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Messages - chrisd

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Off Topic / What do you believe happens after death?
« on: April 01, 2011, 03:26:53 PM »
So the question has struck all of you.
"What happens after death?"
No one knows, no one can know, but the great thing about it is, so many people
believe in different things about the afterlife!
So I'v started a poll to see what YOU believe in.
Have a good think about it.

You get a condom for raping Justin Bieber

ChrisD inserts a camera

Off Topic / Re: Youtube 1911
« on: April 01, 2011, 03:07:06 PM »
You haven't tried watching research with this :I

Off Topic / Re: Crazy place for a date?
« on: April 01, 2011, 03:02:19 PM »
Maybe a funeral could be worse...
Funeral - Baptism
Ehh I think Baptism is more boring 

Off Topic / Crazy place for a date?
« on: April 01, 2011, 02:59:11 PM »
Only yesterday a good friend of mine asked me out on a date, shes a pretty girl, so of course I said yes, until I found out she was taking me to church...for her baby brothers baptism. Oh god...

So leave this topic a comment about a crazy place you went on a date.

Gallery / Re: Any good ideas for a Time Machine?
« on: March 31, 2011, 01:45:29 PM »
I like the sound of a red phone booth, but its not meant to be a disguise, its meant to look all technical and blah 

Gallery / Any good ideas for a Time Machine?
« on: March 31, 2011, 01:16:22 PM »
So I recently watched that movie The Time Machine (2002 one) and I really found it interesting. So I'm going to do a movie about travelling in time and that, however I don't know what to have the time machine look like. I don't want it like the one from the movie, it will need to be more technical looking. Also it will need to be open not closed (so not like a small room or something) anyone got any ideas? Cause' the past two days I'v come up with nothing!

Drama / Re: Seriously LewnaJa? Seriously?
« on: March 31, 2011, 01:09:44 PM »
Look, that was a long time ago. I'm not like that any more.

LOL Thats always the excuse, you can't get mature that fast

"Cut your richard off and shove it in your mouth!!"
Thats good cause' I like oral love!

Off Topic / Waterloo station closure?
« on: March 31, 2011, 09:17:56 AM »
Does anyone know why Waterloo Station in London is closed? Infact when did it close?

General Discussion / Re: Blocklantic Starline - Thread
« on: March 21, 2011, 01:54:38 PM »
I will put the plans for the cruising of the SS Perific on in 3 days or so

General Discussion / Blocklantic Starline - Thread
« on: March 20, 2011, 09:28:56 AM »
More updates will be posted, the update list is at the bottom of the page (In purple)

Behold! One of Blockland's newest Starlines, The Blocklantic SL. This corporation has just began for an amazing future in ships, founded on the 18th March 2011 by iChris, he hopes to bring luxury, size and speed to his ships.
A GREAT full package in ship tectonics. Work has already been planned and began recently.
Here is a list of ships at the moment, being built and have been planned:

RMS Gigantic - Work finished, planned for release in April
RMS Horantic - Being built, estimated completion time: End of April
SS Perific - Work finished, being inspected
HMS Roma - Being built, completion estimated for: May

Ships that are either planned or being built, but will take longer:

SS De luxe - Being built, plans were delayed, now estimated completion time: August  
HMS Bradford - Plans for this ship are estimated for completion at the end of April  

There is our ships for you, to let you know Antares and I are working as a team on this, Blocklantic SL and Laurentic SL aren't at war.

Also I would like to thank Antares really much for showing me how amazing ships really are

If you would like to have a cruise on one of these ships here is the info:

RMS Gigantic - Cruise dates are:
2nd April 2011 - 2:40pm
4th April 2011 - 4:15pm
12th April 2011 - 3:20pm
More cruise dates will be booked for this ship

SS Perific Cruise dates, if it passes inspection:
22nd April 2011 - 11:40pm
29th April 2011 - 12:15pm
3rd May 2011 - 5:30pm
Again more cruise dates will be booked for this ship

Update: The unknown has been at last named the HMS Bradford. Also the SS Perific has passed inspection, plans for cruises will be updated on this page soon.

The rest of the Blocklantic SL ships are being planned and booked for cruises.

Here is a picture of the RMS Gigantic, at Mid Sea Docks, most famous for its size.
The other ship is Antares "Artanic" famous for...being famous

Other picture is the view of the RMS Gigantic from the Artanic

AoT General / How is "Wilderness" and "The Wilderness Different?
« on: March 18, 2011, 12:56:40 PM »
So I've been playing Age Of Time quite a bit recently, and I keep wondering on F2 the Map List how is "Wilderness" and "The Wilderness" different. I've asked my friends but no body knows

General Discussion / Re: BLOCKLAND How popular are you really?
« on: March 16, 2011, 02:35:57 PM »
Well it has like a few ads, but thats like on youtube videos and other stuff

Gallery / Re: BLOCKLAND - The Ring Samara Comes Out TV RELEASED!
« on: March 16, 2011, 02:12:29 PM »
If you type in Black Hair in search bar it should tell you, I forgot who it was

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