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Messages - Regirock

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9 10 11 ... 109
Forum Games / Re: Something you like about the above user
« on: May 25, 2016, 09:49:03 AM »
His avatar

Drama / Re: canadian bill
« on: May 24, 2016, 11:16:57 PM »
This is what happens when you combine maple syrup with cocaine

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: May 24, 2016, 01:33:47 AM »
kitty your hot
Behold the first stalker of the forums

"sorry was helping student council set up posters/getting info/selling something etc etc"
Yes but if the teacher were to ask fellow members if you guys were _______ and the member of SC said no you would most likely get kicked out of the council for using the title as a personal advantage
I plan on asking the VP for more information on joining the S. Council and what I could do to increase my odds of getting in

bribe people with food and candy, it sways the most votes

You don't have to be voted in to join SC, the Principles/Staff decides who joins

    • you don't get as much power as you'd think
    Yeah I wouldn't think they would give you that much power being just students

    • some of the people there are pretentious jerks looking for something to put on their college application, beware
    Yeah I'm expecting about 3/4 of the people there to be asshats


    Just so you know

    1. All I know about Student Council is that they plan what days/time events will be at
    2. You don't have to be voted in to join SC the Principles/Staff decides who joins

    put the weak in the wild
    actually the elders would decide whether not the baby was weak or had a mental illness and throw them off a cliff if they did

    I guess they were good at telling who was weak

    anti lord tony
    Imo It looks like you're trying to antagonize people who dislike Tony

    then again this is coming from me

    tbh I don't like tony but I don't like the people who defend him either
    don't say that theyll track ur ip

    Yes! If you want to see me being nice, meet me at Cannon666's server.

    Hold on, are you like Jackal & Hide? Are you nice on servers but a total asswipe on the forums?

    I wouldn't be surprised if Blockchip got bullied at school because of the way he acts in social situations and the fact that he has autism.

    Even if he did stop people (mostly from the Harvest I assume) would continue to stuff on him anyway


    Forum Games / Re: Hunger games |Avatar fight|
    « on: May 21, 2016, 02:50:40 PM »
    what is this

    Hello.I have seen you guys posting stuff about me,I'm coming out (not saying I'm gay) I want to tell you that what I have done is wrong I'm ashamed,I hope you can forgive me for this,once again I'm sorry.
    This apology seems extremely hallow and dull.

    I'm coming out (not saying I'm gay)
    You know the "I'm coming" thing only works when you're actually talking, right?


    >2 nations go to war
    >1 nation gets forgeted up
    >forgeted up nation is in anarchy
    >people survive
    >there are giants

    Ignore the "Isreal" part I wasn't great at spelling about 14 months ago

    Now that I got a new laptop I should download recording software and make a script

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