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Messages - Pah1023

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10 ... 172
Off Topic / Re: mountain dew hate thread
« on: October 23, 2017, 07:10:21 AM »
mountain dew is the best drink in the world.

General Discussion / Re: "Ana" ARG thread
« on: October 23, 2017, 04:25:03 AM »
While the street view has it blurred out, the 3D view shows up the house.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: REQUEST: Audio Visualizer Script?
« on: October 22, 2017, 05:02:51 AM »
If you dig deep enough into the OpenAL functions you might be able to get the pitch of an audio source, but no guarantees.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Animated water possible?
« on: October 20, 2017, 06:17:24 AM »
Sounds a lot like this request here.
I don't believe the water can be animated at all, the most you could probably do is do some trick with multiple water planes and textures.
However I doubt it'll turn up any satisfiable results at all.

At most it'd take 150-200 lines of code, with java that's an extremely low amount.
All you'd need to do is with Discord4J login to your bot and set up a listener for messages and relay them to Blockland through a TCP and vice versa for Blockland's end.
Of course it wont be easy if you make one from scratch - if you understand how a bot works it should not be as bad
Considering how I was able to do it within an hour of coding not knowing much about java at the time I'd say it's easy.

Games / Re: Warframe Megathread - warframe confirmed path of exile
« on: October 16, 2017, 10:00:41 AM »


Okay so then....I have to install Red to use a Bot on my Discord Server?
I guess, I don't know, I wrote my own bot using Discord4J instead of using someone else's program.

Pah, I know how to get the token, I have the loving token, but where do I put it?

And I was asking how to get to that "developers page" through the actual discord installed PROGRAM - you know, so you can set up and manage "apps" from the discord PROGRAM you installed?
Why would you need to get to it through the discord program, it's something that'd you rarely need access but maybe once or twice through the entire development of your bot.
It'd do nothing but clutter the UI somewhere.
Additionally you put that token in the client for the "Red" bot which you install here
Keep in mind, that is a user made bot and discord as far as I know doesn't offer any bots already made.

It's crazily easy to make a bot.
Also that page is right here.

And your token is right here on your bot page.

I currently have a private bot that does this, if you want to set it up for your server just send me a message at Pah1023#9624
It doesn't show when the server goes online/offline due to the fact it'd require a heartbeat to reliably do it.

Links are still broke because they for some reason turn into a stupid html page. If you guys right click those direct links and save file as, they will work. I am not even sure why they redirect as an html.
Odd, for me I could just click the link and it'd download.

Help / Re: Add-on error (Scripting)
« on: October 14, 2017, 04:39:57 AM »
Do not use this, Torque 3D is the successor to TGEA and has some differences in scripting.
Use this instead if anything.

Or consult the modification discussion section of the forums.

Games / Re: Game of the Year 2017 Revealed
« on: October 12, 2017, 04:00:08 AM »
wadanohara and the great blue sea is the game of the year every single year
that's a weird way of saying mogeko castle.

Creativity / Re: The new and improved 3D model topic!
« on: October 11, 2017, 08:33:35 PM »

part of a possible game-mode in the works.

General Discussion / Re: Make the hatmod a default addon please
« on: October 11, 2017, 04:51:29 AM »
slayer with zapk's "delete everything in your blockland directory" modification should be made default
I second this opinion.

No, no way at all.
The best anyone could do is do some magic with static shapes, but that'd likely hit performance hard.
The class types that they used were removed with the v21 update.

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