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Messages - Moriarty

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Games / Re: Haydee - a game on steam now
« on: September 27, 2016, 12:48:46 AM »
she got a big ass and a huge titty
I'm gonna nut them both.

mythic dungeons are the way dungeons were meant to be made

I love this expansion so goddamn much, I have an ABUNDANCE of things to do rather than an absence!
It's incredible!


This expansion is already looking to be so much better than WoD lol it is sad that 6.1 in WoD was a selfie camera and twitter while 7.1 in Legion is a loving mini raid and a 9 boss dungeon

Games / Re: World of Warcraft: Legion Megathread: The Legion Invades
« on: August 15, 2016, 03:48:35 PM »
these threads always die before the 10th page for some reason
not alot of us play WoW sadly :*(
Too busy playing WoW to post in the topic frequently, sorry.
combination of these two things
I'm hoping that Legion will bring a few people back to the game, quite a few of the people on this forum have played WoW before but quit because they didn't agree with all of the changes

Off Topic / Re: inactive forumers you miss?
« on: August 11, 2016, 07:34:42 PM »

Games / Re: World of Warcraft: Legion
« on: August 11, 2016, 07:19:48 PM »
so i want to hear from actual people, does this expansion make the game decent again
For reference, my highest raiding achievements involve "casual" mythic raiding, and my highest pvp achievement was 2k in MoP, not great but enough to get the ropes and stuff.

Legion is so much better than WoD. It is going to make WoW great again, for new and the old.
Every class has in some way or form has that feel that makes it feel like they are really amazing at what they should be amazing at.
From what classes I've played, the feel is great. A brewmaster really is a master of dodging and drunken brawling, a windwalker is a kung-fu master, and the feel for both of these things is so strong because of how their abilities work and function and how they flow, and that's just two examples.
Havoc demon hunters cause.. well, a stuffton of havoc. They're flying all over the damn place and it's super cool to watch and play with (i've had a blast on beta)
I think that raiding is going to be awesome and pvp got reworked
There's stuff for everyone. Do you hate raiding? Do mythic dungeons! They're like greater rifts from diablo, but in WoW
it all comes down to personal opinion, but as a beta player it's loving amazing and 7.0.3 has a lot of content that rivals the entirety of WoD
this as well, there's just SO much to do
professions have quests again
there's random stuff to find in the world
everything just feels so damn good, it's like blizzard said "How can we save the game" and fixed so much stuff that was wrong.
Class order halls are looked at as another garrison but you really do not spend much time there, there's so much to do in the world and so many ways to get there that there's no point sitting in a place that won't do nearly as much for you as a garrison used to. It's just incredible. I'm loving it



The Tomb of Sargeras has been reopened, and the demons of the Burning Legion pour into our world. Their full, terrifying might is fixed on summoning the Dark Titan to Azeroth—and they’ve already located the key to his return.
With the Alliance and Horde devastated, only you can take up Warcraft’s most legendary artifacts, scour the ancient Broken Isles for relics of the Titans, and challenge the Legion before Azeroth’s last hope dies.
Steel yourself, champion. Extinction is imminent.


Dominate your foes as a Demon Hunter, an elven outcast shunned for daring to wield the terrible powers of the Legion. Exhibiting superior mobility and a preternatural sense of awareness, Demon Hunters can tap into forbidden powers at times of dire need, metamorphosing into terrifying fel forms. Focus on Havoc to demolish any who stand in your way with fiery demonic attacks, or specialize in Vengeance and go toe to toe with even the most powerful demons, withstanding massive punishment as their attacks fuel your hatred.


Only Azeroth’s most seasoned veterans possess the fortitude to wield artifacts of legend against the Burning Legion. Your myth-forged weapon grows in power as you do, and your choices will change its abilities and the way it looks, sounds, and feels in combat. Fashion your artifact into the perfect instrument of battle, and guide your faction in its most desperate hour.

What is WoW?

World of Warcraft is an online game where players from around the world assume the roles of heroic fantasy characters and explore a virtual world full of mystery, magic, and endless adventure.
In World of Warcraft, you play the role of a fantasy hero. Over the course of his or her life, your character will brave thousands of quests, learn new and powerful abilities, amass (and likely spend) vast fortunes of gold, and find hundreds of powerful weapons, enchanted rings, artifacts, suits of armor, and more.

List of WoW expansions:


Most Recent News
The expansion has released!
Karazhan is now on the PTR.
Also, Discord! for anyone who is skeptical, already plays, or wants friends to play with when they start.

users that play wow:
Velateen (IGN: Namoo, Cútié Realm: Moonguard)
Moriarty (IGN: Moriartee, Orville, Ultrakaiju Btag: Moriarty#1353 Realm: Cenarius)
Kochieboy (IGN: ?? Btag: SilicoDeoxy#1689)
Headcrab Zombie (IGN: Baryzn Btag: Adam#1930 Realm: Stormrage)

Games / Re: Replacing n3ds top LCD screen (not XL, not original 3ds)
« on: August 07, 2016, 07:34:49 AM »
Thank you so much dude you're a god
I've watched a couple videos and it's good to hear that it's not super hard, gonna order that screen as soon as I can

Games / Replacing n3ds top LCD screen (not XL, not original 3ds)
« on: August 06, 2016, 07:10:47 PM »
So instead of stuffposting today I will ask you if any of you have experience in replacing a new 3ds' top screen. No I do not mean the XL. No I do not mean the original 3ds. I've been looking for the last hour, but I can't find any guides or anywhere to even order a screen.
If any of you can help out that would be awesome. I somehow cracked my screen and I wanna get the stuff fixed as soon as I can.
I've already checked if Nintendo will repair it and that'd be 85 dollars. I'd rather do it myself for cheaper
Thank you if you can help, if you can't, just a quick search would be nice. Maybe you'll find something I didn't

Picture of the damage. Not bad enough that I can't play, but bad enough that it's annoying as stuff

Games / Re: Really disappointing moments in games
« on: July 28, 2016, 02:44:57 AM »
Fable 2's end boss fight
U just loving open a box and shoot him once and he dies.

Off Topic / Re: PBG got arrested
« on: July 28, 2016, 02:15:29 AM »
hasn't been funny for the past 3 years

Games / Re: RuneScape Megathread ~ new tree
« on: June 30, 2016, 01:19:08 PM »

I'd have saved before my cat died and saved him

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