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Messages - wound

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General Discussion / Re: Castle Siege Server!
« on: December 23, 2012, 08:24:29 PM »
well problem, i don't have the latest save and kojo is a away at canada for a few days :(.

besides when he gets back the update will occur!

Actually, You can get banned for dismissing post's as well.
he wasn't even being dismissive in the first place you tart.

No one has any god damn right to flame anyone, it's in the rules and bannable, don't come here bull stuffting me about that.
he doesn't flame you whatsover.
he gets onto you sure but I see no flame, stop lying to yourself.

He constantly flames me and makes petty insults for attention, it's an annoyance.
you are so arrogant yourself it hurts
No, he doesn't, he randomly jumps into drama topics and flames me, and I am really tired of it, I'm sorry you're too inconsiderate to see it in my perspective but it has gone on long enough.
he has plenty of reasons, you are just a tart.

The entire class system is invalid, and the map has a lot of issues with its design.
Lol you never read do you?
i'm pretty sure we have said this at least twice, there is a new update coming out in a couple days, more customizable classes, removing riot shield, adding a medieval shield, and finally removing player persistance, read before you post.
Kojo and me are going to make the classes more customizabls
-And a more customizable weapon system, might even things out.

there are more times i've said it than that, but you get the point.

"Anyone who posts "who cares" or "no one cares" or similar dismissive statements will be banned."
It's not dismissive at all hahaha.

Wow, Wound, this guy has been loving with me for the last 4 months, don't be so damn arrogant.
if you weren't such a tart he wouldn't be ripping on you.

Okay, you're just trolling at this point.
that isn't trolling, he is being sarcastic, you should read before posting three times, make it into one big post, you know you can do that? right?

I'm serious, I really don't want to ever see you again, you literally constantly flame me and rise tensions, it's just tiring at this point.
oh lol

Seriously, who the forget do you think you are?
obviously some one who shares a negative opinion about you, and so do I.

Get a grip man.

Apologies, if you could PM me your ticket ID I'll have a look right now.

"Come upon myself"? You were the one seeking new bloody modelers for you
No, you can ask Kojo, he even agree'd that we would use all three models of the shields if we liked them, I didn't even see yours sadly.
you cannot deny it, and i'm not seeking new modelers.

you have no patience
yep, I do have a short patience, but it wasn't my concern to get a new model pronto.

I didn't tell you this but it has a horrendously bad setup, Kalphiter was correct about everything about you.
Bad setup? how so.

You sound power hungry, You can't force your power on others because it's your server and banning them for that reason doesn't justify abuse.
actually no, he caused problems related to the server against me, he is making a big deal over a shield, if he didn't log out and block me, this wouldn't be happening, he made this come upon himself.

sure it is for interpersonal reasons, but if he is a dolt to me, he obviously don't respect me so he shouldn't have the right to play on my server, I will unban him but if he pulls stuff he gets banned forever, and there will be no unbans.

Never harmed your server, no relevance.
I really don't care if it has nothing to do with my server, it's my server, I choose who i ban, I don't like you, I ban you simple, huh

Clan Discussion / Re: [H] Height |Revised clan Thread|
« on: December 22, 2012, 11:02:48 PM »
pcool, saw the city, it's growing.

getting sorta impatient, posted a ticket, and lub, you even said you would help "later" about 2 days ago, i just need to know how to fix my music, it won't load into the game, thanks.

You don't ban someone for interpersonal issues, bud. I never offended your server in any way.
You were causing problems toward me, it's my server, you cause problems, you won't be different in-game, bud.

You a dolt and i just don't like you  :panda:

General Discussion / Re: What happened to the freebuilds?
« on: December 22, 2012, 08:22:59 PM »
new gamemode system, fads, etc
very untrue.

I hosted a popular freebuild around 3 months ago, actually I'll host one right now siege will stay up though, join if you want.

"Cower"? I didn't want to be bull stuffted by you anymore, don't bitch at me saying I am afraid of you.
Cower as in talk stuff down to me then leave before I get a chance to reply.

Also, just noticed you permanently banned me from the server for your interpersonal issues with me, phenomenal administrative skills.
You would have caused problems, and I just don't want you on my server.

I was really worried this would happen. And it actually did. It's not really about friendship Wound, he feels replaced. By me. :(
yeah but it isn't your fault, he is just a fool, if he wouldn't have blocked me I would have explained I was going to use both shields, he is just dolting it up.

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