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Messages - Badspot

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Development / Re: 2020/05/20 - Blockland r2023-r2024
« on: May 20, 2020, 11:06:03 AM »
Yea I figured that would still work but am confused as to why my name is taken. I had it before all this, the name didn’t change while it was stolen, and now I should be the first to get it back?

It's a bug where it's checking your new name against your old name. 

Development / Re: 2020/05/20 - Blockland r2023-r2024
« on: May 20, 2020, 10:59:24 AM »

Development / Re: 2020/05/20 - Blockland r2023-r2024
« on: May 20, 2020, 09:59:26 AM »
You're somehow running the old version of the gui.  Do you have any add-ons that might be related to that?

Development / Re: 2020/05/20 - Blockland r2023-r2024
« on: May 20, 2020, 09:39:51 AM »
I'm on 2026, the server list is still messed up. I've tried disabling any addons that affect the server list gui, but no dice.

Messed up in what way?

Development / Re: 2020/05/20 - Blockland r2023-r2024
« on: May 20, 2020, 09:38:00 AM »
Consider reading past the first line.
Consider not opening your screed with the dumbest premise possible.  If you want a line by line, here goes:

I'd rather deal with a few annoying individuals than go through all the crap you're laying on us just to play the game.
Ok great.  Now you can deal with them because you're logged in with your steam account instead of your super secret blockland password that I have to keep for you.

Even disabling key auth is chasing a red herring. The exploit could have easily been used to steal entire steam accounts, or worse.
Sure, but that sounds like a job for steam support or the police, not Badspot. 

Key-sharing and other stuff you love to hate but no one cares about will still happen on steam, it will just be throwaway steam account sharing instead.
I haven't checked on key sharing in over a decade, it's just the people who need to get banned are usually sharing keys.  Major disruptions happen every time someone Self Deletes and posts their key publicly.  Sharing a steam login among a few trolls is a far different animal than posting an un-changeable key publicly. 

The only good thing to come out of this is temporary hosting keys, but that could have been done with the normal auth system too.
It is done using the normal auth system.  The normal auth system uses steam now.

And what about people who have played this game for years, and can't link to steam because they no longer have the e-mail they bought the game with?
Maybe they can use the other methods of conversion that I said I would implement in the post you didn't read. 

It seems like you're just telling them to forget off
It seems that way because you have built me up as some kind of fantasy cartoon villain in your own mind. 

If you're wondering what the hypothetical solution to this problem is, it's to let non-compromised users link to steam using their key, and let compromised users do so only from their locked IP.
Yes but the only way we have to tell who is compromised and who is not is the word of a angry script kiddy teen and a soulless Machiavellian robot.  On top of that, implementing multiple web forms at once is a recipe for disaster.  The solution to both problems is to implement the safest solution first and let people use that while the other options are developed. 


Development / Re: 2020/05/20 - Blockland r2023-r2024
« on: May 20, 2020, 08:50:51 AM »
Why are you putting so much inconvenience on regular users

Literally just run steam.  Such inconvenience.  I'm so cruel.  Write more paragraphs.

Development / Re: 2020/05/20 - Blockland r2023-r2024
« on: May 20, 2020, 08:07:53 AM »
Server list is messed up, investigating.

Development / Re: 2020/05/20 - Blockland r2023-r2024
« on: May 20, 2020, 08:01:28 AM »

The bytes mentioned aren't at that exact address though, you'll have to look for em

I'm just going to compile without CFG.  Sucks, but if I'm at the mercy rando openGL driver behavior there's not much I can do.  I don't know how to debug this.

Development / Re: 2020/05/20 - Blockland r2023-r2024
« on: May 20, 2020, 07:56:22 AM »
Not being able to play Blockland for these past few weeks has really sucked.

What happened to 17189?

Development / Re: 2020/05/20 - Blockland r2023-r2024
« on: May 20, 2020, 07:33:04 AM »
so i'm having a problem with hosting:
my server does auth properly but whenever webcom_postserver(); is called, it says "must provide steamTicket or dToken" even though i did provide the right dToken

Try now.

Development / Re: 2020/05/20 - Blockland r2023-r2024
« on: May 20, 2020, 07:30:38 AM »

Development / Re: 2020/05/20 - Blockland r2023-r2024
« on: May 20, 2020, 07:09:22 AM »
I can still change my name


Development / Re: 2020/05/20 - Blockland r2023-r2024
« on: May 20, 2020, 07:08:59 AM »
To launch Blockland, i need to downgrade to revision 1997.
Atleast i can play singleplayer.

How about loving explaining your problem. 

Development / Re: 2020/05/20 - Blockland r2023
« on: May 20, 2020, 06:11:39 AM »
what happened to revisions 2020-2022

The version number increases every time I check something into version control.


Frequent name changing is a major source of friendry.

make it possible to transfer a bl account from my steam alt to my main

Allowing that would also allow people to pass around BLIDs in gay discord ops.  Why do you even have a "steam alt"? 

Development / 2020/05/20 - Blockland r2023-r2031
« on: May 20, 2020, 05:16:50 AM »
Blockland r2023
  • The Blockland client now requires Steam to join internet games.  LAN and single player are unrestricted.
  • You can still use the launcher or a portable installation, you just need to have Steam running in the background.
  • Dedicated servers do not use Steam, but must have a login token in order to post the to the master server (details below)
  • Multiple BLIDs can be linked to one Steam account.
  • You can no longer change your username.  One BLID = one name.
  • Everyone with the default "Blockhead" name has had their name cleared and will be able to set a new name when they log in.
  • My BLID has changed from 0 to 1.
  • Joining a server now more complicated than before.  I would advise that add-ons should avoid direct creation or manipulation of GameConnection objects.  Just use the default ConnectToServer(%address, %password, %useDirect, %useArranged) script function if you have your own server browser/join gui.

There are many code changes involved here so if you see any bugs with names, joining, hosting, etc, don't hesitate to report them.

Blockland r2024
  • Added getKeyNumID() back in for add-on compatibility.

Blockland r2025
  • I meant getNumKeyID()
  • Added isUnlocked() for backwards compatibility, always returns true.

Blockland r2026
  • Fixed server list bug
  • Compiled without control flow guard

Blockland r2029
  • Renamed parts of default joinServerGui in an attempt to avoid add-on interference
  • Fixed joining passworded servers
  • Fixed passworded servers not showing up as orange
  • Fixed server filters
  • Fixed server list mixing up as pings come in
  • Added %client.bl_id back in for add-on compatibility
  • Fixed main.cs syntax error/unterminated string
  • Added steam_appid.txt to support using steam from launcher/portable install

Blockland r2030
  • Fixed eval error on colorGui
  • Improved error message when joining a server using old arguments, now immediately gets "Bad connection arguments" instead of going ahead with auth and getting "invalid blid"
  • More join dialog renaming in attempt to avoid mystery add-ons

Blockland r2031
  • Fixed server list not pinging more than 10 servers
  • Selected blid is now remembered in a $pref and automatically applied
  • Can now multi-client on a server without auth failing

Convert your game to Steam:

You can link Blockland IDs to your Steam account using your original purchase email.  Other methods of conversion will be added based on feedback, but this is the most sure-fire.
  • If you do not already use Steam, create a new account
  • Choose the purchase email method, forum email method, or key method and log in with Steam
  • You will be redirected to the Steam site to log in, and then redirected back to  The page uses openID, your login credentials never leave the Steam site.
  • Enter the email address you used to purchase Blockland.
  • A list of Blockland IDs purchased from that email will be displayed.  Select the ones that you wish to link to your Steam account.
  • Click "Request Email Link".  A confirmation email will be sent to you.
  • Open the email and click the confirmation link within 1 hour.

Hosting a dedicated server:
  • Connect your Blockand ID to Steam (see above)
  • Go to the Dedicated Server Token Management page.
    • A list of your BLIDs will be displayed
    • Click "Regen" to get a dToken for each BLID you want to host a dedicated server with
    • Copy the token and add it to your dedicated server command line arguments like so:
Code: [Select]
-dtoken 5716e25fa0c81149e2c24b977aa20f3e

    It's basically a password that allows a dedicated server to post to the master server in your name.  They can be regenerated at any time, so there is reduced risk in using them on a third party hosting provider.  However, you are still responsible for what is done with your login tokens, protect them accordingly. 

    You'll also need to log in to your BLID on the client at least once to set the username. 

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