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Messages - JubeiX90

Pages: 1 ... 27 28 29 30 31 [32]
AoT General / Re: Hacked
« on: January 07, 2006, 02:29:18 PM »
No. I was going to leave on one of my banks just to let it drop gold but then I forgot to. But no I have never muled before.

AoT General / Re: Hacked
« on: January 07, 2006, 02:25:41 PM »
My stuff was diasappearing when I got on the first time, then I logged out and logged back in and the rest of the stuff was gone. I don think someone could get on my person and drop that stuff in only 5 seconds. And also I couldnt use any items.

AoT General / Re: Hacked
« on: January 07, 2006, 02:20:36 AM »
Just a few minutes ago. I opened up the game and logged on to find my items disappearing.

Does anyone know whats going on?

AoT General / Hacked
« on: January 07, 2006, 02:16:17 AM »
I have no clue what happened, but when I logged on my to character, I was naked and alot of my items were gone. I couldnt put on any clothes... I highlighted the cloth and selected use but it appear on my body. I went to hide somewhere and logged out to see if it was a simple bug. It wasnt, and the rest of my items disappeared. What is going on!?!?

AoT General / Scammer/Glitch
« on: January 07, 2006, 01:23:41 AM »
The glitch(im thinking): Someone named DuckII logged in and ran in front of me, completely nude. I got out my baton and took a swing at him and it said police brutality. I tryed again after I waited about a minute.... still police brutality. Everytime I got nude it only took one time of it saying *You have comitted a crime* to become a criminal.

The scammer: Someone named United Bank of Poland asked a friend of mine if he wanted to buy a golden sword from him for only 1000 gold. He accepted and they ran away from town to do the trade. They were talking in global chat so I could see everything they said. Soon they had a arguement about whos dropping first and Poland won. I got distracted from the talk and I looked back up to see what was going on and clavaton(the one getting scammed) kept saying drop the sword. He never dropped the sword and clavaton soon got over it. Later on, someone named TrUeSkIlL also got scammed, except Poland was going to give him a sword for 5000 gold. Trueskill never got the sword... even though I was telling him that he should not do it. Once he got scammed he started freaking out and spamming and cussing. He was just going nuts.

Just wanted to let you guys know about these things.

AoT General / Murder
« on: December 30, 2005, 12:10:27 PM »
Since when was murder a crime (on this game)? Because I just got jailed for it and I lost my police stuff because some starfish was too busy chasing me to let me pay it. Well me and a few others (one of them was little molester) were running to the swamp to jail naked mark. There was this guy named kolenstoker running ahead of us. Little molester was with me going to the swamp but chased after kolenstoker and hit her with a baton. I ran to him to see what was going on and little molester started shooting balls at the kolenstokers stunned body. So I joined in the killing and and shot 1 arrow at the stunned body. I killed her and it said I committed a crime (which was murder it said).I didnt know how many demerits it gives you for murder so I killed myself and ran as fast as I could with invisibility on and ran to the jail to see little molester who stunned kolenstoker looking at the criminal records. As soon as I got in there, the invisibility wore off and I looked at the criminal stuff to find that I had 140 demerits. I ran out of the jail, scared I would lose my police baton if I got caught. So I was running, trying to turn on invisibility again but he soon got me and jailed me which is why I am asking why did I have a fine for killing someone like everyone does every day.

AoT General / Re: Officers
« on: December 22, 2005, 09:03:09 PM »
Killing a cop is not a crime?

AoT General / Officers
« on: December 22, 2005, 08:59:40 PM »
I am a officer! But thats not all. There is 1 thing I think would be handy for the cops. A portable criminal file thingy( to see who has been naughty).
The reason for this is because while on duty yesterday, I was attacked by someone who I had recently put in Jail for criminal acts. First, he killed my horse. Then, he attacked me. Then I thought to myself, can I  stun him? So I took a hit on him with my stun baton(batton?) and it said False Arrest. He finished me off and I had to respawn. I believe it happened to me twice. So something that shows criminals without going to the station would be kind of handy.
Ill be playing Aot, I will check back later.

SC: Sabasuse

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