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Messages - sir dooble

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Off Topic / Re: have a job interview tomorrow
« on: May 20, 2017, 04:43:34 PM »
not much i can do besides retail

also i've been putting out lots of applications (i think i put out at least 40 within the last 4 months).
Sorry to say, but 10 a month is not a lot at all.
If the job market where you are is tough then there are definitely people putting out a lot more applications than that.

Off Topic / Re: Whats the terminal velocity of a pineapple?
« on: May 20, 2017, 04:37:23 PM »
A pineapple is somewhat earo dynamic I think
I don't think it is really. All the pines face outwards and increase drag, like little parachutes.

The leaves on top do the same if dropped upside down.

Maybe it's better if you chop the pineapple into cubes and drop it, like a pineapple shotgun.

Off Topic / Re: 300 US Marines vs 60000 Romans
« on: May 20, 2017, 04:25:58 PM »
For an historical comparison of many non-ranged troops versus fewer stationary armed troops, see the Battle of Isandlwana during the Anglo-Zulu War.

The large Zulu force (20,000) armed mostly with shields and spears defeated a smaller force (2,000) of British troops armed with rifles, field guns and rockets.
The Brits were disorganised and had poor defenses set up (not unlike the video scenario).

The Romans have a much much greater numerical advantage than the Zulus did, plus better equipment and training, being a professional army.
There's very little chance of a Marine win under this extreme scenario.

It's pointless even entertaining the idea of the Marines having airsupport as it tips the scales ridiculously to their side.
If they have airsupport why even call in airdrops? Why not call in a gunship or an AC-130?
With something like that you could singlehandedly destroy any army that ever existed prior to the 1900s.

Even just a single unarmed helicopter could feasibly pick up marines, hover out of arrow range and let the marines mow people down from above.  

...It's a social experiment.
An experiment on chicken society.

Off Topic / Re: 300 US Marines vs 60000 Romans
« on: May 20, 2017, 01:53:28 PM »
By the video alone I think the marines would have eviscerated each other with friendly fire.

Off Topic / Re: 300 US Marines vs 60000 Romans
« on: May 20, 2017, 01:48:31 PM »
The flaws in this video particularly are hilarious.
The romans have superior numbers and formation.
They have shields which should at least stop or slow down a couple of rounds, depending on the ammunition used.

But for whatever reason:
-the shields do nothing.
-the romans only send a few men at a time.
-the marines do not have to reload.
-the marines do not run out of ammo.
The shields would be reasonably ineffective. A typical oblong Scutum shield is made from sheets of wood covered in leather with thin straps of metal. It's roughly 5-6mm deep.
It would have relatively little stopping power against a modern bullet.

The Romans would almost certainly win in a fight though, on account of sheer numbers, but also their own ranged capabilities.
Roman soldiers had bows and spears and could take out marines from some distance.
There would be significant Roman losses but the Marines would be destroyed.

Tell that to the Nahuatl and the Zoroastrians
There's an estimated 2.6 million zoroastrians today. Sure, that's not on the scale of Islam or Christianity, but it's not destroyed.

Generally speaking the only way to destroy a religion is to utterly destroy the society or people who practice it.
This is more feasible with a religion confined to one geographic location or a isolated society.
Which is why the Aztec Religion doesn't really exist because the people and society were destroyed by European disease and the following Spanish conquest. It was then largely replaced by catholicism.

A world religion however, one that is shared (in various forms) across great distances and numerous societies is unlikely to be destroyed.
Consider wanting to destroy Christianity. I could invade the US, destroy the government, kill 99% of all Christians, destroy its churches and ban all further practice.
But there are still millions of christians in Canada, Mexico, Europe, Africa, Asia and the rest of the world. And there's nothing to stop them from practicing or even spreading it back in the US.

Most sizable religions today are too large and to widespread to be destroyed. 

The discussion seems to be in two places: How do you ban a religion, and should you.

The only way to effectively ban a religion is to outlaw all practice of the religion, including holy buildings, festivals, public speaking, publication of religious material and congregation of its members.
If successfully enforced this would effectively outlaw the religion and have it removed from the public.

Does this do what you want though? Does it destroy the religion or stop its growth?
No, it doesn't.
Numerous religions have been banned throughout history yet still continue to exist in secret and grow.
Christianity was banned not long after its formation and its members continued to practice in secret in caves, and to recruit members. Once the power that banned it lost the control to continue doing so it exploded into the public way of life and never stopped.

Even religious sects failed to be stifled, as with the rise and fall of Protestantism and Catholicism during the European reformations.
And in the modern day banned religious beliefs, such as those of extremists, thrive through the internet and social media and continue to try to recruit and grow, working on an international stage without care for borders.

You can't stop belief and you can't even stop practice or recruitment. All you can do is hide it from the public and leave it unchecked.

As for should we ban religions, I don't believe we should.

Of course there are religious based groups who cause violence and unrest, as well as organisations designed to manipulate followers for the benefit of individual leaders.
And these should be banned and fought.

But banning an entire religion, particularly a world religion is an awful idea. Not only can it infringe on civil rights in a country, but it antagonises an incredible number of people against your country.
It pushes once honest members of that religion who practiced peacefully to join and form extremist groups who now use violence to restore their religion.

And even if repurcussions are small to begin with we already know that banning a religion doesn't destroy it, and it will grow underneath you. It's a fruitless endeavour.

Off Topic / Re: Foot is peeling like a damn potato (no pics)
« on: May 16, 2017, 08:00:55 AM »
haha no pic.

Why would I have athlete's foot I don't even go outside much
Athlete's Foot is a fungal infection that grows in moist environments. It's common in athletes because of their sweaty feet, socks and footwear.
Anyone who has bad foot hygiene can get it however. This includes having sweaty unwashed feet as well as shoes and socks that are dirty or wet.

You can buy anti-fungal Athlete's Foot medicine over the counter, which can be creams, powders, sprays or soaps.
You can also be prescribed anti-fungal medicine from a doctor.
Wash and dry your feet before applying the medicines.
Continue to use the treatments after the rash disappears to ensure its gone. Read the leaflets for a timescale.
Try to avoid scratching as the fungus is transferable to other people and parts of your body.
Wash your hands after touching the infected sites.

To keep clean and prevent future infections always keep your feet clean and dry.
If you go swimming or have a shower then dry your feet thoroughly before putting on shoes.
Always use clean dry socks, and try to avoid sharing socks with others.
Avoid walking barefoot in public/communal showers/gyms.
Avoid sharing towels with other people.
Use Talcum powder on your feet to stop them getting sweaty.

Don't be embarrassed about it though, it's really common and easy to get. Some people are also more susceptible than others.

To answer the poll first, I don't pray in any meaningful sense. I don't have a practice or set aside time to pray. I do pray silently on the fly, and I address my prayer to "God", but I don't believe that to be the Christian God, nor do I even believe that the "God" I pray to exists. I don't even believe that any god can hear my prayer. My prayers are really just me hoping and thinking, but I do it in the manner of a prayer.

Maybe that doesn't count, to pray without belief. Maybe that's just talking to yourself. But it's the closest I come to praying anymore.

As for the new question, by and large I don't think all members of a religion should be judged by the actions of a few, nor do I think they are responsible.

What I do believe however, particularly (if not entirely) in the case of extremism/terrorism, is that the people of a religion (particularly religious leaders) have a duty to condemn the actions of those who cause pain and suffering in the name of their religion.
If you claim to follow a religion of peace (which all our world religions do) then you need to condemn those who manipulate the religion to destroy peace.

I think that the way to do this is to look at your religious teachings and find the areas that allow for murder and evil, and then to denounce those areas.
I know that's difficult in some religions where the entirety of a sacred text, including its contradictions and allowances for evil, are considered as gospel and unchallengable. But a religion has to grow, especially if its to teach peace and kindness and love.

If you can't do this then you can't condemn evil-doers because you continue to justify their actions.
And I think it is fair to judge the members of a religion who do justify and give room for the evil of other members.

Off Topic / Re: Who would make the best moderator?
« on: May 14, 2017, 08:34:19 AM »
I'm not dead, but I have turned a bit more into a lurker as I'm kept kind of busy with work, plus I wanted to stop spending so much time posting at the same few forgetwits on here who purposelly post drivel constantly. My post history for 2016 is rather depressing.

Anyway, thanks for so many nods to me. I like to think I would be at least a fair moderator.

Edit: Conan, Greek and Pecon would be my choices in that order. I also think e-maxx would do a good job if he wanted it.

Off Topic / Re: This Game is Dying
« on: May 08, 2017, 05:15:46 AM »
servers and player activity is dwindling, what do we do?
Make more servers with a wider variety of interesting ideas.

If the game is 'dying' it's because not enough players are putting enough effort into making fun servers.
Blockland is a sandbox game with ample tools. It's up to the players to make it fun.

Off Topic / Re: oh brother
« on: May 08, 2017, 05:11:16 AM »
the main movies aren't that bad tbh tho
Yeah, Despicable Me was actually quite good. It was funny and original, and it made good use of 3D.
DM2 was not quite as good, not as memorable, but not awful.

Off Topic / Re: what are things that make you L I V I D
« on: May 08, 2017, 05:07:46 AM »
how the forget does a person become a fan of a sports team anyways? do they like the fact they they win? do they like the logo? are they a half-cousin to one person on the team?? i dont understand
Often people support a team local to them, or they pick up the team their family or friends support.
Then there are people who are fans of specific players and they follow them as they change teams.
There are people who start following a team after they have some entertaining/impressive games also.
And you get the glory-chasers who jump onto a team as soon as they win big, just so they can boast to others that their team won.

There are a lot of ways to start supporting a team or to change your support.
There's no real right or wrong reason for supporting a team, but it's generally considered dishonest if you suddenly start to support a team who becomes big, and if you drop support as soon as your team has a bad streak.

Games / Re: Nintendo Switch Presentation - January 12th
« on: May 03, 2017, 02:18:19 PM »
I still think were gonna see a switch VR adapter
Won't work in a car though.
I tried my Gear VR in a moving car and it thought the turning of the car was the turning of my head.
Going around roundabouts was dizzying.

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