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Messages - Ichverbot

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Off Topic / Re: Forum racism finally ends here!!
« on: November 13, 2011, 09:22:05 PM »
It's okay because Miika is ugly and a bitch and ugly and a bitch and ugly.

And a bitch. <3
oh okay

Off Topic / Re: Forum racism finally ends here!!
« on: November 13, 2011, 09:20:49 PM »
I feel really bad right now.

You're such a terrible influence on me Stocking, I kept that stuff tucked away as a secret for like a year and then you were like "post it, post it, I want to taste blood."


Badspot was afraid of communism
I lol'd

Off Topic / Re: Forum racism finally ends here!!
« on: November 13, 2011, 09:12:17 PM »
i wish I had scandalous steam chats
Joshua: So, what did you want to tell me?
captain blue: i want you inside of me.
Joshua: :o

Off Topic / Re: Forum racism finally ends here!!
« on: November 13, 2011, 09:09:32 PM »
That was last December.

Guess again.

Off Topic / Re: Forum racism finally ends here!!
« on: November 13, 2011, 09:03:37 PM »
* Ichverbot cremates Ningyou.


Joshua: hurro
Joshua: How did you get this
captmeat: iban??
Joshua: yes
Joshua: The one and only
captmeat: I'm half asleep
captmeat: Sorry if I babble
captmeat: I can't respond to pm's
Joshua: ahhhh I figured as much
captmeat: Thank you for mesagine me that
captmeat: She's loving creepy
captmeat: obsessing over me
captmeat: for loving months
captmeat: D:
Joshua: lol
Joshua: She's having a really hard breakdown right now
Joshua: She was trying to rationalize it
captmeat: isn't the first time
Joshua: yeah but you were good to make it a) public b) in no uncertain terms
Joshua: she can't hide or play games and say to me that you're still into her
Joshua: it's just impossible now
captmeat: I am not obsesed with her, I do not love her, I did not tell her that I'm wanting her to be obsessed with me or whatever
captmeat: She's crazy
captmeat: I blocked her on FB/BL messaging/Skype/Xfire/Steam etc
captmeat: And she went on other people's
captmeat: such as KAtamari
captmeat: to message me
captmeat: being like
Joshua: Did you guys ever have a thing going?
captmeat: I NEED YOU
captmeat: I LOVE YOU
captmeat: yes
captmeat: but that ended
captmeat: awhile ago
captmeat: and shes still obsessing over it
Joshua: It's only after I sent the PM did it come to me that maybe she was slightly insane.
captmeat: And after 2 months of it ending
captmeat: her getting on bl Servers that I was on
captmeat: building hearts
captmeat: saying
captmeat: Capt + Miika forever
captmeat: :|
Joshua: that is so awesome and creepy at the same time
captmeat: its horrible D:
Joshua: What made you break it off with her in the first place
captmeat: long story
Joshua: Well, I'd like to hear it.
Joshua: Your call though
captmeat: I'd rather be fully awake
captmeat: but
captmeat: First off
captmeat: She lives in Belgium as you know
captmeat: where they speak dutch
captmeat: I'm american
captmeat: She wanted me to move to a country where I couldn't understand the language
captmeat: and when I had no money
captmeat: She wanted me to live off her family
captmeat: when she doesn't even go to school
captmeat: not homeschooled no
captmeat: she doesn't even go
captmeat: She kept telling me how
captmeat: she had panic attacks
captmeat: every time she saw someone prettier
captmeat: which made her feel like a failure
captmeat: which is just bullstuff
captmeat: So she stopped going to school
captmeat: for like a year now
Joshua: She told me she was paranoid that other people were thinking about her
Joshua: Not negatively, just.. at all
captmeat: she said that as well, but also the attractiveness thing
captmeat: it's not just that though
captmeat: but the fact that even after a year
captmeat: she still had trouble even going on mic
captmeat: because she was scared
captmeat: and she wouldnt show herself ever to me
captmeat: but show heraself to other people all the time
Joshua: She talks on the mic all the time
captmeat: yeah
captmeat: not to me
captmeat: neever
captmeat: but
captmeat: whenever I was feeling down
Joshua: woah
captmeat: she never helped
captmeat: ask greekgeeker
captmeat: if you dont believe me lol
Joshua: just going to go out on a whim here
Joshua: she just responded with like
Joshua: ":o omg"
captmeat: LOL
captmeat: pretty much yeah
captmeat: And yeah, I have anxiety issues and I told her about, and she never bothered to even help at all with it
captmeat: Never bothered to reassure me
captmeat: or anything
captmeat: not to mention she never leaves the house
captmeat: Which is one of the reasons i find the topic she posted hilarious
captmeat: considering she just stays on computer all day
captmeat: LOL
captmeat: dude ask greekgeeker about miika and me
captmeat: see what he says
captmeat: :P
Joshua: So what was the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak
captmeat: Well
captmeat: Early in the relationship she cheated on me with MEgascience
Joshua: wat
captmeat: Drew pictures of her sucking his richard
captmeat: but that wasnt it
Joshua: oh man im weirded out
captmeat: I gave her another chance after that
captmeat: I guess it's the fact that she wanted me to basically skip college
captmeat: to to a country where I can't speak the language
captmeat: and live off her mother's income
captmeat: while she's a maid
captmeat: :|
captmeat: and the fact she's.. not very stable
captmeat: One thing bad happens
captmeat: Self Delete
captmeat: QQ
Joshua: I'm pretty sure that's every 16 year old girl to be honest.
captmeat: yeah
captmeat: well she would be showing guys
captmeat: that she has pills
captmeat: so they would message me
captmeat: being like
captmeat: I can't tell you how many loving messages
captmeat: from Katamari to Colten
captmeat: saying how I am too hard on her, that she's going to kill herself without me
captmeat: like 3 months after breaking up
captmeat: I've moved on
captmeat: I'm fine
captmeat: I'm happy dude
captmeat: I felt so much better breaking up with her
captmeat: And she can't get over it
captmeat: She still has some odd hope
captmeat: that we will get back together
Joshua: this is bizarre as hell
captmeat: yes
Joshua: I'm surprised you've never made a drama thread about it or something
captmeat: LOL
captmeat: oh
captmeat: when we were "Together"
captmeat: She would often video chat with Robo
captmeat: who would show his richard
captmeat: and she wouldn't hang up
captmeat: or say stop
captmeat: at all
captmeat: she would just watch him
captmeat: ...
Joshua: She likes the attention.
captmeat: yeah pretty much
Joshua: I'm in an audio chat with her and 5 other people
Joshua: who just
Joshua: hit on her
Joshua: constantly
captmeat: AHAHA
captmeat: Dodger?
Joshua: Dodger Kira Katamari and "Chris richards"
Joshua: who is Kata's friend
captmeat: She hates Dodger
captmeat: Thinks hes a creep
captmeat: told me
captmeat: but she doesn't want to "hurt his feelings"
captmeat: :|
Joshua: Meeses is the one that makes it obvious that he wants her nudes
Joshua: just
Joshua: asks
Joshua: every hour
Joshua: at least
captmeat: LOL
captmeat: why do you put up with it
captmeat: see you later
captmeat: I'm going to bed
captmeat: I'm exhausted
captmeat: Night dude
Joshua: later capt

Off Topic / Re: Forum racism finally ends here!!
« on: November 13, 2011, 08:40:39 PM »

You have no reason to say that. Incoherent bitch, it's not like you weren't banned either.

I have no words.

also lol

7:52 PM - Otis Da HousKat: YOU INCORHERENTY loving BITCVH
7:53 PM - Otis Da HousKat: He called me incoherent when he was mad at me too.

Iban isn't autistic?
stuff, there goes my chances with Miika. :(

Off Topic / Re: Forum racism finally ends here!!
« on: November 13, 2011, 08:33:18 PM »
Well hope you get banned again.

Eric does not ban people because they are "Russian".

You're stupid.

Russia is a major source of spam in all mediums. The guy isn't saying .ru was banned because Badspot hates Russians and Vodka, but because 99.9% of traffic from Russia was for the intent of mass advertising. He even says that the dude sympathized with him, but he couldn't lift the ban because of the spammers.

Off Topic / Re: Windows 8 sucks?
« on: November 13, 2011, 08:32:56 PM »
Same goes for transparency.  I don't even know why Windows bothers asking me if I want to change from Aero to Basic to "increase performance".  I notice no performance increase at all, and I'm a hard core enthusiast.
Transparency does have an affect. When you render multiple things just so you can overlay them, there is additional resource consumption. You might not notice it on your box, but it is there.

Off Topic / Re: Forum racism finally ends here!!
« on: November 13, 2011, 08:30:20 PM »
If you weren't going to make that joke I was next in line.
I would rape you just to see you cry.

Off Topic / Re: Build Your Nation thread.
« on: November 13, 2011, 08:13:46 PM »
you're stupid
What actually made me laugh about that post is that it's a globalized country ("as big as the earth"), yet it has exports.

Off Topic / Re: Forum racism finally ends here!!
« on: November 13, 2011, 07:53:00 PM »
Russia is a major source of spam in all mediums. The guy isn't saying .ru was banned because Badspot hates Russians and Vodka, but because 99.9% of traffic from Russia was for the intent of mass advertising. He even says that the dude sympathized with him, but he couldn't lift the ban because of the spammers.

But now that the forum has no bans at all and you need a key to post anywhere, he is able to join our little community.

Man, just stop with your feministic crap. Men are better.
Just for saying something that ignorant, I wouldn't put my richard in you for fear of catching stupid.

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: November 13, 2011, 07:44:17 PM »
are you a boy or a girl

Modification Help / Re: Iban Explains it All
« on: November 13, 2011, 06:41:43 PM »
Scope and ScriptObjects should handle that.

Take a look at this for more information:

Off Topic / Re: What are your 2 favorite bands?
« on: November 13, 2011, 06:38:38 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Steam ~ Beg for games
« on: November 13, 2011, 06:31:17 PM »

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