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Messages - lcyGamma

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Off Topic / Re: I'm getting my flu shot. :s
« on: January 22, 2013, 12:08:46 AM »
Lol at the people saying "shots are for pussies" in an attempt to cover up their obvious fear of needles and / or stupid paranoia about the shots being dangerous.

Good job your parents will drag half of you there anyway. Its kids and teens that spread this stuff through schools and to families, if you don't care about your own health at least protect those close to you by having it done. I know I will.

I'm not sure if he uses it in all of his videos, but the ones I've seen he does-- and he has it on his server too I believe.

Off Topic / Re: Backwards sleep schedule
« on: January 21, 2013, 06:36:03 AM »
My sleeping habits got so bad that I started to hallucinate. I was delerius half of the time. It's a scary life once you get used the exhaustion.

Far out thats not good.

I dont' have a great lot of energy, enough to keep me going. But if you are hallucinating in the day that needs to be addressed for the good of your health. D:

Off Topic / Re: Gameplay Rape
« on: January 21, 2013, 06:28:26 AM »
It's honestly not hard, I was nervous when I first made assembled one, but it's really simple if you look at some videos, a manual or something before you do it

Exactly, when in doubt visit a YouTube howto or find an image diagram.

Its a lot of common sense too, the connectors are usually impossible to mix. Just as long as you apply the right force when plugging / removing things, and handle the hardware properly, you'll be fine.

Everyone is still excused for the cringe moment as you turn it on for the first time though.  :cookieMonster:

Off Topic / Re: Backwards sleep schedule
« on: January 21, 2013, 06:25:54 AM »
I usually go to bed around 2AM to 5AM, and wake up at 1PM to 3PM. Its an accident, I started going to bed later and later, about an hour longer a month. I can't do it any later.

Its easy to do this if you have a late night job, as did I. However I have to go to bed weirdly early if I want to do something the next day.

I'm clocking off at 2AM and waking up at 9AM today (its 12:40AM currently here) as I'm meeting a friend for lunch. Confuses my stomach, not sure how well I'll eat.

Not very healthy really. I've slept upside down for about a year, I plan to even it out again this year and go back to 1-2AM nights and 10AM mornings.

Off Topic / Re: Gameplay Rape
« on: January 21, 2013, 06:19:18 AM »
well its an emachines tower built for windows vista that has windows 7 on it currently

a sticker says intel celeron dual-core inside

Ah okay, an eMachines Internet-grade computer. Celeron processors are really lightweight, you probably have a really low-end GPU.

how the forget do you guys manage to build a computer, i never understood that.

Computer assembly is just about having a vague understanding of how computers work and what individual parts do what, a thorough understanding of pricing, brands, terminology, and compatibility, and the confidence to try it out.

The hardest part in my opinion is having the knowledge to know what to look out for in hardware. If you can get someone to make you a list of what to buy for your needs, its just about plugging connectors in really.

No, I'm talking about the jagged edges of the bricks, players etc.
Now I think about it, can't I just use Anti-aliasing in Catalyst to make the edges look smoother?


I believe it might be antialiasing. I think Eksi uses a special brick texture pack too that makes the white lines on the bricks non-existent.

Its possible he might use some kind of video softening but I really doubt that. Definitely try and put your graphical settings on high, try anti-aliasing, and try the custom brick textures.

My computer also made the brick edges kind of liney and rough, almost certainly graphics options and graphics card.

Could be wrong, maybe someone else can confirm your idea.

Off Topic / Re: Gameplay Rape
« on: January 21, 2013, 06:13:19 AM »
im jelly

your computer is tons better than mine, ohh man if only i could get more than 5fps in an online blockland server, i could only dream


What do you currently have? Do you know the specs?

Off Topic / Re: Gameplay Rape
« on: January 21, 2013, 06:05:29 AM »
yep. you could play doom 3 w/ it and at the time that's all i cared about lol.

I managed to dual boot Windows, and using a -dxlevel startup command, forced Garrys Mod to run on it.  It was actually playable. :cookieMonster:  

Portal, Half Life 2 Ep 1 & 2, Sim City-- all those games were the titles I wanted to play, and they ran good enough on it as well (30-35 + FPS)

Thats a nicely done video.

Where exactly are the jagged edges? Have you tried to hide them using letter box? Or are you describing that thin black line across the right edge?

I'm not sure this topic proves anything.

I don't know how RTB works, but I imagine it gets information from its ID database and pairs your entry with a name. That would make sense to me, I can't imagine how else it would know who's ID you were entering.

I doubt it'll ever be accepted or declined.

What do you mean jagged edges? Could you link a video or post an image? I'm wondering if this is related to the screen capturing, perhaps I can help give advice there. I am pretty sure you don't need Sony Vegas for smooth footage.

Off Topic / Re: Gameplay Rape
« on: January 21, 2013, 05:20:21 AM »
Looks really, uhm, fun.


The only playable server I've been to so far its Badspots Dev, but even then the FPS is rocky-- smooth enough to win races.

Looking back at the specs of this laptop, I find it odd the graphics memory is 144MB. To my knowledge there have been very few cards with that awkward amount.

Though, as far as Intel GMA cards went, that one was pretty alright at the time.

Off Topic / Re: Gameplay Rape
« on: January 21, 2013, 05:16:16 AM »
I think there has been confusion, the computer I'm building is from scratch. The Mac I'm using is an old laptop I've kept as it has no resale value. Using it in the meantime.

Off Topic / Re: Gameplay Rape
« on: January 21, 2013, 05:14:42 AM »
I didn't think it was possible to change out the CPU on any kind of Apple computer

It isn't to my knowledge.

Even the desktops are made in a way that you'd have to chisel the case off. I think all hardware is soldered into the "logic board" not sure though.

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