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Messages - SwiftHyena2593

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MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA: A new law has just been passed by Alabama state officials, making it legal to hunt members of the furry fandom if they're wearing a fursuit out in public. This stigma towards furries is nothing new, as a few months ago, Alabama state officials approved funding for a furry conversion camp where "furries would be un-furry'd", and would be forced to burn their fursuit in a bonfire upon arrival.

Meanwhile, "I'm TIRED of seeing this stupid ass motherforgeters dressing up as neon colored wolves and loving at the park! I'll finally be able to pop a loving cap in these worthless stuffs!" says William Robert Bean, a resident in the small town of Scottsboro, where a furry meet had been held in the park across the street from his house.

Alabama state officials are also considering passing a law that makes it so that fursuiters can legally be kidnapped, and taken and put in an exhibit at the zoo. Lawmakers say that "it only makes sense, considering that they're dressing up as animals, so it must mean they WANT to be animals".

As the story develops, we will inform the public with more information on the new laws and what to expect.

Creativity / Re: The new and improved 3D model topic!
« on: October 17, 2020, 10:18:15 PM »
He gathered 2 of every animal on earth, herded them on to a boat, and beat the crap out of every single one of them
i hope badspot does that with everybody on the BLF, except he beats them all to death.

It's a devastating loss for the family of Conan. Their son, Conan, a cake, was found in critical condition at a birthday party, mutilated. He was rushed to the hospital and put on life support but he died there later that night. He was yet another victim who has been lost to Cake Abuse. Tonight, friends and family of Conan are mourning their loss. "He had such a bright future ahead of him, when he grew up, he wanted to be on display at a bakery." Sadly, Conan's dreams were shattered early, and many others are now trying to raise awareness about the very real issue of Cake Abuse, so another cake doesn't end up like Conan.

on another note:

this has to be the funniest headline i've ever seen, on god, fox news is some next level performance art
Idk why but I want to smack them really loving hard

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: October 16, 2020, 09:38:00 PM »

Me at the spa.

Gallery / Re: mall again but this time i don't lose the save
« on: October 06, 2020, 06:36:32 AM »
lmao you think he can actually build anything this good, probably would just port stolen assets from 90 million year old games
you've never even seen my builds wtf

Drama / Re: Unban me blocklanders
« on: September 14, 2020, 07:26:46 AM »
i'll unban you only if you let me make a slayer minigame so i can shoot you up with every gun and explosive i have installed on my server until you rage quit

Drama / Re: Keith Ape - Cool guy (idk id- Spamming Master List servers
« on: September 09, 2020, 04:57:57 PM »
was literally about to make a post about this stuff. i honestly wonder how the forget they create so many damn clients to get the playercount up to like 100k

Forum Games / Re: The Blockland Forums Hunger Games #7(?)
« on: August 24, 2020, 12:09:59 AM »
im starting to get really hungry for some hunger games.

General Discussion / Re: What's so bad about fuzztoast?
« on: August 24, 2020, 12:07:02 AM »
hes always on his furry stuff lol
even most furries would probably consider this guy obnoxious

Off Topic / Re: lets play notepad mmo again
« on: August 21, 2020, 10:30:31 PM »

guys wtf happened

General Discussion / Re: What's so bad about fuzztoast?
« on: August 19, 2020, 09:30:15 PM »
(Before you say anything I'm not simping for fuzztoast and i have not been hacked by him)
Whenever I'm in a server with fuzztoast he doesn't act bad at all and i wanna know why people hate him.
Well, he acts very.... strange to say the least. Like make everybody on the forum want to pluck their eyeballs out with a spoon strange.

Forum Games / Re: The Blockland Forums Hunger Games #7(?)
« on: August 18, 2020, 05:21:19 PM »
put me in

Clan Discussion / Re: Square Society: Still building after 4 years!
« on: August 18, 2020, 04:57:53 PM »
I like it, it looks really nice and cozy. The lighting especially adds to that feeling/vibe.

Drama / Re: Sugar/Akira give Another chance in the server
« on: August 18, 2020, 04:53:23 PM »
This stuff's absolutely loving disgusting. Sugar did absolutely nothing to deserve this kind of stuff, especially considering she's autistic and what cheesepizza and nix said about her being more gullible because of that.

we managed to keep her away from the server itself (i even heard that she got banned from it, but i cant confirm), but she's still in contact with some members of the server. we're trying to keep her from doing so, but we arent doing a very good job frankly.

an update for everyone, one of the Gang who reported the server did get a response from discord and it is supposedly being investigated. also, someone else installed a plugin that notifies them whenever a keyword is said, so he knows whatever's going on over there.
again, i dont want to go too into detail on the off chance a member of the short bus waddles towards this thread.
Thank god. Hopefully the server gets taken down. It's very likely Sugar is not the only person these stuffheads are doing these kinds of things to.

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