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Messages - w0und

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Drama / Re: Ragref - Idiocy, Attempted Hijacking, and Trolling.
« on: June 18, 2013, 06:47:13 PM »
Do you even know what a piles is? Just, don't google images it.

Drama / Re: Ragref - Idiocy, Attempted Hijacking, and Trolling.
« on: June 18, 2013, 06:31:05 PM »
I support to the fullest.

I knew this guy over a year ago for putting a label upon him self for being a gigantic moronic guy that puts him self above others, and it looks like he's at it again, spewing bullstuff, purposely pissing others off (Filipe), and just showing his full on internet friendry, not sure why all of a sudden he acts like a friend again for all of the forums to see.

Drama / Re: Filipe1020 - paintsniffer and cocaina man
« on: June 18, 2013, 06:29:27 PM »
the topic is not about him and sirherg, filipe told me a while ago he was sorry about sirherg

Drama / Re: Filipe1020 - paintsniffer and cocaina man
« on: June 18, 2013, 06:06:35 PM »
A full day with a dose of stupidity, from the guy who cant even get a girl because they are sleeping with his dad.
What the serious forget.

[imag width=1000 height=190][/img]
Why don't you show the conversation before he complained that he's tired of your bullstuff.

Are you loving kidding me? You provoked him by calling him jelous of Sir Herg1, which this happened over a year ago, and he even apologized for it.

Ragref, I remember like a year ago when I was Eussorus, you were a gigantic friend, looks like you haven't changed one loving bit, seriously, stuffting on Filipe for something that happened over a year ago, and he even apologized for, just forget off.

Drama / Re: BDX777 - The new Igloos
« on: June 18, 2013, 05:52:06 PM »
I bet glass is back.
He's been back for ages, all you do is pay attention to off-topic and do nothing productive is why.

Anyway, he's been here for a few weeks, almost a month i'd say.



Off Topic / Re: I'm back, and with an apology
« on: June 18, 2013, 04:54:43 PM »
funny thing is OP will get banned for this.
Why would he be banned? seriously.

Drama / Re: PSP's Crap Filled Vagina He Calls A Server Is Back...
« on: June 18, 2013, 04:47:36 PM »
drama people too many times, you're gonna forget up big time on one of them
This is the first time he's put out a drama on PSP, and he didn't really forget up 'big time'.

Drama / Re: PSP's Crap Filled Vagina He Calls A Server Is Back...
« on: June 18, 2013, 04:43:30 PM »
So you're a drama whore.

nothing is wrong with drama whoring if you do it right, he's just being a plain attention whore.

Drama / Re: BDX777 - The new Igloos
« on: June 18, 2013, 04:29:38 PM »
I hear there's a bug that makes your postcount inaccurate after your first few days.
I've said this many many times, but when you first register, however many times you post in 5-7 hours in your first time being here, is what your max post count will be.

Drama / Re: Rommy doing $cleardatablocks(); to my server
« on: June 18, 2013, 04:07:36 PM »
Guessing the admin password would not give you auto admin. It would give you manual and the message would say (Password).
Pretty sure we've already declared that it was not by password.

Why is the about section written in 3rd person about yourself, York?

Suggestions & Requests / Re: script
« on: June 18, 2013, 03:56:10 PM »
Okay, a few things.

1.) Please never post ambiguous topic names.
2.) Not sure what you mean, do you want to be able to put your build on a vehicle? then here.
3.) Want to spawn a vehicle? go in the brick inventory, under 'specials' chose vehicle spawn, done.

General Discussion / Re: Glass Trench Wars [OP UPDATE - NEW POLL]
« on: June 18, 2013, 03:39:04 PM »
Since I've received a lot of requests to improve the server today I decided to bring back an old feature we had during the "Classic Trench Wars" that is the new idea server command. Simply type /newidea (multi word idea) to submit your idea. This will also be on the server message rotation.

Just a note however. I don't know who else Glassi has given panel access to but if this command is spammed (and I will be checking the logs daily) I will be giving out 1 week bans. It records your name, ID and when you sent it as well as your idea.
Really neat concept, I have management access to the RTB server so that I can constantly administrate while not having BL open, how would this work, can only you check logs? or is it something other admins can see?  If so, I'd be more than happy to help you administrate it with you.

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