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Messages - Cargøn

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Off Topic / Re: who here supports gays?
« on: January 04, 2015, 02:10:54 AM »
Yeah, I was about to say that, but I haven't participated in an argument in a while.
internet arguments are a sequence of people yelling at each other and neither side having a modified opinion.

Off Topic / Re: who here supports gays?
« on: January 04, 2015, 02:07:31 AM »
I am too conservative for this damn forum my goodness
yes you are

Off Topic / Re: who here supports gays?
« on: January 04, 2015, 02:04:23 AM »
I came up with all of that of my own accord i do take views from my parents, but they've never brought this up with me, i just look forward see all this stuff like human augmentation coming within my lifetime and say "what has the world come to?"
excuse me but where does human augmentation come in to someone being into the rooster

Off Topic / Re: who here supports gays?
« on: January 04, 2015, 01:51:49 AM »
don't tell my mom i said those things i'll be grounded again
i bet you didn't even ask her permission first to go online you troublemaker

hidden bias in the fact that kimon writes LGBT+ only instead of LGBT+ catering.when i make a topic for parkour enthusiasts, let's say, i would logically assume anyone who comes is most likely a fan of parkour. However, if i say ONLY for parkour enthusiasts, my intent was to make sure the people who come only conform to one ideal.

take the only out of your title:and it suddenly becomes mundane and not crazy, and not worthy of mockery.
if that's the case then i have zero issues with this

i was responding to the fact that talking about this is a clusterforget
once again this is exactly my point

I think you don't understand. Aloveual people can still be romantically attracted to people. Which means that, undoubtedly, loveual and romantic attraction are two different things! They probably match for most people, for example a homoloveual guy would most likely only be romantically attracted to guys, but it's still definitely a separate thing.
that's exactly the point
i'm not even going into romantic attraction right now

Off Topic / Re: MY P057 C0UN7 I5 1337
« on: January 03, 2015, 09:47:39 PM »
at first i thought arg but then i remembered how to speak edgy
cool bins

Well, it isn't going down that road at all. I'm not even sure that's a thing in the first place, but I think that's a discussion for a different time. Romantic orientation is definitely a thing! I think Crunk's point was that aloveual people are basically proof that it is, since being aloveual doesn't mean you can't have a romantic relationship. :P
i refer you to the above post

loveuality and religion are very much different
aloveuality is a loveuality because they did not choose to be aloveual, though you can choose to be atheist. simple as that.
that's not what i meant
ie is the lack of something constituting that the lack of something is indeed something

that's different than romantic orientation
that's going down the is-atheism-a-religion thing though and we already have one thing causing an argument that won't be resolved

but you're assuming that they EXCLUSIVELY use skittlr.

you must only want to talk to Blockland players and no other kind of gamer because you use BLF!

oh wait, no, you're part of a community and you have common interests and experiences that maybe other gamers don't
you make a decent point
i guess it's fine but i still have some gripes but my opinion is irrelevant considering i'm one random man
honestly the whole thing was kind of doomed to attract controversy 

i wasn't claiming straight-only social media existed, i was responding to blueblur's hypothetical.

the problem is that the people criticizing skittlr want to have it both ways: they want to complain about people who don't fit in the heteronormative box when they're on a shared service but then complain when non-hetnorm gets its own service. that's not working towards no judgements, that's asserting superiority (or trying to, anyway).

besides, who cares if there are some gay/bi/les/trans+ who want to find friends/romantic partners who are similar? why does it actually hurt you? nothing changes in your life because of FarmersOnly or BlackPeopleMeet or JDate
it's not a dating site though is my problem
if it was a dating site that would be fine, i can understand that loveual preference is useful for finding romantic partners because doy
my problem is it's a just talk with people site so therefore straight people should not be talked with
also i have deep scars from blackpeoplemeet don't you even loving dare

if they were actually on your straight-only social media you'd complain about how they're seeking attention etc. this actually removes them from your everyday life if you happen to be bothered by them. you can't just complain about seeing someone you don't like on the street and then yelling because they went back to their own house.
straight only social media doesn't exist or if it does then the same critiques apply
the idea is no segregation at all either way
it's the black-people-can't-be-tribal conundrum even if i think that some of it is superfluous tumblrisms that doesn't make it wrong
i'm against fences not the people who are building them


truth bomb
i feel bad for the people who legit have those other kinds of problems and are grouped with people who are just fishing

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