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Messages - MrCookie

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General Discussion / Re: Building Design Ideas and Concept.
« on: February 19, 2012, 09:08:57 PM »
Tips for buildings a city?

Ever since I got Blockland, I've always wanted so make a city. Nothing huge, but a bit larger than ACM City. Though, I never actually got to work on one. I have tried to start one, but there is just so much, and I would never finish it. So I just stuck to building small things. There is just so much to making a good city. A road layout, aesthetically pleasing buildings, varied buildings that aren't duplicated etc. Where should I start, how should I get ideas for buildings? Just wondering if any of you have some basic tips for starting and completing a city.

You need to be very inspired if you want a city with good buildings all around. In order for each building to look nice, you have to be very creativity with ALL of them. This is hard to do, because after a while, it gets boring, and boredom kills creativity. In order to bring up creativity for all the buildings, being inspired helps.

1) take things one step at a time. Focus on the city layout first, then work on each building one by one.
2) grid-type street layout is easy for new cityscapers but if you're going for more realism, have the blocks large or vary street direction. However I haven't seen this implemented in any form yet, so I have no idea how difficult it might be.
3) buildings should have a main front face, or two if on the corner. Don't build exterior anywhere else. Common houses and buildings with alleys should disregard this
4) make your roads out of bricks, don't use the baseplates. This is a given. Not only it looks better but allows for more flexible layout for both street and building.

Note that these tips are just my opinions on how cities should be built, not how to build them. I have yet to see a completed city that integrates at least 3 of these methods.

actually, building exterior designs are placed where they are easily visible, not just the "main" facade(s).

Gallery / Re: WALLS
« on: February 17, 2012, 09:07:30 PM »
here is a cool picture:

@viper gohead

The last picture, are you using prints for the walls? I have never thought of doing that; I hate when I build walls and they look awful because of the brick lines.


Gallery / WALLS
« on: February 17, 2012, 08:26:24 PM »
i love chair railings, crown molding, base molding/baseboard, panel molding

Gallery / Re: Mythology Build
« on: February 06, 2012, 01:03:32 PM »
We seem to have a problem: (a good one though)

The whole build needs to be moved to slate...

just load the build on slate

Gallery / Re: THINGS I HATE [tips]
« on: February 04, 2012, 06:52:04 PM »
Can I laugh now? 

"If anyone puts effort into detailing a lego build, then they immediately piss me off"

That's all I got from this.  Especially since the Ballroom uses that wall texture.

your ballroom isn't the centerpiece of builds.

i actually think it looks incredibly ugly

Gallery / Re: THINGS I HATE [tips]
« on: February 02, 2012, 11:08:30 PM »
in response to about 40% of topic:

of course, if you know how to do these kinds of things properly, then it's ok. most people don't know how to do it properly though.
[size=5.0x10^12pt]^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PLEASE DO NOT DISREGARD THIS[/size]

also, this topic is not intergalactic law

Gallery / Re: THINGS I HATE [guide to be pro at building]
« on: February 02, 2012, 12:42:08 AM »
striped walls sometimes "look good" in Blockland because of the style of Blockland. It makes it cartoony if you know what i mean.

pictures of it done wrong. (usually the case):

Gallery / Re: THINGS I HATE [guide to be pro at building]
« on: February 01, 2012, 11:45:01 PM »
i have a feeling no one is even reading the do not disregard part

Nice tips, although I already follow them.

Could you include more suggestions on how to structure exteriors?

this was meant to be a dumb semi-joke topic, but i will post tips on good features of buildings tomorrow or osmething

structure is based on your concept/design

Gallery / Re: THINGS I HATE [guide to be pro at building]
« on: February 01, 2012, 11:27:09 PM »
The bland carpet/wallpapers are usually used for a dim atmosphere.

if you want a dim atmosphere, then use proper lighting/colours, not ugly features

Gallery / Re: THINGS I HATE [guide to be pro at building]
« on: February 01, 2012, 11:19:22 PM »
I agree with every single bit of words in this topic.

Finally someone who also notices some of the really stuffty styles people come up with/copy from each other.

AoB loves the striped walls, which make me cringe (they don't do it right)

i saw one of their members teaching a new guy to use striped walls ;-;

i'll post a "THINGS I LIKE [better guide to be pro at building]" tomorrow or never

Gallery / THINGS I HATE [tips]
« on: February 01, 2012, 10:58:38 PM »
don't do these and you should be good.

the following are things that i hate. i hate these things because they look ugly or stupid.

of course, if you know how to do these kinds of things properly, then it's ok. most people don't know how to do it properly though.
[size=5.0x10^12pt]^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PLEASE DO NOT DISREGARD THIS[/size]

striped wallpaper - striped wallpaper make the room look old and confined. lots of people also choose ugly colours. who has blue striped wallpaper??

dingy carpets - usually people build dark coloured or random coloured carpets, which make it look very old, worn out, and dirty

random assortment of windows - they make no sense, look bad, and obscure view

random "detail" window frame - they make no sense, and look bad

ramp pillars - make no sense, look bad

ramp walls - many people do this. it looks like crap. there is no real design to this, it's a load of random ramps put together and duplicated all over everywhere. it's a huge mess of bricks which is not pleasing to the eyes at all. please just never do this

feel free to disagree

General Discussion / Re: Where is everyone from?
« on: January 28, 2012, 12:06:47 AM »
i used to be the only vancouver player :(

Gallery / Re: need constructive criticism on a police station.
« on: January 16, 2012, 12:55:53 AM »
it's a portable with a big POLICE sign

try having a design, and somewhat resemblance to police. (police usually uses blue) If you took off the POLICE sign, no one would be able to even be close to guessing it's a police station

there's not much more constructive criticism you can get

Gallery / Re: Modmans Mansion
« on: January 14, 2012, 09:43:31 PM »
the exterior is very big and bulky, which kind of makes it look like a factory

the interior has a consistent old theme to it, except for the master bedroom and the tan washroom. The washroom and master bedroom look more contemporary and do not fit in. a lot of the colours you used in the interior are dark (ex: brown) this makes your itnerior look very dark, cramped, dirty, and creepy

i also would advise not to use striped wall paper. it doesn't look good, which is why almost nobody uses it in real life unless they absolutely know what they are doing.

General Discussion / Re: Build Renovation Competition
« on: January 14, 2012, 07:56:20 PM »
You're improving, but you should try changing the interior house layout as well.

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