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Messages - chakadas

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5
Drama / Re: chakada
« on: December 23, 2016, 11:11:35 PM »
exactly where did you get jiggy from, he has nothing to do with this
also, I didn't give you guys admin, you can't give some one admin if you're the admin role and not one higher

Drama / Re: chakada
« on: December 23, 2016, 11:06:27 PM »
No I didn't give him admin, you can't give people the same role as you if you're a high role, he was mod to begin with

and exactly where did you even pull jiggy from he has nothing to do with this lmfao

Drama / Re: chakada
« on: December 23, 2016, 11:01:20 PM »
No I didn't
plus, again, you encouraged it, yet took no part in it, but you call peer pressure. funny.

Drama / Re: chakada
« on: December 23, 2016, 10:50:25 PM »
You weren't even there when we even did it, plus you were all for it so don't act like I manipulated you because you didn't do stuff in the first place lol
Also exposing some one's identity over a large discord is toxic in case you didn't know

Drama / Re: chakada
« on: December 23, 2016, 10:45:58 PM »
Ragref mic spammed the living hell out of me and you joined in saying nothing that I deleted your bot (which you could easily just make it rejoin) without any proof. No I am not toxic and this has nothing to deal with blockland
I have evidence to back myself up, but you do not
PLUS, you consider me toxic while you spammed a picture of tills all over a different discord (again, more hypocrisy)

Drama / Re: chakada
« on: December 23, 2016, 10:28:47 PM »
You claimed to be a mediator by saying "I'm just asking questions" but you were being a hypocrite by denying everything I said without any plausible evidence to back yourself up, whilst I had a ton to support my side of the argument
It's as if you didn't even read what I had to say, you just made conclusions and didn't want to be wrong

Lastly, taking a discord issue here is beyond me, I don't see what this has to do with blockland in any way

Drama / Re: chakada
« on: December 23, 2016, 10:26:49 PM »
1) you were all for the destruction of real nigz
2) ragref was spamming (mic and steam pm) and I did not ban the bot
You even said you had logs that I did ban the bot, then later said you didn't have logs lol
you see, when you have no evidence of me doing something, then claim I am lying, just shows blatant hypocrisy
No I was not getting angry, nobody was, plus neither of us knew who banned the bot but for some reason you blamed me.

Also, you did not invite me to the brown baker's discord, I was there at the start
So many misguided facts and flaws in that jumbled, poorly organized, massive wall of text.

Drama / Re: chakada pls
« on: October 16, 2016, 10:08:11 PM »
we did it boys my first real drama

General Discussion / Re: Scenery's SUBURBIA [THE MOUSTACHE]
« on: August 26, 2016, 06:25:07 PM »

got banned from discord because it wont let me post images,
so i get accused of "ip logging".
loving hilarious

shortly after i gave them this exact same imgur link,
 and then thats what banned me because they thought its "just more ip logs"
if you want to act victim on the forums without giving the whole story then go ahead, but nobody's falling for that

Add-Ons / Re: [Hatmod] Garfield hat
« on: August 20, 2016, 10:38:18 PM »

Rip italy :(
was too laggy and they didnt have their starters, may be next game will be grand

"meatsale is the MVP, he basically carried the team." - WALDO

Waldo putting his head on a chopping block...
meat got so many saves as goalkeeper he pretty much carried the team

General Discussion / Re: ghjmsfgyhjasrtfyj
« on: August 07, 2016, 07:40:05 AM »
haven't we had like 10 topics on this?

If you're having trouble making a team or doubting yourself talk to me, I have a team but i can definitely help more teams be formed

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