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Messages - $trinick

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Off Topic / Re: Finally got a call back for a job
« on: November 09, 2016, 11:02:14 PM »
You should probably call back to one of those 40+ applications. Employers take note of that kind of stuff, they might get the idea that you really want to work there.

This is only half true. Lots of employers hate when you call back to ask about your application because they probably have a lot and they're just going through them a couple at a time. Calling them is just an annoyance. However.. if you're in a situation like the one you're in, calling some is probably a good way to hedge your bets because if they weren't going to call back you're reintroducing yourself.

Off Topic / Re: Programming Megathread
« on: November 09, 2016, 03:04:46 AM »
python has this:

class Whatever:
  def __init__(self, stuff):

Code: [Select]
Whatever = {}
Whatever_mt = { __index = Whatever };

function Whatever:create(stuff)
 local new = {}
 setmetatable(new, Whatever_mt)
 -- stuff
 return new

function Whatever:method()
 self.variable = 1;

function Whatever:otherThing()

Off Topic / Re: Is this forum hacked? (no not BL forums.)
« on: November 09, 2016, 02:39:55 AM »
You can link to other forums to show people things. You can't post something saying "Hey, come join my forum!"

Off Topic / Re: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, General Information
« on: November 08, 2016, 07:24:16 PM »
So I'm back and I've got a question and I don't know if this is the right place to ask

I got a bottle of 5-HTP to see how it affects my sleep and dreaming, I took one (100mg) dissolvable tablet last night before bed. When I tried to sleep, i couldn't, and when I did sleep, my dreams were so vivid and it would be for an hour, why is it harder for me to sleep on 5-HTP?

5-HTP shouldn't really make any difference on your dreaming. Melatonin might.

5-HTP could affect your sleep because it effectively translates to more serotonin activity in the brain.

Modification Help / Re: blocklandjs development or something
« on: November 08, 2016, 06:26:28 PM »
I'm impressed that you were able to get that code to work since all I can find that's super relevant is this this pastebin.

Off Topic / Re: Who is your BLF waifu
« on: November 05, 2016, 07:04:42 PM »

Off Topic / Re: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, General Information
« on: November 05, 2016, 03:25:56 PM »
1) No
2) 1 little sheet of blotter
3) at a friend's house
4) all day I guess
5) no

Good! It looks like you've got yourself a pretty decent setting. Unless your friends parents are going to be home. I don't know anything about them or anything but I assume you've already thought about that. You probably won't be inebriated, as in, you'll be able to perform tasks, but you probably won't want to talk to anyone that is sober or anything. I don't think that LSD is really a drug that makes you anxious, but if you become anxious, it can definitely heighten that anxiety. Having anxiety while on acid will make the trip feel stronger, which can cause more anxiety, so just be mindful to keep yourself in a good space. If you don't like something about what's happening, change it rather than let it eat at you. The other thing that people talk about a lot when planning a trip is 'set', or your mental headspace. Acid is a treat from the gods, and it's definitely something that you should respect. When you wake up in the morning, put on some good music or something. Relax. You'll probably be excited, that's perfect. Eat a good breakfast and do stuff that you enjoy doing. Today is gonna be a great day. Meet up with your friend and be ritualistic about it, I think the process of taking acid is almost as fun as the trip itself.

Some tips I have from my personal experience:

1. When you are ready to put the tab in your mouth, put it on the front of your tongue. Not the very tip, but back a bit. This is when I find people like to take pictures of themselves with the tab on their tongue to look back on later. The tab should start to absorb your saliva, which will make it less dry and easier to move around your mouth. You're going to want to hold it under your tongue for a while. Some people swear the tab will 'dissolve' under there, I have never experienced this. It might be a little uncomfortable, to hold it under your tongue, but try to keep it there for at least 10 minutes. I recommend 20 to a half hour. You can feel free to move it around or bring it back up to the top of your tongue.

2. Don't go on an adventure before you start tripping. I recommend staying in a safe, comfortable room from the time you take it until you feel it. I still don't recommend leaving the room for a while unless you so feel compelled to, just because a change of scenes like that brings in a lot of new stimulus at a time where your body is already processing a bunch of new stimulus. If you're already outside and you start tripping, it could cause you some anxiety. There's plenty of time for adventures later, this trip is going to last you 8-12 hours.

3. Don't be afraid. There's no good reason to put yourself in a negative head space. You're only taking one tab, so I think it would be pretty hard to have a 'bad trip' or anything like it. I wouldn't even concern yourself about it, if you start thinking about if you're having (or going to have) a bad trip, it's just going to stress you out.

4. Manage your expectations. You probably have a lot of preconceptions about what an acid trip is like. Usually, these preconceptions are not true. It's really hard to explain what an acid trip feels like, but the visual component of LSD is more like an afterthought than the primary effect of the drug. You will see moving shapes, patterns, designs, colors, etc. It will probably not be overwhelming, or even as intense as you expect it to be. You're also probably going to have a lot of mental effects that are difficult to describe. If you're not prepared, it can catch you by surprise. I know people who have taken LSD and been adamant that they are not tripping very much at all because they didn't have visuals while they were walking, despite the fact that they were clearly messed up.

5. You're gonna feel weird. It's called body load and I can't really describe it. It's just this general uncomfortable feeling. For me, it feels like my bones are vibrating a little bit, and nausea accompanies it. This isn't really a tip, just don't let it bother you.

6. Don't smoke weed for at least the first half of the trip. This includes before you come up. There's no reason to muddy the effects of LSD with weed in my opinion, so I never smoke weed while I'm tripping. Some people want to mix weed with everything, so if you're one of those people I recommend at least having a good half of your trip on just acid before you 'spice it up'. Beware that if you do smoke weed, it's likely to make the effects much stronger, which might sound like a good thing at first but IMO never really is. If you feel underwhelmed by your trip, then I guess you can smoke, but I wouldn't recommend just being like "this is dope I wanna turn up the volume" and smoking.

7. This is probably the most important point. Just because you are consuming a drug that is on blotter paper doesn't mean it's LSD. If it's not LSD, you don't want it in your body. The good news is, it's extremely easy to tell if it's real LSD or not. If it's not real LSD, it's going to taste worse than anything you've ever put on your tongue before. Keeping it in your mouth for even 10 minutes will be difficult, and the taste will linger forever. IMO, it's not worth it. "If it's bitter, it's a spitter." It'll be a huuuuge disappointment, but do yourself a favor and spit it out.

8. Don't expect to sleep for at least 12 hours. If you can, that's great for you, but don't count on it. It might even be difficult to sleep for up to 14 hours after. When you wake up, you might even still feel it a little. I find the visual effects tend to linger longer than the mental ones, and many times I have woken up the next day with a little bit of warping. Usually I also experience an 'afterglow' that just makes the next day very pleasant.

9. Prepare yourself. Just do some research. This video is very cheesy but also very entertaining. I do have to provide a warning though, this guy is describing an EXTREMELY STRONG dose of LSD at least three to five times stronger than what you will feel. He will talk about seeing 3d geometry like virtual reality, he'll talk about ego death, he'll talk about becoming one with the universe and talking to aliens. None of that will likely happen to you. That doesn't mean none of it applies, though. This video is also pretty good. Don't over-prepare though.

10. Have a great time. Acid is awesome. You'll remember this trip forever.

Off Topic / Re: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, General Information
« on: November 05, 2016, 02:44:44 PM »
its definently not for everybody
would never want to experience it again after having a bad trip, but to each their own

been sober for about 7 months now

Bad trips take a long time to integrate. My girlfriend didn't want to touch acid for more than a year after her bad trip, but eventually, with time, you tend to come to terms with those bad experiences and doing a low dose in the future could help you fully integrate the experience.

Off Topic / Re: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, General Information
« on: November 05, 2016, 02:35:40 PM »
Don't be a pusillanimous individual with acid. Do a solid 2 for your first time.
My first was cautious, took 1, and it ended up taking longer then my friends to kick in, and the effect was lame.

I do a solid 3 now. It's a perfect balance.

Terrible advice. Go easy your first time, you can always do it again once you know what you're in for. You're gonna have fun even if you take half a tab, so don't rush it.

Bubbagum was 16 when nick was hooking up with her.

Nick never 'hooked up' with her.

Off Topic / Re: Why do the predators on Dateline NBC get arrested
« on: November 05, 2016, 02:00:46 PM »
What if the so called predator knew the whole operation was a sting and the person playing the 13 year old was actually 24 so in reality he was just trying to bang a 24 year old

If they could prove it, they wouldn't have committed a crime.

Off Topic / Re: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, General Information
« on: November 05, 2016, 12:54:00 PM »
dropping acid soon, any tips/suggestions?

Oh dude, so many. Let's start with the basic questions:

Have you done it before?
How much are you planning on doing?
Where are you planning on doing it?
How long are you planning on spending high?
Will you be alone?

Off Topic / Re: Why do the predators on Dateline NBC get arrested
« on: November 04, 2016, 08:17:11 PM »
its a joke pls dont kill me

It's really not funny.

Off Topic / Re: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, General Information
« on: November 04, 2016, 07:14:17 PM »


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