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Messages - Evar678

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Off Topic / Re: Segway Guy trips Usain Bolt
« on: August 28, 2015, 08:56:18 AM »
I guess the segway "bolt" up his career

then prove it to us by finishing this one
That's harsh.

To be fair, this time around he has an excuse since I've been at his house for the past two months. That and he just recently started school again and on top of that is preping to chat with my boss about a job.

Give him a break.

That being said; I'll do my best with getting him motivated to continue on this. It's a project that's a bit too important to the community (which needs more content creators) to let him leave it unfinished.

Off Topic / Re: TV crew get shot on LIVE TV
« on: August 27, 2015, 05:28:47 AM »
The general consensus of the black community is that lighter skinned Africans are up to no good and generally race traitors in league with white people.
What the f-.

Games / Re: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!
« on: August 23, 2015, 08:55:59 AM »

Off Topic / Re: Custody of my Brother
« on: August 23, 2015, 04:37:00 AM »
Well I can't be much help since I was quite young at the time and didn't really 100% understand the situation at the time, but I was subject to a custody change when I was around 10.

As far as I do know without explicitly doing some research on it would be that if both parties agree to a custody change then I don't believe lawyers need to be involved, should just require both parties to sign a few documents stating the details of it and such. Lawyers from both parties would only need to be involved if the party that currently has custody doesn't want to lose custody of the person.

If anything it might be worthwhile to ask your father's lawyer about the conditions for a custody change and whether it would require your grandmother to get a lawyer or not.

I'd take this with a grain of salt until you look more into the topic, but I figure I might as well chime in considering I've been in the situation.

Games / Re: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!
« on: August 23, 2015, 04:19:18 AM »
Hotdamn, I guess it must be pretty bad then..
Morde gets full exp from lane minions he kills, so he's basically guaranteed to outlevel his lane opponents in a duo lane.

Oh and he can steal dragon's soul and control it the same way as he can champions, so him being bot lane and close to dragon would really be scary..

Modification Help / Re: Get vehicle color.
« on: August 22, 2015, 05:07:02 PM »
Im trying to get the RGBA value of the paint thats been applied to the vehicle.

Was it RGBA what colorsets use?
Anyways, what i mean is the same values that the colorsets use with the 4 variables for colors and transperency.


If you need to convert that to 0-255 form instead of 0.0-1.0 you can wrap it in getColorI.

(damnit, why is Evar's laptop signed into Evar's account on BLF :p)

Since you're defining the method for your own named GUI like that (which is the common approach), not calling the parent is completely fine. However, for special cases (such as GuiMouseEventCtrl::onMouseEnter), you can place a snippet like this above your package and then call the parent inside of the package just fine (without breaking stuff):

if (!isFunction("GuiMouseEventCtrl", "onMouseEnter")) {
  eval("function GuiMouseEventCtrl::onMouseEnter(){}");

(damnit, why is Evar's laptop signed into Evar's account on BLF :p)

For anyone that's been using this: Is there anything that's missing that you'd like to see added, or any particular requests for priority of things on the roadmap? (The list isn't as up to date as it could be, if I recall correctly)

oh lol seemed that way from the picture and the way you were phrasing it
nah it's fine, probably better to devote your time to the core functionality
I'll likely push him to do this in the median time where he's not 100% on what to do next / how to continue with the current task to continue productivity when it comes to this project, but it wouldn't take priority over core function.

Off Topic / Re: NASA Finds Kepler-452b - New Earth-like Planet
« on: July 23, 2015, 02:04:22 PM »
To me it sounded like he was implying the speed of light is infinite, but he was speaking from the perspective of the passengers.
Yeah, I told him he should've specified
Also light does apparently have mass.
Well, apparently somewhere between 0 and 1 x 10-18 eV/c2 [wikipedia]
So after some wolfram alpha stuff, that equates to around.. 1.073544 x 10-27u where u is unified atomic mass units.
1u is 1/12th of a single carbon-12 atom.
(Layman's terms: between 0 and basically 0)

..Not sure how it isn't 0, but.. hm..

Off Topic / Re: NASA Finds Kepler-452b - New Earth-like Planet
« on: July 23, 2015, 01:40:21 PM »
I don't think you understand the speed of light.
Because of time dilation being a thing, he's not 100% incorrect. There's also no way to prove him right or wrong, simply because reaching the speed of light with a physical object is impossible. (According to our current theories)

If you somehow manage to break the laws of the universe and travel at the speed of light, then assuming time dilation is indeed true (it's been proven in the past as being a thing), and also assuming that the theory of relativity is fundamentally correct then yes, from your perspective, you would be there instantly.

It's worth noting that for any observers it would indeed take thousands of years for them to get there, but saying that it's not possible within a human lifespan would be inaccurate assuming you're able to move at the speed of light.

The universe itself does not allow anything to match (let alone exceed) the speed of light unless it has literally 0 mass. Even if somehow we could reduce a spacecraft and human passengers to 0 mass, then there would be no possible way to build up the energy required to reach the speed of light. Photons are different; they essentially are energy, and have 0 mass. They can easily reach the speed of light, but never faster.

Games / Re: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!
« on: July 15, 2015, 05:38:03 AM »
I'm still a bit confused on what Attack Damage Carry means.

Someone mind dumbing it down for me?
An AD Carry (known as Marksman by Riot) is a champion that primarily outputs damage through ranged auto attacks (which scale off attack damage).

By building a mix of attack damage, attack speed, critical strike chance, and lifesteal they are usually one of the two highest damaging members of a team (the other being the AP Carry). They often lack the use of many defensive items, however, so they're decently easy to kill if caught alone by multiple enemies.

The main difference between them and an AP Carry aside from using different stats to deal damage is that AD Carries generally output consistent high damage, while AP Carries are sudden bursts of very high damage, limited by cooldowns.

Not that I did say Ranged. All AD Carries (Also known as marksmen) are ranged champions. Someone like master yi, despite scaling off of attack damage and being considered a carry (high damage, low durability), he's not an ADC because he's melee.

Officially my own key sometime in 2009 (blid 10015)
Played on my friend's computer for at least 4 hours a day in mid 07-08

I had played v0002 on a different friend's laptop some time before this, not sure when. He claimed it was 'new'

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