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Messages - Zharthon

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Forum Games / Re: Interrogation
« on: July 01, 2016, 03:19:51 PM »
"Oh yeah flameforget? Prove it." Badspot
(<) View Casenotes

Prologue: What do you mean the ship is on fire!?

Off into this stufffest we go.

I don't get why every single stuffty Star Wars game feels the need to copy the opening scroll from the movies.

And everything goes to stuff in the first five minutes of the game.

We get a look at our brave hero sleeping through an attack on the ship.

Some jackass barges in on your nice nap and wakes you up.

: "Who are you?"

: "I'm Trask Ulgo, ensign with the Republic Fleet. I'm your bunk mate here on the Endar Spire. We work opposite shifts; I guess that's why you haven't seen me before."

: "Now hurry up, we have to find Bastilla! We have to make sure she makes it off the ship alive!"

: "Who's Bastilla?"

: "Bastilla's the commanding officer on the Endar Spire. Well, not an officer, really. But she's the one in charge of this mission."

: "One of our primary duties is to guarantee her survival in the event of enemy attack! You swore an oath just like everyone else on this mission. Now it's time to make good on that oath!"

: "We're soldiers, we're trained for combat. Bastilla's going to need men and women like us at her side during this attack!"

: "Okay! Let's go help Bastilla."

: "So hurry up and grab your gear. You need to suit up so we can get out of here."

: "Okay."

So we finally gain control of our character, for a brief second.

We're off on our merry adventure and the first thing we do is manipulate another human being using mind control to open a door for us.

As we take a step down the hall, we're treated to more momentum stopping dialog.

Whatever, we push down the hallway and make Trask unlock the second door for us.

After the Sith are finished killing the single Republic trooper, our character walks out in the middle of the hallway like a handicap while armed only with a sword, but we finally get some combat.

We take a running start and charge at the two Sith troopers armed only with a sword.

We somehow jump up high in the air as if we were jumping on a trampoline, do some sort of somersault and bash each Sith in the head with our sword, and you're tellin' me that this guy isn't a Jedi?

Looting the lockboxes and the dead Sith in the next room, we find some better weapons and armor.

After equipping our better armor, we set sail for the next room.

We do some more flippy stuff and kill everyone and afterwards run to the room upstairs.

After the ship is done blowing up the Jedi, two Sith troopers are created out of thin air and try to attack us.

We deal with the Sith and move on to the bridge of the ship.

After clearing the entire room with the help of explosions, we move to the other side of the bridge and head through the door.

Trask runs into the room containing one deadly Sith like an absolute handicap, now we have to move on to the escape pods by ourselves.

: "Bastilla's escape pod is away - you're the last surviving crew member of the Endar Spire! I can't wait for you much longer; you have to get to the escape pods!"

: "Be careful! There's a whole squad of Sith Troopers on the other side of that door! You need to find some way to thin their numbers."

: "You could reprogram the damaged assault droid to help you, if you have enough repair parts."

: "Or you could use computer spikes to slice into the terminal and use the Endar Spire's security systems against the Sith."

We execute the biggest hack of history and overload the power conduit in the next room, shocking everyone to death and making a straight run for the escape pods.

Conveniently, there is only one active escape pod that we can take.

Carth and the Protagonist take the only escape pod and hightail it the forget outta there.

Well forget.

Next Update:

The Protagonist goes goose hunting for Bastilla.

Forum Games / How to Jedi [Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic 1]
« on: July 01, 2016, 12:23:37 PM »
Previously, on KOTOR 1
The Mandalorians, who were at the time a group of battle-hardened humans hailing from the planet Mandalore declare war on the Republic ; the Jedi Council, being massive pacifistic starfishs, officially refuse to involve the Jedi Order in the war, leaving the Republic to fight an unstoppable enemy alone and causing the war to go poorly for the Republic. Eventually, a group of rogue Jedi led by Revan run to join the Republic fleet and fight off the Mandalorian forces, ending the Mandalorian Wars. After the war is finished, Revan goes all dark side and seizes control of most of the Republic fleet, declaring himself a Sith and thus beginning his genocide crusade against the other Jedi who did not join him in the war effort against Mandalore.
Creating the Jedi Civil War, Revan and his apprentice Malak announced their return as Sith by bombing the utter living forget out of the planets Telos IV and Foerost, after two years of (possible) skirmishes against the Republic planets, Revan and his space fleet are finally located by Republic forces who engage them in battle. Squads of Jedi board Revan's ship and "peacefully" annihilate his entire crew while another squad of Jedi break through the rest of the defenses leading to the bridge, and in doing so they confront Revan and kill him in a fairly anticlimactic way.
Now you're just some random dumbass Republic Soldier who is stationed on the ship named the Endar Spire, while the name of the ship is downright handicapped, you have to cope with living on the Spire long enough to get sent back home.
Cool, what the forget is this game?
Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic is an RPG video game created by Bioware and published by the dead and still dying LucasArts, plus there's an iOS and Android version for this game but who really gives a stuff about those platforms.
Before working on Knights of The Old Republic, Bioware had developed Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate 2 and Neverwinter Nights, so they had some degree of skill when it came to writing the story and designing the gameplay mechanics, while this game isn't a graphical knockout in 2016 and the gameplay is at best mediocre for today's standards, it held up fairly well when it was released, most of the game was there and what was cut content was mostly very minor additions to the game.
The combat in this game is fairly simple if you know how your usual DnD ruleset works, the game follows a turn-based combat system (although you can switch it off to give yourself the illusion of real-time combat) in which each party takes a 6 second turn smacking the other party around, combat actions are calculated by die rolls and modifiers so you can feel extra forgeted when you constantly miss your attacks.
What can I do?

Parts of the game will be posted in a chapter-like manner, somewhat like Tber and his XCOM playthrough.

People who want to participate in this thread won't be able to pick dialog options, sorry, but I just don't feel like waiting every single time a conversation pops up in-game for the forums to pick a response in the conversation, I will pick conversation options based on what's more entertaining in the given situation.

Although allowing the forums to pick conversation options is out of the question due to time restraints, the forums will instead be allowed to pick and vote for both minor and plot changing choices that our character will make during the game.

Cast of Thousands
- The Protagonist: Just some random shmuck stationed on a Republic vessel, nothing special to note about you, nothing at all.
- Carth Onasi: Another random Republic Soldier who was stationed on the Endar Spire alongside you, has serious trust issues and will constantly shove it in your face.
- Canderous Ordo: Mandalorian (cool) guy with a gun, nothing to note about his personality, seeing as Bioware didn't write him with one.
- Mission Vao: Some random Twi'lek kid, has some boohoo tragic backstory that you're meant to care for, but never really do.
- Zaalbar: Your basic Chewbacca clone, his dialog consists of him making the same roaring noise over and over again.

- Bastille Shan: Imagine if Furdle had bigger ego problems, lived eons ago in another universe and his gender was reversed, this lady is pretty much Furdle.
- T3-M4: The Chinese bootleg R2-D2 knockoff, doesn't do anything other than speak in beeps and boops.

- HK-47: A protocol droid with disturbing homicidal tendencies, kinda like iBan.

- Juhani: Half cat, half human Jedi. It's almost as if she was built with the sole reason of baiting furries into buying the game.

- Jolee Bindo: Black Jedi with no sense of a moral compass that lives in the middle of the woods for no reason.

Forum Games / Re: Blockland Forums Hungergames
« on: July 01, 2016, 10:51:04 AM »
this isn't how a forum hunger game works at all

you know you're meant to wait for people to actually customize the characters themselves, right?

Forum Games / Re: Interrogation
« on: July 01, 2016, 08:12:02 AM »

Forum Games / Re: voxel adventure : explosions tho
« on: July 01, 2016, 07:45:59 AM »
wake up in a hospital alongside hideo kojima

Games / Re: Espio not so grand stream [Live friends]
« on: June 27, 2016, 08:46:54 AM »
i don't see any [live friends] on the stream, unless you were talking about:

Off Topic / Re: upcoming ben 10 reboot and oh boy what the forget
« on: June 26, 2016, 03:54:00 PM »
im not mad, just really really really disappointed

Off Topic / Re: i am back from yurop
« on: June 25, 2016, 03:29:09 PM »
nah they still call it greek yogurt, who knows why

no we call it just yogurt

get ur facts straite

Off Topic / Re: whackins ama
« on: June 22, 2016, 01:26:09 PM »
how many times do you whack it per day

people are still going to town with the dislikes and the comments

in the case you can't read, the likes stand at 98,433 and dislikes stand at 124,331 and the dislikes keep on coming

basically this video right here that is some "coming together to celebrate identity" campaign thingy that youtube has launched for the sake of transgenderism and stuff like that has received massive backlash from the community and got decimated by 69,542 dislikes within a matter of hours

picture in the case youtube decides to pull a prank and remove like/dislike counts:

/discuss, i guess

« on: June 20, 2016, 10:43:40 AM »

probably that

no probably meant this

Off Topic / Re: My parents make me do the bills at age 13?!
« on: June 19, 2016, 06:40:52 PM »
Rightfully so. If I had a kid who was whinging as much as you, I'd loving put the boot up their bum.

you can expect op to come to the forums and complain about a non-problem because for him it IS a problem, he's a 13 year old with dyslexia

for him it actually IS a problem to take care of finances, it IS a problem for him to read and remember patterns, it IS a problem for him to work quickly with numbers

forget off with the "he should be taken outside and beaten" bullstuff, his reason for complaining is valid, he can't perform these types of tasks at the same level as mommy or daddy would because of him being dyslexic, putting him to help clean up the store or something like that would be far more useful than putting him on dealing with the store/family finances which in turn would cause him more trouble due to his actual problems with dyslexia

he struggles with something not because he doesn't want to do it or because he's a whiny bitch, he struggles because he has a legitimate problem that his parents are ignoring

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