015, 07:51:43 PM »
Self Delete by block

General Discussion / Re: Glass' Blockland Servers [Server Survey - PAGE 34]
« on: February 01, 2015, 04:18:52 AM »

General Discussion / Re: Glass' Blockland Servers [Server Survey - PAGE 34]
« on: February 01, 2015, 12:19:55 AM »
Those logos were made with an online text generator any whom, with the only one actually needing any actual work being the purple f-18.
They were made with photoshop actually.

The only logos i made was the Fort wars and the Trench wars logos.

If you're really that insecure and feel pissy for not getting credit for something as minor as that I don't mind spending 10 minutes and replacing your content. Next time open with who you are rather than insults. He probably would have updated the OP with your credits if you said who you were and asked for the credit you deserved. The topic is a couple of months old now and keeping the credits section up to date isn't a main priority. Since you've decided to bring the issue up 40 pages in it would probably suggest you've either been a way for a while or you just haven't been around Glass often and he probably forgot you. I know I did anyway.
I can understand him forgeting about something as simple as credits for the logos, however he's used those logos so much.
Those aren't all of them.
I understand some of those are old, and me and glass had a little 'fall-out', we made up and we hung out a little more than occasionally and I shouldn't have to give him my new name for the credit "wound" would do like he did all the other ones.
I'm not trying to be a doucher and I apologize for calling you a douche Glass, I just felt like you ignored my PMs, I understand you didn't know I was Wound, now.

Drama / Re: Aidan12 - Kicking everyone from his server
« on: January 31, 2015, 09:55:31 AM »
good lord.

Lol I even remembering making the layout for the old thread.

I don't even know who you are.
I'm wound... I made the Fortwars & Trench logos bro.

Even if you don't know who I am you should at least put Wound in there. Or now that you know, put Ide.

And I never put credit up for the logo, only what was built in game.
You use to have credit for the logos dude, I remember.

Yeah glass you're a douche, people do stuff for you and you don't even have the courtesy to just give them credit..

Sooo, no credit for making those logos in the OP?

General Discussion / Re: Helicopters
« on: January 30, 2015, 09:27:44 AM »
...Why isn't this just a vehicle?
Why does it have to be a script?
Why do you complain man, i know its what you do, but like, complain about something that matters.

General Discussion / Re: Changing my blockland username to Xhozer.
« on: January 29, 2015, 06:29:01 PM »
Whoa! You guys play blockland!? I never seen a single forumer actually playing BL
That's all in your head bucko, you sit in off-topic with 60% of the forums. People do actually play the game.

Gallery / Re: [VIDEO-WIP] Epic Rap Battles of History | Pecon7 vs. Tezuni
« on: January 29, 2015, 12:29:37 PM »
Pecon is in this screenshot to the left.


General Discussion / Re: Helicopters
« on: January 29, 2015, 12:24:02 PM »
the up and down thing was forgeted

Off Topic / Re: Controversial topic.
« on: January 28, 2015, 09:50:42 PM »
Holy stuff.
Yeah, how about you read threads instead of going around stuffting everywhere lol.

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