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Messages - chaseyqurt

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 8 9 ... 465
He does have more power of enforcement, though.
What do you mean?

Implying the president even has the power to legalize weed.

Off Topic / Re: barack obama or mitt romney as president?
« on: August 01, 2012, 07:03:22 PM »
Obama is trying to do good things, but he fails to realize that these things cost a lot of money. Where they will most likely pull that money from is us, raising the cost of everything from food to gas and upping taxes. As a person who is barely scraping by as it is, I don't want all this added cost on my head. They can't pull money from the sky.

I don't want Obama, but Romney is equally as bad.

Edit: I am also guessing most of you guys are basing your opinions off of what your parents say, right?
Like what? Besides the health care bill (which actually should ease your spending and get this-benefit you), what is Obama doing that cost alot of money?

Off Topic / Re: Am I the only one who thinks the olympics is stupid?
« on: August 01, 2012, 06:46:18 PM »
ITT - greasy frail nerds who can't enjoy sports because they're greasy frail nerds

The Olympics are great.

Off Topic / Re: barack obama or mitt romney as president?
« on: August 01, 2012, 06:23:58 PM »
Obama. Romney is a moron, he doesn't know how to run a country. IMO Obama is actually a good president, I don't really understand why alot of people say he's bad, what do you expect him to do? Turn the economy around and eliminate the national debt with the flip of a switch? Presidency doesn't work like that.

Loans are bad.

itt butt hurt foreigners
dont worry, america will defend ur stuffty country

Go for it, the likely hood of you getting shot is honestly pretty low. In fact, there's a pretty decent chance that you wouldn't even get shipped out to Afghanistan but instead to one of the military bases the US has across the world.

Wanting to serve your country is admirable and financially it's not a bad deal. You make money, live pretty much expense free, and when you get out you can get money for college.

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: June 17, 2012, 10:39:35 PM »
yo robo take off that preme u aint bout that life my duh

Off Topic / Re: The Solution.
« on: June 17, 2012, 11:53:44 AM »
that's loving handicapped

I am in Honors Science.

I should've said survival of the fittest.

I hope you aren't sarcastic.

yeah being in 7th grade honors (lol) science seriously means you know your stuff

this isn't a pressing issue, i seriously doubt overpopulation will be a legitimate issue in our lifetime
doing stuff like colonizing antartica or space is stupid, there won't be any mass colonization of space any time soon, colonizing antartica doesnt work for obvious reasons, its a loving huge block of ice

This seems like a great change. Will this allow for dynamic change in time/skybox?

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