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Messages - eholt

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9 10 11 ... 19
Drama / Re: Block Sugar from your discord channels and possibly DMs.
« on: September 10, 2018, 06:07:38 AM »
get good on IRC friend

Off Topic / Autism Awareness Thread
« on: September 09, 2018, 05:06:12 PM »
Autistic? if so i'd like to know, please post here and talk about your autism!

Off Topic / Re: [help] So uh, I ran away from home
« on: September 09, 2018, 04:44:21 PM »
eholt tries to outdo unova but it's not gonna work bc everyone knows he's a troll
im not a troll

Off Topic / Re: [help] So uh, I ran away from home
« on: September 09, 2018, 01:21:26 PM »
Don't point out the actuality of the situation. You have been backseat-banned for five minutes. Consider yourself lucky.

Off Topic / Re: [help] So uh, I ran away from home
« on: September 09, 2018, 01:19:50 PM »
Don't talk back to backseat-administrators/moderators. You have been backseat-banned for an extended 8 months. Your backseat ban is now longer then a year. Congrats, you played yourself.

Off Topic / Re: [help] So uh, I ran away from home
« on: September 09, 2018, 01:14:50 PM »
No posting while being backseat banned. Your backseat ban has been extended for seven months. Consider yourself lucky it did not turn permanent
still don't know what the effects are apart from quotes being crossed out

Off Topic / Re: [help] So uh, I ran away from home
« on: September 09, 2018, 01:12:04 PM »
All of your posts from now forward will be dashed out, and since you keep derailing this thread, you are now banned for a month.
comedy gold

Off Topic / Re: [help] So uh, I ran away from home
« on: September 09, 2018, 01:09:18 PM »
Nice thread derailment. You have been backseat-banned for two weeks. When you come back, make sure you have your autism cooled down.
whats the effects

Off Topic / Re: circumcised or uncircumcised
« on: September 09, 2018, 01:05:59 PM »
are you asking which one you should suck tonight

Off Topic / Re: [help] So uh, I ran away from home
« on: September 09, 2018, 01:05:27 PM »
Id post a screen of my texts but its not even worth it.
If youre just going to be a childish ass, get out please.
it is very easy to fake texts i have decades in computer experience and i know how to do that stuff i could do it for you

Off Topic / Re: [help] So uh, I ran away from home
« on: September 09, 2018, 12:57:15 PM »
i like to suck big rooster
nice to know

Off Topic / Re: [help] So uh, I ran away from home
« on: September 09, 2018, 12:56:07 PM »

Off Topic / Re: [help] So uh, I ran away from home
« on: September 09, 2018, 12:53:24 PM »
get the beef out of your mouth lol
im dissapointed, i thought you would give a tear filled wall of text about how im a meanie

Off Topic / Re: [help] So uh, I ran away from home
« on: September 09, 2018, 12:40:05 PM »
Judging by the posts in this thread, it's evident that people do care and are trying to help and give their input on the situation

Just because you don't care, doesn't mean that everyone else doesn't either, so there is no "we", it's just you
Im very sorry for my actions, we should all get together, start eating kale and tofu and singing Kumbaya
I am clearly looking for attention

Off Topic / Re: [help] So uh, I ran away from home
« on: September 09, 2018, 12:33:20 PM »
You can't even be bothered to read the OP, you're in no position to judge it so blindly, lest you make a fool of yourself
It clearly is attention seeking, he thinks we care about his deadbeat parents and stuffty home life, and he wants sympathy

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