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Messages - SlayerZ99

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Off Topic / Re: what song has the best guitar solo to you?
« on: December 12, 2017, 07:45:28 PM »
Really? No Eruption? Surrounded by children.
overrated in my opinion

Off Topic / Re: what song has the best guitar solo to you?
« on: December 12, 2017, 02:49:12 PM »
I really like David Gilmours solo in In Any Tongue

Games / Re: what game did you put the most time into?
« on: December 11, 2017, 06:31:37 PM »
Not sure how many I have on Blockland but I'd say its near or at the top

Then Star Wars Republic Commando - No clue how many hours exactly but way more than MW2
Then Modern Warfare 2 ~ 240 hours.

plenty of drunk shenanigans

went to the bars for the first time last night. Got super forgeted up and listened to a girl talk about how she wanted to bang her straight friend. Saw a kid wrecked and dragged out by the bouncer for refusing to pay for his drink. Ran into some of tje people in my department and one of my TA which was kinda awlward. And i only spent $35

Off Topic / Re: Police Shoot and Kill an Unarmed Daniel Shaver
« on: December 08, 2017, 06:33:15 PM »
incoherently? from the camera audio the speech is crystal clear. i don't get what's so confusing about "don't put your hands behind you" even if he's drunk.
ever been drunk?

obviously but having him crawl over is standard procedure. that's all i'm saying.
I don't have a problem with having him crawl but I think they shoulda snagged him when they got him to lay down the first time. But the others fingers were forgetin twitching and they shoulda handled it way better. Like I said, ones the guy was on the ground they shoulda just had one officer clear the right, one clear the left and two other officers grab the guy

Off Topic / Re: Police Shoot and Kill an Unarmed Daniel Shaver
« on: December 08, 2017, 06:25:06 PM »
‘a taser might not work so hey loving light him up boys’

how do people actually think this is good police work? the life or death argument is handicapped, cops literally deal with this stuff all the time
and its not like they dont have bean bags and non-lethal rounds or anything

they hadn't cleared the corner behind him. they wanted him to move to a closer so that they that wouldn't expose themselves to a position they couldn't watch without multitasking. that was the right move on their part. the shooting of him was not.
okay so have multiple officers move in, sweep and clear the corners while the other officers grab the suspect. you can clearly tell he wasn't aggressive or openly defiant as we've seen in other situations. the situation was handled totally wrong shoulda never had their fingers on the trigger

Off Topic / Re: Police Shoot and Kill an Unarmed Daniel Shaver
« on: December 08, 2017, 06:16:33 PM »
they were obviously going to cuff him when he crawled to them
they had him face down, feet crossed, and hands interlaced on his head lying feet away from them. They could have easily moved in, with weapons still drawn as well as tasers, and cuffed him, just like they do in a billion other situations.

Off Topic / Re: Police Shoot and Kill an Unarmed Daniel Shaver
« on: December 08, 2017, 06:10:29 PM »
< tfw the police could of easily moved in and cuffed him

Off Topic / Re: Investing types & Crypto Discussion $$$
« on: December 07, 2017, 10:08:06 PM »
some kid at school is eating up the hype rn and his twin brother just bought $8.5k of bitcoin

im tryna get some litecoin rn

Off Topic / Re: how has 2017 been for you?
« on: December 06, 2017, 10:02:42 PM »
It was challenging but rewarding

The beginning of the year was alright, dont remember much to be honest. Summer was average, I didn't really do much but I made a lot of good friends at my work and made good money. This semester of school has been the hardest by far. Working 10 hours a week and interning for 25 hours has kept me extremely busy and has forced me to be as productive as I can be. Also waking up at 5am everyday has forced me to develop better sleeping habits and eating better and gave me a good routine to stick too. Almost done with the semester and I'm excited for the next semester.

Off Topic / Re: forumers, what's your bank balance? 18+ ONLY
« on: December 05, 2017, 03:58:50 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Investing types & Crypto Discussion $$$
« on: November 30, 2017, 07:24:52 PM »
whats the best way to go about buy crypto

what exchanges are easiest to work with

Off Topic / Re: I got new interwebs
« on: November 25, 2017, 06:06:38 PM »
damn u guys must have some speedy interwebs too to be able to post so much

Off Topic / Re: I got new interwebs
« on: November 25, 2017, 04:07:33 PM »
Speed testing this afternoon n getting 50 down now hmm

Also my dad unfortunately is currently renting the modem/router from Comcast so we'll probably order our own

Off Topic / I got new interwebs
« on: November 25, 2017, 09:22:35 AM »


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