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Messages - Manotor

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In-game name: Revoltech

BL_ID: 39239

Teammate and their BL_ID: Cromedome (8293)

Team Name: Ragin' Rebels

Team Color: Beige

Basketball Experience: Play on a Basketball team in RL.

Did you read the entire topic thoroughly?: Yes, indeed.

Do you understand the rules?: Of course.

Will you and your teammate(s) be dedicated to the tourney and promise show up to your games?: Yes.[/i]

General Discussion / Re: Jakob's Mini Empires - UPDATES AND EVENTS!
« on: July 14, 2013, 11:24:06 PM »
I don't mind if you use my ideas, but kid..You need to come up with your own ideas.

General Discussion / Re: DayB • 7/13/13 • Off to Poland!!
« on: July 14, 2013, 11:12:29 PM »
I'm not really in charge of the building but if you join the server hosted by me and build some stuff on the side we may be able to dupe it in if it is in the same style as the already build stuff on the side.

We need barns, docks, military buildings, city buildings, factories, all sorts. So feel free to help out.

The password is daybee.

Mkay. I appreciate it. Is the server up right now?

General Discussion / Re: RTB Is Down
« on: July 14, 2013, 10:43:57 PM »

General Discussion / Re: DayB • 7/13/13 • Off to Poland!!
« on: July 14, 2013, 10:41:16 PM »
No one answered my question :c

Drama / Re: Revoltech strikes again!
« on: July 14, 2013, 07:47:26 PM »

Revolt is such a whiny little brat... For your troubles with him here is a cookie :3  :cookie:

Are you seriously going to complain on me for every drama I have? Don't waste your time kid.

Drama / Re: Revolt shouldn't be a mod on Tezuni's Jail RP
« on: July 14, 2013, 07:46:39 PM »
That was an accident. It won't happen again. I was de-modded for a while and I explained the situation and apologized to Santino. You weren't in the server so I didn't have a chance to apologize to you. So I apologize for that.

General Discussion / Re: DayB • 7/13/13 • Off to Poland!!
« on: July 13, 2013, 10:20:23 PM »
Holy shat. Is there any possible way I could help build? I would love to be a part of this project. In fact, me and Gunny and a few friends re-made Day Z on blockland a year ago or so. Too many bricks forgeted it over. Message me back if I could help.

RTB Name: Revoltech

Drama / Re: Revoltech strikes again!
« on: July 13, 2013, 03:27:22 PM »

You can also see it here in page 2.
1 hour before that, My register get spammed all at the same time with this!

We even had an agreement to drop this.

Guys, if I were you, block your life from Revoltech. I mean please, we had an argument to drop this, he brings it up again because I have an awesome topic, gah, he said he was fine with all this,


Do you have any proof that I did that? No, you do not. Nor did I do that. Just because someone is insulting you and stuff, doesn't mean he's the one who's going to spam you later on. God, know your facts right before you complain about someone and make a drama. And honestly, you can use my ideas. Go right ahead. I'm done with doing that stuff.

General Discussion / Re: Jakob's Mini Empires - New Topic
« on: July 11, 2013, 04:49:00 PM »

Lol, you starfish. Get out of my topic. I started meteors, I did not copy you in meteor shapes. You understand that? You TOLD ME you were fine with resources in caves. And you your self said you didn't come up with planets! You're a fluke! I'm not even going to listen to you anymore you little 11 year old.

You're calling ME the 11 year old? I have pictures laying around in my computer proving that you're 11. You're dad loving monitors you during your "Play time." Grow up little dumbass. You did copy me in meteor shapes. And I never said I was fine with resources and the planets idea wasn't mine, I agree with that. But it was someone else's and I had permission to use the idea. You did not. Try and use some common sense, loving dumbass.

General Discussion / Re: Jakob's Mini Empires - New Topic
« on: July 11, 2013, 04:05:39 AM »
Like I said, you're taking all these ideas from me. First, it was meteor shapes, then it was planets, then resources, and now a Forum topic? What else are you going to copy, the loving map? Jesus, come up with your own loving ideas moron.

Holy forget, I'm fighting Manty..I need to ready my ass up.

I made that one, it's really not very good at all.

Pecon, if you'd like, I have a nice friend who might be able to make a good GUI for you. Would you like that?

Just to throw in a tip, I like most of what you wrote; but the "Most likely" and "I think" language doesn't make you look good. Make yourself sound certain.

Yeah, probably should have edited some of that. Thanks for the heads up and tip.

Drama / Re: Cobra R18, the tribal one.
« on: June 22, 2013, 11:50:36 PM »
wait oh

you got banned AGAIN?

I didn't get banned again.

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