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Messages - Valkerone

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10 ... 223
Games / Re: Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back
« on: June 08, 2017, 04:45:44 PM »
Dear God...

The apocalypse is finally upon us.

Games / Re: runescape FpArGiGdOeT event
« on: June 07, 2017, 07:04:14 AM »
i feel like if I want to play a video game and escape reality for a while i dont want any politics shoved down my throat while im at it

When will people realize that shoe-horning LGBT promotion into their games just does nothing but cause mockery/piss people off? And to nobody's surprise, Jagex are dealing with this in the worst way possible.

Games / Re: runescape FpArGiGdOeT event
« on: June 07, 2017, 12:21:44 AM »

leaked footage of one of mike pence's many victims

Games / Re: Outlast II
« on: June 05, 2017, 12:09:39 AM »
whats so bad about II anyway? Generically rushed? Please spread some information I don't see the problem here
I think Outlast 2 is an okay game (I'd give it a 7/10, but nothing more), but you can't exactly deny it's problems. For me at least, Outlast 2 has two glaring flaws:

1. On my first playthrough, the story made no God damn sense, which of course meant doing a ton of research on the lore immediately after finishing it in order to understand any of it.

2. Bullstuff trial-and-error difficulty. Challenge is nice and all, but if I keep dying in the same loving spot over and over again in order to figure out what to do, the game just loses all of it's scare factor and becomes frustrating (that part where you have to run away from the demon into the bathroom stalls and back up the stairs again on nightmare difficulty can go forget itself).

Off Topic / Re: Post memorable youtube comments
« on: June 04, 2017, 04:12:19 AM »

Games / Re: Outlast II
« on: June 04, 2017, 02:50:21 AM »
"You're not evil, Blake. Just confused."

Off Topic / Re: Guys, I'm thinking about taking the blue pill.
« on: June 03, 2017, 05:15:22 PM »
Is Matthew blasting his ass on Off-Topic every now and then with these kinds of threads going to become a regular thing now? I hope not.

probably because one of the admins are an ass. not the host, the admin named sam, thats the starfish there
And? You guys are still pretty much hopping onto the server and stuffting all over it because it's FNAF.

How would you feel if someone came onto your server and shat all over it the moment he joins? You wouldn't want him on either. You guys were pretty much asking for it.

I mean, FNAF aside, what else did you expect to happen? If you deliberately joined a TDM server and said "I hate TDMs", the exact same thing is likely to happen.

Drama / Re: texan101
« on: May 26, 2017, 06:02:19 PM »
*badassblockhead666 creates a topic: "I like blue"
badassblockhead666: Blue is love blue is life.
badbrother45: Hi dude, you should try out yellow.
badassblockhead666: WTF DUDE ThIS IS A TOPIC ABOUT BLUE frgging tribal. *reported
badspot: banned.

*meanwhile in "You laugh you lose v666".
texan101: *holy hell cancerous images
luigiman: hey bro I think you should slo-
texan101: want some? *more and more images*
drydess: FU@# STOP!
texan101: nah *images* 
badspot: Hey dude slow down :)
This is the worst post I think I've ever seen

Drama / Re: pie crust needs to loving stop
« on: May 26, 2017, 04:44:37 PM »
1.  not my discord
2.  topics and images that people don't want to see on general (politics, loveual stuff, research)
Still though. To whoever is hosting it, did you not consider the possibility of said channel getting shat up?

Drama / Re: pie crust needs to loving stop
« on: May 26, 2017, 04:40:40 PM »
it wasn't technically a research bombing because he posted it in the nsfw channel
Okay, why on earth would you have a nsfw section on your discord? That's just handicapped

Drama / Re: pie crust needs to loving stop
« on: May 26, 2017, 03:48:05 PM »
Jesus loving Christ

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