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Messages - RaIder915

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James Elmer Ider

New Gov.

I am happy to hear that  a new Gov. has be put into place temporarily. Though, I have received and have heard that people do not like him. My personal assistant is a great guy and knows what to and how to help, he has helped me a great deal. If necessarily i'll be ready to give a hand in Niels or personally lend my PA to the newly elected Gov.


The crCIA going on in Remington is becoming a bigger issue then we have previously thought. At this moment in time I fell it is necessary to reach out to our foreign neighbors. Now, this may not help with unemployment, but this CrCIA is becoming too large for just our country to handle. If we can grow our Foreign relations we will slowly be able to eventually and ideally could help our economy become strong again. If i become President, I will make Remington and our economy stable again.

James Elmer Ider
Thoughts on the recent events


I am glad to know the man that took money over moral rightness is out of office. Though, due to this issue, we have a new one: Who is going to replace him? I for one, am hoping that it is someone who will not be easily corrupted.


I will be offering a helping hand in the Relief Effort that will be helping in Remington. I, for one will hope to make it to Remington myself to help in any way possible.

Economy Plunge

The earthquake that emerged in Remington has official become a CrCIA. Because of what is happening with the disorder. Now is not the time for that. This is a time of need. And we need to help Remington recover. I will be donating a sum of my personal funds to send Food, aid, and anything else that can or will help. I will also be creating a Charity Relief Force near my hometown in Bradford county. Anyone is welcomed to donate anything you can and anyone can sign up to join this Force in helping those in Remington and to help that province recover. We need to stand as one and help.

RDA not Repealed

Hearing that this wasn't fixed, is a disappointment. Now, I do hope in the future that the Government doesn't go chaotic with surveying people and companies, and I hope that they will choose the RIGHT people to watch and not the WRONG people. I also hope in the near future we can change the policy allowing the Government to evade privacy. I just hope that they don't abuse this power.


With my recent viewing of the Document, I did at first agree with it. But after recent events, I feel the government is wasting resources with this. Because with the Corruption in Niels the government clearly failed in doing something that they said would do. The RDA, is something that can help this country, if we would rewrite it so we can make a way that companies can't go over it, we need to find that way and do it. And when we do, I'll be right there. -But, until we find a manageable way to watch companies without fully disregarding their privacy. Until that happens, we should still rule the other half, where minorities have equal opportunities and rights.


The Corruption that we have seen is disgraceful. I feel everyone needs the right opportunities as all. Both parties are in the wrong here. He, the governor should of better handled the situation. He should of reported the companies that bribed him. The government is also in the wrong here due to the lack of knowing that this will happen. From having that they will monitor people and companies, they obviously have something wrong with detecting when these things will happen. They lacked in detecting it.


Same questions as last time, first question directed at all of you, what do you think of the recent Earthquake, and what can we do to fix the problems quickly arising due to it?

Its tragic, my prayers and condolences go out to those who were effected by this. I plan on loaning money to help rebuild homes and with Relief aid, I plan on also going to Remington soon and help out in any way that I can. Like I've said previously said, we need to be one country in this time of need. We can't be divided when our Family and friends are in need.

Off Topic / Re: Race for the Vote - A Nation Divided [Day 1: Primaries]
« on: October 08, 2016, 09:41:38 PM »
James Elmer Ider

Corruptions Leak

This corruption in Niels is simply unacceptable. If this continues to happen and doesn't get solved, this will lead to even higher tensions than there already is. We need to get rid of this corruption and crack down on these companies. The companies involved need to be put on a watch list and carefully monitored. If this corruption still continues, and they keep avoiding the Racial Discrimination Act, they need to be punished in some way.


The Earthquake that occurred in Remington is a tragedy. My prayers and condolences go out to those affected. When things like this happen we need to come together and help one another. We have to help those in next door, and those not. We are one people, one country. We need to help those in need. If we don't, what are we then? We are put in two and that can't happen.


I support this Act, one hundred percent. This will allow for MORE people to receive the same and equal opportunities.

Off Topic / Re: Race for the Vote - A Nation Divided [SIGN UPS]
« on: October 08, 2016, 05:24:05 PM »
Full Name : James Elmer Ider
Party: The People's Front

Help / Missing sequence?
« on: September 19, 2016, 10:23:44 PM »
I just tried to join a server, and it loaded Datablocks then it crashed with it had a Pop up message saying,
(Missing sequence base/data/shapes/player for base/data/shapes/player/m.dts)

I don't know what to do? I went into the BL folder to see if that was a thing and I found m.dts in that location in my folder. wat do bl?

Gallery / Re: The Abandoned
« on: September 18, 2016, 01:05:21 AM »
More please! I love it :) this would make for a great post-apocalyptic map

That's actually the feeling I was going with.

and thanks for all the comments everyone, I'm glad ya'll like it so far.

Gallery / Re: The Abandoned
« on: September 17, 2016, 11:32:36 PM »
~Reserved~ just in case

Gallery / The Abandoned [update 9/23]
« on: September 17, 2016, 11:26:25 PM »
This is still a work in progress


This topic is simply a place holder as I make progress with this project that I started working on. I currently have a decent amount of work done for it just being me working on it.


[Estimated ATM] Brick count: 17.000

The Abandoned, is a project that I started. I plan on making this into a possible RPG or at least creating a world where people can simply explore what I am calling "The Abandoned Zone". This Zone will be filled with terrain, buildings, and some secret spots. If I make this into a full fledged RPG, I'd like to do something like Khaz (I think it was Khaz? correct me if I am wrong,) whom made/had that really big Zombie RPG a few years ago. So far, this is a Project I intend to finish, I do not know when. But I will work on a back ground story and other Misc. stuff that will go along with this as I move on with progress.  

Update Information

9/18 : Added new terrain: A path that goes up and the around to get to a secluded little makeshift home.
Re-did interiors and added a "generator" room that's located outside, will be working on interiors for a bit. Nothing too much was done for the exterior area other than the New terrain. Next update will be when I get a get amount of interiors done.

9/20 : Interior to Facility 1(Name is temp.) is pretty much done at the moment. No new exterior at the moment. Keeping the details in the interiors limited so that I can focus more on detailed Exteriors. I may open up my server to let people check out the current build. I am not sure when I will if I do.

9/23 : Engineering Facility (Orange) is pretty much complete. Security Facility (Blue) added. Brings in more space to explore, and a Armory locked needing two keys. Extremely hard to get to and to get. More terrain was added. A tunnel was made. This is where one key will be located. Parts of the tunnel will be flooded with Infected. The Main tunnel will lead out of this area into a new area that will come later.

~ Main Gallery~

New pictures

Games / Re: The NEW League of Legends Megathread - Kalista hype!
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:47:04 PM »
(main)Armor Rage, Level 30, unranked. NA
Never got to posting mine in the old topic,

Off Topic / Re: Post your dumbest posts v2
« on: July 10, 2014, 05:38:42 AM »
Just about everything before 2013, I was so dumb then,

General Discussion / Re: The Navire - Deep Space Exploration Roleplay
« on: April 08, 2013, 05:35:48 PM »
In Game Name: Sketcher
BL_ID: 11765
Character Name: James Elmer
Desired Position and Secondary/Tertiary: Security - Bridge Staff (Communications)
Desired Rank and Secondary/Tertiary: Lieutenant -
Roleplay Experience(All games): Bluezone, and many i cant remember.
Other Info*: I'm currently learning Russian.

3 hours remaining. Looking forward to it.

For the last damn time what is the agenda?

  TBH, I don't even know.. Most likely we'll be talking about Blockoworld, and if we do attend. And what will be with our booth. Mayby come up with some projects, or some idea's.. for our booth.

  Also I've been working on some stuff I'll bring up at the meeting..

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