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Messages - torak11

Pages: 1 ... 29 30 31 32 33 [34] 35 36 37 38 39
Drama / Re: Fredulus - Troll, dumbass bully, and possible hacker
« on: November 16, 2012, 01:56:57 AM »
the forget is wrong with all you drama topic starters and not being able to crop a loving image.
the text is a tiny bit in the top left corner, how hard is this to do?

No, its perfectly readable. Thats the reason why i didn't crop the images.

Drama / Re: torak11 - Repeatedly bumping old drama threads
« on: November 16, 2012, 01:55:34 AM »
(i bumped a drama topic about me, oh the irony!)

I bumped those old topics for a reason. Also its fair to note that the only bumps i've made in the Blockland forums are here, or at least the majority of them.

That should tell you something right there. No, i am not a drama queen, i have only posted one drama, and only had one drama about me.

I like to read juicy drama's, which in turn inspires me to comment on it, and share my thoughts. Is that so bad?

If anything, this hardly effects my reputation (both on forum and in game), i'd be more worried if this drama was about me being a badmin (which is something i'd never do), or worse.

You know Planr, this makes you look less mature. As i said before, and am saying again, bumping topics is not a good reason to drama someone, and by extension, ruin their otherwise clean slate reputation.

(I'm not kidding about the clean slate reputation. Untill this, i have never been drama'd or banned from servers in game)

Plus, it's worthwhile to mention that bumping has sometimes revived a dead thread.

Drama / Re: Fredulus - Troll, dumbass bully, and possible hacker
« on: November 16, 2012, 01:42:36 AM »
Anyone remember torak's last adventure in the drama forum?

I actually just saw that.

Oh well, so i have one small mark against me, so what. If i continue to lay low, people will forget about it.

Help / Re: Servering Crashing
« on: November 15, 2012, 08:02:50 PM »
go to C:\Users\User\Documents\Blockland

and look for a text file names CONSOLE.

the console log is there.

Help / Re: Can't spawn in single player
« on: November 15, 2012, 08:01:39 PM »
for full consol log, look here:

Help / Re: Can't spawn in single player
« on: November 15, 2012, 07:59:14 PM »
*** Stage 1 create
274 environmental resource files found
Regenerating file manifest
Got 6606 items in manifest, 0 files hashed
Got connect request from IPX:00000000:000000000000:0
  lan name = Torak
Connection established
Connected successfully, killing other pending connections
AUTHCHECK: Torak = LAN client -> LAN server, loading
CADD: 16135 local
 +- bl_id = 999999
 +- no auto admin
*** Sending mission load to client:
Executing config/server/Slayer/config_last.cs.
Executing config/server/Slayer/config_preload.cs.

JVS_Content - ContentRestrictionsSO::addRestriction - TeamAllow - Restriction name already in use.
BackTrace: ->[Slayer_Dependencies_Brick]Slayer::createBrickEvents->[JVS_Content]ContentRestrictionsSO::addRestriction

JVS_Content - ContentRestrictionsSO::addRestriction - TeamDeny - Restriction name already in use.
BackTrace: ->[Slayer_Dependencies_Brick]Slayer::createBrickEvents->[JVS_Content]ContentRestrictionsSO::addRestriction

registerSpecialVar() - Variable team already exists on GameConnection. Overwriting...
Slayer (Server): Sending Handshake: Torak
De-activating package: AmmoGuns
Activating package: AmmoGuns2
*** Prep-Phase 1: Download GUI
Slayer (Client): Handshake Recieved: Server has Version 3.5.1
De-activating package: AmmoGuns
Activating package: AmmoGuns2
 package AmmoGuns2 is already active
De-activating package: AmmoGuns
Activating package: AmmoGuns2
 package AmmoGuns2 is already active
De-activating package: AmmoGuns
Activating package: AmmoGuns2
 package AmmoGuns2 is already active
Slayer (Server): Slayer client registered: Torak has Version 3.5.1
*** New Mission
*** Phase 1: Download Datablocks & Targets
Slayer (Client): Handshake Accepted: Recieving initial data...
Activating package: VCE_Main
VCEClient: Server is running VCE 6.12.
Received manifest and requested 4454 blobs. (2152 duplicates removed)
Got non-CURLE_OK result on a request, result was 3 'URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL'
 - Request was for ''
Got non-CURLE_OK result on a request, result was 3 'URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL'
 - Request was for ''
Got non-CURLE_OK result on a request, result was 3 'URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL'
 - Request was for ''
Got non-CURLE_OK result on a request, result was 3 'URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL'
 - Request was for ''
Got non-CURLE_OK result on a request, result was 3 'URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL'
 - Request was for ''
Got non-CURLE_OK result on a request, result was 3 'URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL'
 - Request was for ''
Got non-CURLE_OK result on a request, result was 3 'URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL'
 - Request was for ''
Got non-CURLE_OK result on a request, result was 3 'URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL'
 - Request was for ''
CDN Download finished
Could not locate texture: Add-Ons/Weapon_SMGS/Material (download failed, using default texture)
  +- using blank texture
Could not locate texture: base/data/particles/star (download failed, using default texture)
  +- using default 'particle' texture 'base/data/particles/cloud.png'
Could not locate texture: Add-Ons/Weapon_Mini-Nuke/gray75 (download failed, using default texture)
  +- using default 'gray75' texture 'base/data/shapes/gray75.png'
Could not locate texture: Add-Ons/Weapon_Mini-Nuke/black (download failed, using default texture)
  +- using default 'black' texture 'base/data/shapes/black.png'
Could not locate texture: Add-Ons/Weapon_Mini-Nuke/greenbody (download failed, using default texture)
  +- using default 'green' texture 'base/data/shapes/green.png'
Could not locate texture: Add-Ons/Weapon_Loz_Hookshot/blank (download failed, using default texture)
  +- using blank texture
Could not locate texture: Add-Ons/Weapon_Loz_Hookshot/black50 (download failed, using default texture)
  +- using default 'black50' texture 'base/data/shapes/black50.png'
Could not locate projectile shape: basedatashapesempty.dts (download failed)
Could not locate texture: Add-Ons/Vehicle_Light_Tank/gray25 (download failed, using default texture)
  +- using default 'gray25' texture 'base/data/shapes/gray25.png'
Could not locate texture: Add-Ons/Vehicle_Light_Tank/black75 (download failed, using default texture)
  +- using default 'black75' texture 'base/data/shapes/black75.png'
Could not locate texture: Add-Ons/Vehicle_Light_Tank/gray50 (download failed, using default texture)
  +- using default 'gray50' texture 'base/data/shapes/gray50.png'
Could not locate texture: Add-Ons/Vehicle_Light_Tank/black50 (download failed, using default texture)
  +- using default 'black50' texture 'base/data/shapes/black50.png'
Could not locate texture: Add-Ons/Vehicle_Light_Tank/black25 (download failed, using default texture)
  +- using default 'black25' texture 'base/data/shapes/black25.png'
Could not locate texture: Add-Ons/Vehicle_Light_Tank/blank (download failed, using default texture)
  +- using blank texture
Could not locate texture: Add-Ons/Vehicle_Light_Tank/black (download failed, using default texture)
  +- using default 'black' texture 'base/data/shapes/black.png'
Could not locate texture: Add-Ons/Vehicle_GSF_Trawler/Material (download failed, using default texture)
  +- using blank texture
Could not locate sound file: Add-Ons/Script_FFC/sound/jeepExplosion.wav (download failed)
Could not locate texture: Add-Ons/Script_FFC/Models/base.blank.jpg (download failed, using default texture)
  +- using blank texture
Could not locate texture: Add-Ons/RustyMunk_ExtMakPackTwo/HATS/SHAPES/DarkGreen (download failed, using default texture)
  +- using default 'green' texture 'base/data/shapes/green.png'
Could not locate sound file: Add-Ons/Projectile_Lasercannon/LaserCannonHit.wav (download failed)
fxDTSBrickData::Preload - unknown texID ''
fxDTSBrickData::Preload - unknown texID ''
fxDTSBrickData::Preload - unknown texID ''
fxDTSBrickData::Preload - unknown texID ''
*** Phase 2: Download Ghost Objects
*** Phase 3: Mission Lighting
Mission lighting done
Executing config/client/Favorites.cs.
Torak spawned.
Loading persistence for BLID 999999
Applying persistence 0 1
Executing config/client/TMBI/favs.cs.
Executing config/client/Favorites.cs.
Executing config/client/TMBI/favs.cs.
Executing config/client/Favorites.cs.
Torak: b
Saving persistence for BLID 999999
Slayer (Server): Deactivating Slayer
Issuing Disconnect packet.
Exporting server prefs
Exporting client prefs
Exporting client config
Exporting rtb prefs
Slayer (Client): Deactivating Slayer
Shutting down the OpenGL display device...
Making the GL rendering context not current...
Deleting the GL rendering context...
Releasing the device context...

Help / Re: Fixing Bot Events
« on: November 15, 2012, 07:53:08 PM »
Now why would you give someone instructions on how to use a crc'ed addon that is highly bugged and abusable.

bot events is not highly bugged. And i have seen very few ways to abuse it

Help / Re: Servering Crashing
« on: November 15, 2012, 07:51:55 PM »
Post the server log please.

i need to see it before i can help you

Help / Re: Fixing Bot Events
« on: November 15, 2012, 06:46:32 PM »
Or you could just rename the zip folder and namecheck. That should do it

Help / Can't spawn in single player
« on: November 15, 2012, 06:41:48 PM »
As the topic says, after an odd glitch with the terragen addon (which i have deleted), i suddenly lost my ability to spawn. Whenever i start a single player game, Bl forgets up and dosen't spawn me (the player). Yet i don't get this problem in multiplayer.


Drama / Re: Fredulus - Troll, dumbass bully, and possible hacker
« on: November 15, 2012, 03:54:35 AM »

Good to see someone gets it

Drama / Re: Fredulus - Troll, dumbass bully, and possible hacker
« on: November 15, 2012, 02:41:26 AM »
you're 19 yet you couldn't guess that this guy wasn't serious? That's really acting your age.

thats just as equal as you saying that someone with a 1k BLID has to act his BLID.

Again, you missed the point

No one has never done this to me, so i didn't know if he was joking because of it

Drama / Re: Holy hell...
« on: November 15, 2012, 02:33:54 AM »

Drama / Re: Fredulus - Troll, dumbass bully, and possible hacker
« on: November 15, 2012, 02:32:17 AM »
Does OP have autism? That was clearly Fred joking around.

No, but how was i supposed to know he was joking, this is the first time i've had this happen to me.
I would've thought that would be obvious, as i have never posed my own drama before.

Drama / Re: Fredulus - Troll, dumbass bully, and possible hacker
« on: November 15, 2012, 02:30:39 AM »
Do you have any proof of him doing this besides a chatlog? I don't see any proof...
No, and i stated the reason for that in my OP

please post proof of you not spamming the server with soccer balls and rockets. an empty threat of being banned? hell, i've told an admin to ban someone before and on a whim he actually banned the fellow.
Not all admins are like that, i wouldn't listen to a random strangers request to ban, unless its for a good reason

hiding evidence? this will help your case!
Thats not evedence, it's a simple typing mistake

If you're a constant nuisance ingame and crash servers and do nothing positive for the game there is always that chance to be the first one to get their key revoked for spamming.
Firstly, getting your key revoked for that is still rare, as no one is that stupid. Secondly, as i said in my OP,i like to lay low and keep out of trouble

Of course he understands how the loving administration works, he's been playing the game for over three years. pull your head out of your ass and realize that he's playing dumb just to forget with you.
I probably did mess up on that...

proof of him spamming, please. i'd love to see it.
Refer to my first response on this matter

BLID racism? You've based your entire drama around the fact that you're jealous that he has a higher BLID than you. This isn't 'racism' or being biased. You're just jealous of his BLID.
I'm not jealous, and never will be. i'm smarter than that.

 What does his BLID have to do with you not liking him. why the forget does he not deserve to own the game and have his BLID? I'm sorry, but he bought the game when he did thus got that BLID. Nobody 'deserves' a BLID, they just receive it in correspondance of when they buy the game.
|Again, probably went a little over the top there. But there is a reason

Overall, you apparently missed a critical point, this is my first drama. I have never had something like this happen to me before, so my anger and actions are justified by that.

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