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Messages - Desktop

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General Discussion / Desktop's River Crossing TDM (with crashed plane)
« on: January 26, 2012, 07:36:14 PM »

Crashed Plane with supplies around the crashsite.
Revived "Vehicle_Zero". (coming soon)
Almost nowhere to hide from your enemy's eyesight.


The Whole Thing.

The Crashed Plane.

Vehicle_Zero (this obviously isn't in the planned map, it's a picture I took of another failed TDM.)

More details coming soon. Be patient.

General Discussion / Recording Software
« on: January 18, 2012, 02:09:09 PM »
Whenever I use FRAPS in Blockland, it is really laggy. I am using the free version.

Will it make a difference if I get the full version?

Is there a better recording software?

Add-Ons / Vehicle_Zero
« on: January 18, 2012, 02:02:48 PM »
In my opinion, I feel that this is one of the vehicles that has really died down.

Question is:
Can it be revived?

General Discussion / Re: Most people in one vehicle.
« on: January 18, 2012, 12:20:03 PM »
Everyone was on the dance floor, so a lot of the tables and outside the place was mostly clear

Exactly how many people?

General Discussion / Re: Most people in one vehicle.
« on: January 18, 2012, 12:07:50 PM »
Kalphiter's server went PAST 100

How do you accomplish to fit that many people on one server.

An even better question. How would you get it off the ground if it is an airplane?

General Discussion / Re: Most people in one vehicle.
« on: January 18, 2012, 12:03:55 PM »
what if there was a plane with 50 seats on Kalphiter's new years party?

How about a plane with exactly 100 seats. The server limit.

Just from this statement alone I can assume that you are 13 or 14.

Judging your mutual age-assumption, I can already tell that you are either 9-15, or you are a not-so-bright adult.

Good try though.

When you visit, it doesn't look like the most advanced site out there. When I bought Blockland I actually had an idea in my head that it could have been a scam or that the purchasing method was buggy. Badspot should try and sign up Blockland for the BBB (Better Business Bureau). He can post the image that they give people on the site so that when new users think about buying the game, they will not have any second thoughts that this could be a scam and that Blockland truly is a really good game.


My main suggestion is for Badspot to add a counter of how many people have bought the game and who are still buying it and post it on the website, or to sign up Blockland for the BBB. (I have read their terms and regulations, Blockland would qualify)

A counter that automatically refreshes, and doesn't require refreshing the entire page.

General Discussion / **CONTEST** Most people in one vehicle.
« on: January 18, 2012, 11:54:38 AM »
I want to see someone make a vehicle that has the largest amount of seats possible, and then fill up each and every one of those seats with PLAYERS. Not bots. A flying vehicle would be a bit more useful.

After it is done. The vehicle will asplode and everyone will die.

The first person to set the record gets admin on my server, a free airsoft NBB pistol, and a PC game of their choice.

Conditions for entry:

I have to be piloting, or at least in the vehicle
I have to have regular admin on the server
I have to be there when it happens
Someone important has to be there (Kalphiter, Wizzard, Pablo, Disconnected, etc........)


Are you loving kidding me? We still had racial segregation in the 1950s. Children were more disciplined because they knew they'd get the stuff beat of them, and they were even afraid to masturbate because Jesus was watching.

We're not getting dumber. We're getting smarter. Our education is improving, but in the global level, America is just falling behind.

We're shooting a space ship to Mars in the next 2 years, and you're going to discredit all of man kind because of some loud mouthed bible-thumpers that picked on you in school or something? Are you going to let groups like the Westboro Baptist Church and the Ku Klux Klan ruin your image of 7,000,000,000 people? A bill put forth by the richest elite in the world is going to have you disown your entire country?

This is the opinion of a child, who doesn't like how things are now, saw a documentary, watched a report on FOX News, and has decided that 50 years ago life was like the Jetsons and now because of inbreeding or some stuff everything is much worse off.

Are you referring to yourself as the child, or me? Because I have passed the childhood stage of my life.

More population = More stupid people = more rednecks
Discipline not involved
We wont all become stupid and have negative id's because of a few crazy rednecks

Negative IDs?

Games / I read this on a worksheet in Science Class.
« on: January 18, 2012, 11:45:56 AM »
3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534 21170679821480865132823066470 93844609550582231725359408128 48111745028410270193852110555 9644622 94895493038196442881097566593 34461284756482337867831652712 01909145648566923460348610454 3266482 13393607260249141273724587006 60631558817488152092096282925 40917153643678925903600113305 3054882 04665213841469519415116094330 57270365759591953092186117381 93261179310511854807446237996 2749567 35188575272489122793818301194 91298336733624406566430860213 94946395224737190702179860943 7027705 39217176293176752384674818467 66940513200056812714526356082 77857713427577896091736371787 2146844 09012249534301465495853710507 92579689258923542019956112129 02196086403441815981362977477 1309960 51870721134999999837297804995 10597317328160963185950244594 55346908302642522308253344685 0352619 31188171010003137838752886587 53320838142061717766914730359 82534904287554687311595628638 8235378 75937519577818577805321712268 06613001927876611195909216420 19890428755468731159562863882 3537873

User was banned for this post

In the 50's, children were more disciplined, and they learned more, and there wasn't that much rednecks. 60 years later, there is a massive amount of rednecks. If the intelligence level keeps declining within the next few centuries, do you think that we will all have negative number IQs?

Off Topic / Re: A little mistake that I had in Chicago.
« on: January 18, 2012, 11:34:41 AM »
$50 for a gun in some stuffty game?
Wow... just, wow...

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