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Messages - 300spartan

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People started posting their trades in here because this topic is more popular, they post in the trading topic, their posts are usually forgotten, overlooked, or ignored

I'm fine with people talking about trading in here, i don't come to this topic for exciting TF2 stories of how you pwn'd the entire team alone as a Spy on Badwater Basin or whatever, as long as it's TF2 related, i don't mind what goes on in here

Why are you guys bothered by it?
I guess the stuff they're advertising is solely about them, a story or speculation brings up a different topic to actually talk about than just having people click a link and do stuff in response to the post. And I feel like I'm done with trading right now, so I don't find any entertainment in just trade posts.

But I don't mind them. I can just keep scrolling.

Games / Re: TF2: Map Ideas
« on: September 11, 2013, 09:27:49 PM »

Alright, now to my ideas.
Both teams start on top of two waterfalls, red on one, blu on the other.
There is 3 control points on the map, 1 at each base, and one on the middle, which is a huge bridge.
Falling off a waterfall or a bridge will cause in environmental death.
Scenic idea, but the gameplay would just be boring. It's just a giant bridge. Narrow playing space, just too limiting, you only have a long straight space to work off of and basically at all times you'd give demoman and soldiers (or any other people who can make considerable knockback) an unfair advantage.

Modification Help / Re: Blender?
« on: September 06, 2013, 06:55:03 PM »
That looks like a TF2 hat :O
It was made for TF2.
On-topic: Yeah, blender site's tutorials are great.

Modification Help / Re: Blender?
« on: September 05, 2013, 11:55:30 PM »
dude go to blender's site and look for the tutorials
i basically took all of them and look what I made (first model in blender)

Games / Re: -entrepreneur My Gun Contest- vote time
« on: September 05, 2013, 10:49:57 PM »
i laughed out loud when I thought of the name "roostersniffer"
i mean it's a funny idea, sniffing for snakees but it just sounds kinda good
richardtickler or chodemuncher or niplicker just weren't as fun to say

Games / Re: -entrepreneur My Gun Contest- 2 more spots friends
« on: September 05, 2013, 01:25:48 AM »
welp 0 more slots i guess

Games / Re: -entrepreneur My Gun Contest- 2 more spots friends
« on: September 04, 2013, 08:54:30 PM »
Then why did you feel the need to post?
That literally makes no sense at all. If, however, he thought this was a "proper" topic, then there would have been no need to post. He didn't like the topic, so he posted his concerns.
EDIT: I now present...

i guess I'll delete my mods and see what happens

Games / Re: -entrepreneur My Gun Contest-
« on: September 03, 2013, 11:38:39 PM »
why the assault rifle/shotgun only rule? that's a pretty tiny scope of possiblities. also Dnitro's gun looked smexy.

I get invisible players sometimes

I did too, in that case I restarted TF2. But then it started to always give me invisible players.

Okay that last post about my before-steampipe mods coming back to life is getting worse. Something weird is happening.
The e.v.e hud that I had installed before the steampipe update is glitched, the disconnect button goes directly to quit game. The funny counter-intuitive thing was that when I typed "disconnect" in the console it went directly to the "quit game" option.
But the thing is, mods aren't important, they can be deleted. I'm still baffled at how they've come back after having the custom folder be where it works. (the aforementioned mods are directly in the tf folder)

The really weird thing that I'm seeing a link here is that I'm getting invisible players. I've booted TF2 up 3 or 4 times now to see repeatedly that everyone's invisible. I looked the bug up in google, and apparently it was fixed in march 27th. The steampipe update was on may 1st. so my lead is that my tf2's reverted back to an older version, before the update.

It's interesting and intriguing, because this is quite strange; however I haven't been able to play tf2 well over the past days and with the invisible player stuff it's getting a real problem. So, any bets? Do you guys think that when I delete my mods I'll get back to the post-steampipe world?

Add-Ons / Re: Tier+Tactical 2.1 • UPDATE 9/23/2012
« on: September 03, 2013, 10:32:54 PM »
20 days until update anniversary

hey guys, what if valve made it possible to name your sentry?
hot damn I'm not usually interested in stranges but that sounds cool
and then be able to make your sentry strange with the strange PDA
Wicked Nasty "u mad?"

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