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Messages - Z9-C

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Clan Discussion / Re: Only read this if your swedish
« on: July 02, 2008, 04:16:16 PM »
If he's going to make a clan for swedes only, then I should make a clan for people with dark blonde hair and brown eyes, have a shoe size of 11, and live on the same street as me.

Current memebers:


Please note this is sarcastic, and is not a clan that should be applied for.

Darn, It seemed like a good clan D:

Off Topic / Re: Italian Spider Man
« on: July 02, 2008, 04:02:20 PM »
I'm italian, and I'm nothing like that prick -_-

Stupid thing one:

When we were moving into our old house, the movers and construction workers had a mini-frige full of beer, I was like 5 and the only thing I knew that came in beverage cans, was soda. So I cracked one open and took a huge guzzle, and thought it was the most disgusting soda ever, my parents only found out about this like a year ago.

Stupid thing two:

When I was little I didn't think the hair buzzer actualy cut hair, so when I found it laying on the counter, I turned it on and ran it through my hair a couple times, then looked in the mirror and realized I had shaved 1/6 of my hair off.

Gallery / Re: oh noez it's the Ku Klux Klan
« on: July 02, 2008, 03:40:40 PM »
No nippies? :P

Wow...I was wrong about this clan, I thought it was doomed after Beachbum told me the founders didnt care anymore; And the clan was "Falling into his hands".

You pulled it off man, you kept this clan alive. I may even apply if BAN suffers the fate BotB almost came to.  :cookieMonster:

Gallery / Re: Space ship X39A
« on: July 02, 2008, 09:49:27 AM »
Well, where do I start, the overall shape of the ship looks extremely boxy, in the second picture you used way too many print bricks, and in the third picture all the colors look out of place. And the rest of the pics are just over-painted text.

So I dont like it that much.

Gallery / Re: Lord Tony's 3rd castle sneak peak (not finished)
« on: July 01, 2008, 09:44:42 AM »
So what if he likes castles? His personal style is medevil building, and if thats what he likes, so be it!

And afterall this is only the third one he's made. When I released my third space ship no one said: "Man Z9, if you just keep building ships you wont get anywhere."

I personaly think he does an awesome job on his castles and should not switch over just yet.

Help / Uploading .gifs?
« on: July 01, 2008, 09:35:27 AM »
I was wondering if there is a correct way to upload .gif image files as an avatar?

Everytime I try it dosent come out annimated, just as an image.

Help would be much appreciated, thanks!

Gallery / Re: WAR TDM
« on: June 30, 2008, 08:09:03 PM »
Did you put any effort into those trees at all?

Gallery / Re: World Trade Center
« on: June 29, 2008, 01:29:00 PM »
Ok  :cookieMonster:

Gallery / Re: World Trade Center
« on: June 29, 2008, 01:11:35 PM »
Exactly. And many inncocent people have been killed in the process.

The whole "stop the terrorists" thing is bullstuff, if they really wanted to stop terrorisim and find that Osama (bad spelling) guy they could have done that already. I dont think bush cares about iraq being a democratic country, he just wants to have it under his control.

I think the high oil/gas prices are because of this war, oil and gas mostly come from the middle east, the US had been getting huge discounts, and because of the greedy nature of people in general, bush used 9-11 as an excuse to go invade the middle east, for the oil. When his plan failed (or is failing) the buisness men and politicians said "Why are we giving these people such a discount, they should have to pay what the rest of the world is paying."
From what I understand, other countries have been paying over $5.00 a gallon for years.

With the election coming up, there is little hope of it getting better. The two candidates left are: the wormsnake and Bush 3.0
At least we have the crazy power hungry dictator bitch out of our way :D

Modification Help / Re: The Medieval Mod
« on: June 29, 2008, 12:43:12 PM »
What the hell was that you idiot?!?

Gallery / Re: World Trade Center
« on: June 29, 2008, 12:28:30 PM »
Yeah lance, you shouldent make jokes about 9-11, it was a very horrible event, and many people died.

The one thing I dont get is why people get all defensive about all the people that died in 9-11, but not all the people that have been killed in the middle east, and I'm not talking terrorists, I'm talking about innocent civilians that have been caught in the cross-fire, of this pointless conflict.

Gallery / Re: Desert Ridge CTF (Image Heavy)
« on: June 29, 2008, 12:21:58 PM »
If only the grass was more of a tan-ish color.

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