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Messages - sorrel

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9 10 11 ... 329
Off Topic / Re: What is it with women and their stuffty driving?
« on: April 12, 2018, 02:52:47 PM »
I drove 340km with a full tank on routes (two-way single lane road at 100km/h) and gave it to my sister as so
She drives 2km in an urban area and poof
how the forget did she burn 1/4 of a tank?!
Maybe ur car is just stuffty?

Off Topic / Re: [news] alzheimers cured
« on: April 10, 2018, 09:57:06 AM »
I was able to neutralize Alzheimer cells in my garage yesterday. I put them in a petri dish and shot it with a shotgun.
Here's ur Nobel Peace prize sir 🏆

Off Topic / Re: The month you were born in = A weather condition
« on: April 03, 2018, 02:17:29 AM »
forget this white snow stuff get it outta here

I got a $170 bearpaw coat for $30 at the bargain whatever in bass pro if that counts

Off Topic / Re: Quick math question
« on: March 31, 2018, 08:11:00 AM »
Ok thanks. My teacher is weird and was like "I want it in the combined form not two separate inequalities"

Off Topic / Re: Quick math question
« on: March 30, 2018, 11:08:49 PM »
but isnt that like the expanded form or something if you were to go and try to solve for the inequality?

Off Topic / Quick math question
« on: March 30, 2018, 10:58:45 PM »
My brain is doing a dumb

If you have |x|≥8
That's the same thing as  x≥8 and x≤-8
But is -8≥x≥8 the same thing as the line above?

Off Topic / Re: Is California a stuffty place?
« on: March 29, 2018, 12:27:42 AM »
I think northern California is ok because we stayed in crescent city to see the red wood trees

Off Topic / Re: i got 20,000 shares of stock worth $8 AMA
« on: March 28, 2018, 01:45:30 PM »
That's actually an interesting investment considering that as more and more states legalize your stock might have the potential to gain a profit.

Off Topic / Re: Why does American chocolate taste like vomit?
« on: March 27, 2018, 07:23:46 PM »
Try dove chocolate

Off Topic / Re: How do you make french toast?
« on: March 27, 2018, 10:53:14 AM »
This whole time I've literally just been using egg and nothing else
Slap some cinny and sug in there, u won't regret it

Off Topic / Re: How do you make french toast?
« on: March 27, 2018, 01:23:17 AM »
The 3 people above get it ^^
Idk about the flour, never tried it but I won't knock it

Off Topic / Re: How do you make french toast?
« on: March 25, 2018, 11:50:01 PM »
brother the forget? You supposed to fry the toast then coat it in cinnamon sugar
But then you have crunchy sugar crystals on ur bread

Off Topic / How do you make french toast?
« on: March 25, 2018, 11:40:11 PM »
I was just informed that not everyone mixes cinnamon and sugar in with the egg and milk mixture before slapping it into the frying pan

How do does the rest of the world make french toast?

Off Topic / Re: What steps do you take to hide your online identity?
« on: March 25, 2018, 03:16:25 PM »
I use telegram and adblock

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