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Messages - Kamutog

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with kick-ass

Forum Games / Re: We write a letter to Badspot one word at a time
« on: November 30, 2017, 12:32:25 PM »

Forum Games / Re: We write a letter to Badspot one word at a time
« on: November 29, 2017, 09:06:26 PM »

Forum Games / Re: We write a letter to Badspot one word at a time
« on: November 27, 2017, 03:47:58 PM »

Off Topic / Re: L2D of Blockland ID= your age
« on: November 27, 2017, 02:20:33 PM »
86 guess I'm dead or at least unhealthy.

Forum Games / Re: Rate avatars the topic
« on: November 24, 2017, 11:06:40 PM »

Gallery / Re: NERV-ous
« on: November 16, 2017, 07:28:49 PM »
At least make a ramiel playertype you uncultured poopoo head

Off Topic / Re: Saudi arabia said lebanon declared war against them
« on: November 06, 2017, 07:05:04 PM »
no, besides the nuclear fallout destroying everything around it like europe, russia and east asia as well the middle east and probably the americas for years, and we don't account for the huge humanitarian issues the world would hold against the nuker and possibly destroy the world economy and stability with that, it would only create a ton more deaths and a whole lot more internal chaos in that region

nuking is not a viable option unless you want to destroy the planet

This is reasonable enough that I can retract saying that it would end the continuous state of warfare in the middle-east if given the appropriate target.

-snip and quote-
I'm not trying to remain a hypocrite I am trying to learn. I made way more salt in this discussion than I wanted though.

Now that everyone seemed to take that I were advocating for it (which I said I wasn't multiple times) versus stating what I thought would happen if it were done (which is what I said I was saying) I will take my leave since this is far saltier of a discussion than I even wanted to make.

Sorry to offend anyone I didn't want it either.

Off Topic / Re: Saudi arabia said lebanon declared war against them
« on: November 06, 2017, 06:56:24 PM »
provide justifications for a nuclear strike on the middle east beyond some vague "they're killing people". what would you even nuke and for what reasons. pretty sure there isn't some kind of active sustained genocide or suicidally imperialistic population that couldn't be handled otherwise. pretty sure also that detonating nukes would likely cause even more instability, massive nuclear fallout, a huge refugee crCIA, a huge diplomatic crCIA between the west and the middle east, and lord knows what else all to deal with whatever terror group of the week has popped up in the most recent regime collapse.
Nuclear weaponry is a last-resort effort that would very likely cause an end to whatever the nuke was sent for in the first place. I do not advocate for nuclear weaponry being used in the middle-east, as for what Mega Bear mentioned logically concludes, there would be an incredibly hard time to define a target area. As well, I do agree there would be other ways to deal with the situation.

A.K.A. I have so far been convinced to retract this statement of mine:
Just saying my thoughts on the situation with the idea of nuking (most areas in the middle east)

Off Topic / Re: Saudi arabia said lebanon declared war against them
« on: November 06, 2017, 06:52:38 PM »
Do you really need somebody to explain to you why nuking a huge region of the Earth just because you perceive it to be a problem-region is stupid as forget? for one, it would take a rather large payload to nuke the whole middle east. The fallout would affect many other areas outside of the target. There would be an enormous loss of innocent life. It would essentially be a nuclear holocaust. I hope this is elaborate bait.
I can agree with you on this point in that you would not be able to nuke the entire middle east. It would be incredibly hard to define a target area to attack however ideally you'd target terrorists. The idea behind nuking the middle-east is that there would be an enormous spike in death that causes an end to the continuous number of deaths over the years.

It's a last-resort attempt to end a state of eternal warfare. Again, do not think I advocate for using nuclear weaponry I am simply stating what I think would happen given the mentioned scenarios.

Off Topic / Re: Saudi arabia said lebanon declared war against them
« on: November 06, 2017, 06:43:05 PM »
This is one of the most idiotic opinions I have ever seen.
Instead of calling me an idiot for whatever reason you could at least attempt to try and convince me otherwise of my opinion. I'm open to suggestion.

Off Topic / Re: Saudi arabia said lebanon declared war against them
« on: November 06, 2017, 05:32:38 PM »
shame on me for not caring about chronological order of a war 80 years ago. damn, looks like my point is completely invalidated.i think it's handicapped, inhumane, and downright cowardly to decide to massacre hundreds of millions of people, most of want nothing to do with CIA or whatever the terrorism catch of the day is. it's honestly repulsive that you think that bombing a whole region of the world, one the size of a small continent at that, for the sake of stopping terrorism
not to say that something to that caliber will never be the answer, but until the whole world of the middle east has become literal 1984 it's a horrible prospect and certainly not even close to a last resort

the fact that we talk about how many innocent people them god darned isil terrorists kill with such disgust, then continue to talk about how we should "just kill em" as the best answer to a problem is nationalism at its finest and complete hypocrisy
The reason why people end up brushing over the fact that innocents would die due to nuclear weaponry, in this middle-east-nuclear-bombing hypothetical scenario at least, is that innocents would die either way. So a nuclear weapon may end up causing said number of innocent deaths to be lower.

I do agree with you on saying it is repulsive to kill innocents. I do not advocate against or for nuclear weaponry however; this world is its own and I should not have judgment upon its acts since I can only do... nothing. I think you're trying to see what I say and get a feel for how I actually feel on the matter when I am just trying to state a scenario I see being likely to play out.

Off Topic / Re: Saudi arabia said lebanon declared war against them
« on: November 06, 2017, 05:24:10 PM »
so what you're saying is that we should've just dropped a nuke on the national socialists because it would have "benefited the greater good"
If you care about numbers (of lives), in time, if the national socialists were not stopped then the number of deaths (caused by them in this case) would simply go up. If you would've nuked them before the number of deaths (caused by them) rose higher than the nuke would cause then you'd technically cause less deaths to happen (due to a likely surrender). However that is using hindsight to judge because it's getting a death count from the future.

I have no explicitly stated about if we should or should not use nuclear weaponry but I do believe to stall will still just cause the deaths to rise continually regardless. I don't think to cause death is right in any case but self-defense is the least immoral form of causing death.

Off Topic / Re: Saudi arabia said lebanon declared war against them
« on: November 06, 2017, 05:17:07 PM »
Just saying my thoughts on the situation with the idea of nuking (most areas in the middle east)

Off Topic / Re: Saudi arabia said lebanon declared war against them
« on: November 06, 2017, 05:12:45 PM »
Can we just nuke the Middle East already?
Too many people are like "Oh let's not do that because it's immoral and will kill innocents," thus sustaining the current situation, for long enough that it eventually will cause even more lives to be lost than a nuke would've brought, in time.

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