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Messages - NintenBoy

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Drama / Solaria The Blaziken - Flipping his stuff for no reason, Harassment
« on: December 11, 2015, 10:45:22 PM »
Alright, I know my first drama was pretty bad, but this one's much better. But maybe not as funny?

Anyway, on with the bullstuff.
We were Roleplaying on my server, everything was fine, until Verius, one of Sol's friends and one of my Admins, tells me this:

What he's saying is that on steam, Solaria was telling Verius that he was going to kill him, and he was gonna report him for harassment.... And then out of nowhere, of sheer bad luck, Solaria joins.

And out of nowhere, he starts a flame war by telling my admin, Verius, who by the way, Solaria threatened to murder for absolutely NO reason whatsoever, tells him to go "burn in a fire".. And then he starts whining about how people don't care about him. ...Great.

And here, Solaria argues with me because i'm telling him to calm down because he was being rude to Verius, as said before, for no reason. He says were being "jerks" and want to hurt him, even though were trying to help him through tough times.

And here, he starts telling hurricane to kill himself, because Hurricane was just reasoning with him to calm his tits, and he doesn't. Then he calls ME a richard for "laughing at him" when I said jack stuff.

Last image, Verius, says he will report him, and as usual, with solaria being an starfish, says "We're children" and then he leaves.

..I have no words.

although i do not like toadlover,  you are also in the wrong here by complaining about him having fnaf maps. i don't like fnaf either but hey, if the guy likes it, he's fully entitled to put fnaf maps onto his server. if you don't like it, just leave. simple.
Alright, another thing. I was asking nicely why he had more FNAF maps then Mario. Then he goes apestuff and spams my steam with all that bullstuff.

so let me get this straight
you meet this guy
you see he likes FNAF
then you tell him that you and your friends think what he likes is terrible, then you act surprised when he backlashes?

did i miss something
am i wrong here
Yeah. I forgot to mention that he shoves it down our throats, trying to make us like it. It isn't working. Also, he was being a douchebag when I simply told him my opinion.

This is my first drama EVER, so please go lightly on me.
Also, this was BEFORE he closed his server down.

So I was playing on his server, a "vg rp" ... Even though it really isn't one because they do the same thing every RP, and again, sense it was a VG RP that was by a "good admin" (or so I thought...), I thought he was a nice guy and became friends with him. Then, He told me he was a FNAF fan. Ohhhhhh boy.

Anyway, when he said that, I went back onto his server (I was AFK,) and I saw he had a bunch of FNAF maps. More then Mario, believe it or not! No Zelda maps or Kirby maps, or Even POKEMON maps. just one 1 Mario map and 3 FNAF maps. GG, Toadlover. I complained to him that FNAF is bad and there is no maps about actually good games besides Mario, And he tells me "It takes more than one complaint to change my mind."

So, he was being a complete richard, so I  wrote him a thing stating that none of my friends liked his FNAF stuff either, with pictures of the chat logs stating this, and then this happened:

And then this:

In conclusion, toadlover is a fetus still in his mother's womb who doesn't respect anyones opinions.

Drama / Re: NintenBoy - Abusing his admins and threatening bans
« on: September 16, 2015, 07:43:35 AM »
Alright, people. I get it. I forgeted up. I don't need to have a stick up my ass all the time. Please, I apologize for being so damn uptight. I've changed. I'm much less of an starfish...

...atleast i'm better than solarius

Drama / Re: ToadLover123 - Uncaring host. Backstabber,
« on: September 16, 2015, 07:39:40 AM »
I was there the whole time this happened.

Drama / Re: Solaria The Blazeikin: "noobish activities"
« on: September 15, 2015, 10:04:01 PM »
Solarius? You mean the pokephile that watches pokemon research? Ech. Solarius is like the kids at my school that consistently shout "DEEZ NUTS!"... Solarius is no different, hes just a little bitch who needs to grow up.

Music / Re: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Music Pack!
« on: March 18, 2015, 11:11:48 AM »
Please list the tracks.
I'd like to compare to my pack.
Fixed that, Thanks for noticing!

Music / The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Music Pack!
« on: March 17, 2015, 01:52:46 PM »
The Binding of Isaac is a great Zelda-1 styled dungeon crawler! I decided why not take its remakes music, loop them, and slap them together effortlessly? This is what happened. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Music Pack!
The Themes!
Diptera Sonata (Basement)
Sodden Hollow (Caves)
Abyss (The Depths)
Matricide (Mom Fight)
Hericide (Satan Fight)
Infanticide (Isaac Fight)
Ventricide (Mom's Heart Fight)
Ascension (Chest Fight)

Music / OFF Music
« on: February 01, 2015, 01:15:46 PM »
Advesaries Purified.  

All these songs were looped by me. Enjoy.
Credit to both Alias Conrad Coldwood for the incredible soundtrack
And Mortis Ghost, for creating an amazing RPG.

I still see "Standard VGA Graphics Adapter"... Is this natural?

Thanks, But how do I update my drivers when I don't know what  video driver I have?

Help / Blockland crashes on startup. Can someone tell me why this happens?
« on: November 30, 2014, 09:14:23 PM »
Ok, so a few days ago, I upgraded my PC from Windows XP to Windows 7. After reinstalling Blockland, It says this...
"Blockland Display Initialization Failed". Am I doing something wrong? Can someone help me figure this out?
Here are my Specs...

Name: Standard VGA Graphics Adapter
Manufacturer: (Standard Display Types)
Chip Type: Intel(r)915G/915GV/910GL Graphics Chip
DAC Type: 8 bit
Apporox. Total Memory: n/a
Display Mode: 1280 x 1024 (16 Bit) (1 Hz)
Monitor: Generic PnP Monitor

Thanks, NintenBoy

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