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Messages - star9578

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Games / Re: SOH - Shores Of Hazeron
« on: November 11, 2012, 04:02:45 PM »
A bit of a bad time for people to start joining the empire, as we're about to move.

I suppose it won't be too much of a problem.

Off Topic / Re: My Little Pony: Friendship for Blockheads: General V2
« on: November 05, 2012, 04:07:23 PM »
no man I was just saying you seem like him, probably just because of the slight similarities between the names. we'd really like to know who you are, though. I think it'd be a lot easier for us to give you a "fresh start" as you put it if we knew who you are, lol. we try not to hold grudges here (or at least I don't, and I know some others don't either).

unless you're lord tony which I highly doubt hahahaha
As curious as I am, it probably would be best to leave such things unsaid for the time being. I think a lot of people would find it more difficult to give him a fresh start if he were to divulge such information.

I'm glad I quit before this ridiculousness.

Two, the other one stayed behind but okay
Ah, I thought I saw two, not one.

"Wha-Max you're insane!" I shout back. I knew if I stopped now both of us would be screwed, there was nothing I could do. I continue running down the tunnel.

I glance back to see the two pursuers. "Dammit, they're following us."

I jump down onto the tracks and sprint down the tunnel, catching up to Max.

I tap Max on the shoulder a couple times. "We're about to stop, forget about him."

I grab a celery stick from the bag and take a bite. "Blech, where did you get this?" I say with a disgusted expression as I drop the celery back in it before throwing it behind my seat.

"The masks aren't too far, in the slums." I begin to direct Max as he starts up the van and pulls us out of the alleyway. The trip is rather uneventful and we arrive after fifteen minutes, give or take. We pull up to a run down, partially boarded building. "Sad. Even a city like this has a darker side to it." I think to myself.

"Wait here." I say as I get out of the van. I walk past a cracked window and open the creaky door to a room lit by only a single bulb with a table underneath it. The room smells of mold and dirty laundry, the old couch against the back wall likely being a large contributor to it.

"I'm here for the masks." I say, loud enough to carry into the adjacent room. A short, bald old man slowly shuffles through the doorway at the end of the room carrying two masks, one in each hand. It takes him a whole twenty seconds just to reach the table. The light reveals his wrinkled, sunken face, one eye cloudy while the other is half closed. He shakily raises his bony arms to drop the masks on the table, which I of course grab.

"You do still remember that I paid in advance, correct?" I ask, staring at the man. He nods in silence and I turn around to leave. "Good. Thank you for your services." I say as I walk towards the door. "Twinkies." the man whispers as I cross the threshold. I get back in the van and toss one of the masks to Max. "An owl mask for you and a seal mask for me."

I catch the bag and look inside of it. "Chicken, ugh." I open the door and sit down, tossing the bag back to Max and giving him a sharp look. "You know I'm a vegan, right?"

I open my eyes (Since apparently I fell asleep) to an empty van, Max nowhere to be found. "Where is he now?" I think to myself, looking out of the window to find myself in an alleyway. Curious as to where we are, and to help myself wake up, I open the passenger side door and step out for some fresh air.

I look at him in slight disbelief, the events easily visible through the window. "I... guess that solves that. Wait, did you only grab one gun and one box of ammunition?"

I climb into the passenger seat and drop the makeshift masks into the broken glove box which is hanging open. "This isn't going to get us killed, is it?"

I grab the now empty bag and open it. "Max, I said that wasn't just for you." I say, shaking my head and dropping the bag.

"The masks are still being made, so that's a bit of a problem." I pull out two paper bags from behind me, one with a crudely drawn face of a bird and the other depicting a cartoonish face of a seal, both with holes cut out to see through. "However, we have these... adequate substitutes in the mean time. Another problem is weaponry, and I was hoping you would have an idea."

I step up next to the van and hand the bag to the man. "Remember, not all of that is for you."

Name: Serena Yantis
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Place in Society: Criminal
Personality: Prefers actions over words, resulting in being seen as more of a silent type. Despite that fact, can be rather hesitant depending on the situation. Tends to be a lone wolf but knows when to work with others, and is a bit of a perfectionist.
Appearance: Caucasian, 5' 6", long black hair, leaning on the skinny side, green eyes.
Inventory: Generic knife.
Clothing: Light blue jeans, a blue zip up jacket and a generic white shirt underneath.
Previous RPs*: Broken World, the previous Highler Ridge, Apocalypse.
Other**: Murder.

I walk around a corner into an empty parking lot carrying a bag of fast food, noticing a lone man in the parking lot. "So much for a secluded spot." I mutter under my breath as I walk towards the lone van.

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