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Messages - SeventhSandwich

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Off Topic / Re: [NEWS] Libretarian Man Strikes Again
« on: June 02, 2018, 06:52:56 PM »
Having a sense of humor is normal behavior

Berating someone for having said sense of humor? Autism at it's finest
ok deus ex

Off Topic / Re: [blogland] i made hashbrowns ama
« on: June 02, 2018, 05:54:25 PM »
Wouldn't that get the paper towel pretty much glued to the potato?
Not in my experience. Use multiple layers so it's a thick cigar. Also don't squeeze it so hard that the potatoes rupture through.

You'll definitely lose some that will be stuck to wet paper towel, but it's worth it because dry potatoes crisp up so much better.

Off Topic / Re: [NEWS] Libretarian Man Strikes Again
« on: June 02, 2018, 05:53:50 PM »
I Am The Smart One Here
I feel like the forums gives people here a forgeted up frame of reference for what's normal behavior and what isn't.

Off Topic / Re: [blogland] i made hashbrowns ama
« on: June 02, 2018, 05:52:05 PM »
protip on the moisture-blotting thing: if you put out a bunch of paper towels, cover them thinly with the potatoes, and roll it into a big cigar kind of thing, you can squeeze out over 90% of the moisture from the potatoes. then you just unroll it and they'll be much much drier.

Off Topic / Re: [blogland] i made hashbrowns ama
« on: June 02, 2018, 05:48:57 PM »
tbh looks pretty bad

strangely they're sopping with oil despite the fact that they aren't browned at all. inside is probably undercooked.

here's my advice: use less oil, use higher heat, and use paper towels to blot out as much moisture from your potatoes as possible before you fry them. don't flip them until the edges of the shredded potato appear brown

also, pat them down with the spatula so you get thin patties rather than giant chunks

it's a tradition to name horses dumb stuff
Is it? In that case, carry on I guess lol

Who the forget names these horses? All of them have dumb names.

Off Topic / Re: [NEWS] Libretarian Man Strikes Again
« on: June 02, 2018, 04:07:28 PM »
Yep that's definitely our thought process here, it's definitely about sticking it to the libs and we're definitely not just laughing about funny it'd be on the off chance he does get elected
It's only funny if you're a 14 year old edge lord tho :/

Off Topic / Re: What's your family's stance on body mods
« on: June 02, 2018, 03:34:57 PM »
Tattoos are bad.
Piercings are bad.
And why the forget do it.
master matthew deflects literally dozens of tattoo'd supermodel babes on a daily basis

sorry ladies but he don't want none unless you're white bread, hon

Off Topic / Re: [NEWS] Libretarian Man Strikes Again
« on: June 02, 2018, 03:15:01 PM »
He's a living meme of the highest grade and I hope, for the sole sake of the headlines that would follow, that he somehow wins
He's a living meme of the highest grade and I hope, for the sole sake of the headlines that would follow, that he somehow wins
"welp, we elected a psychopathic child enthusiast and white supremacist to one of the highest positions of authority in our society, but ultimately it's all worth it because we really owned the libs on this one"

Off Topic / Re: Roseanne Cancelled, Jobs lost over SJW bullstuff
« on: June 01, 2018, 09:10:35 PM »
insulting someone is a joke as long as it's lefties doing it
I think the difference here is that Roseanne's 'joke' was blatantly tribal, but calling someone a cunt is not.

Off Topic / Re: Roseanne Cancelled, Jobs lost over SJW bullstuff
« on: June 01, 2018, 07:40:13 PM »
For the record, I actually don't like Samantha Bee that much. She's not very funny and she embodies a lot of the worst stereotypes of liberal folks.

That being said, calling someone a 'feckless cunt', and calling a black government official the hybrid of an ape and a terrorist organization are like two extremely different things. I think the backlash against Samantha Bee was probably appropriate, but these two statements aren't even remotely comparable.

Off Topic / Re: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD
« on: June 01, 2018, 03:51:50 PM »
one of the things that keeps me going in life is the unlikely but non-zero probability that Corderlain's kids will grow up, get into sandbox games, and ask their dad, "hey, did you used to go by Aeris on the internet?"

Off Topic / Re: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD
« on: June 01, 2018, 03:44:29 PM »
I agree with your second paragraph but I believe mental illness starts in the home.
I'm pretty sure it starts in the biology of your brain cells, but that's just what every single psychiatrist and neuroscientist says. Unfortunately I can't, at this time, ascertain whether they're also fathers.

Off Topic / Re: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD
« on: June 01, 2018, 03:39:28 PM »
I don't feel like acknowledging bait. Sue me.
as a person who sometimes goes fishing during the summer, I can certify this isn't bait

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