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Messages - thekidpaul99

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You can't open up a .dts model in blender, you have to first convert it to another model file type then you can open it in blender
How do i do that?

I was wanting to make a Safari jeep with a roof out if the old jeep, but it doesnt open up in blender, don't say to make one from scratch because im not good enough at sculpting models.

Add-Ons / Re: GSF Add-Ons
« on: September 12, 2009, 07:05:52 PM »
Hi its me anakin from the server yesterday, sorry i left without saying goodbye. i was tired of crashing :/. Hope you do good in collage. Its sad to see one of the best add on makers go down the drain. (not litterally).
For letting me have a good time at the test server, you get 10 Cookies! :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:!!!!!!

I will ban you on sight, Paul. Count on me.

1. We can see that this is a drama topic.
2. BL_ID's don't matter. You see idiots with low ID's ([/hypocrite, kind of]).
3. You are mindlessly flaming everything he has done, and assume things that are not true.
4. Most Anakins are dumbasses anyway.
im not assuming. everything on this post is true

haha this is made up bullstuff.
no it isnt . stop posting lies on my posts

The most hated?
i said one of the most hated. trainman 1 is worse

Lies. I checked profiles. Their local times are hours apart.
seriously, ask max. I do go to school with him. He doesnt test well, thats probably why his time zone is wrong

Forum Games / Re: The Blocko Airport Project
« on: September 05, 2009, 12:56:52 PM »
Max my airport was way better than that. mine actully has EVENTS and the BUILDING! STOP BEING A IDIOT! IF YOU DO YOU MIGHT ACTULLY GET PEOPLE TO HELP YOU.

Well, as you know max 4344 is VERY annoying. 2 days ago i had to start school with him. He rides my bus to.
that was a horror. I am a witness of seeing max SUCK HIS THUMB! lol. its true though. he also addmited that he was ugly and proud. He also addmited that he was a idiot and proud. Seriously, ask max. If he says that wasnt true, hes lieing. me and my friends laughed SO long. Dont download his color set. or his clan layout system. Nobody needs it. He says hes not a spammer. What a lier. He can finally host, so, dont go. If he says not to go to Anakin's server, dont listen to him. Dont mistake me as a anoying person because i read a topic about a different anakin. my blid is 13082.

Drama / Re: Max4344
« on: August 27, 2009, 06:46:10 PM »
Hey guys, You dont even no how bad he is. Imagine having to go to school with him. I do. PLus he rides my bus. He lives not even a mile from my house. Imagine that. So if you think hes so bad on the forums, Imagine him i real life. Also, hes the MOST HATED KID IN SCHOOL!

Add-Ons / Re: GSF Add-Ons
« on: August 21, 2009, 06:38:49 PM »
Hey ghost? Can I beta test the aircraft carrier or cargo ship (whichever one you make) please? I have never beta tested and i thought it would be fun. Plus i have been waiting for the cargo ship forever!

Clan Discussion / Re: Max4344 clan layout system 1.2
« on: August 21, 2009, 01:14:54 PM »
Max, the whole post is confusing. What is Max4344 clan layout system? Seriously. Your clan isn"t that big. Make the post less confusing. Bye

Faces, Decals, Prints / Re: How to package decals
« on: August 09, 2009, 05:36:53 PM »
I have a easy way to make a decal. Go into your add-ons folder and open up the zip file Face_default or Decal_default.Copy any of the decals/faces then paste them on your desktop.Right click on it and click Edit. It should open up paint.Erase everything on the picture, then do whatever to it and save! Then do what wedge said and it should apear in your avatar editor thing.

Clan Discussion / Re: The real Block and Brick inc.(Now accepting)
« on: July 27, 2009, 11:28:42 AM »
In game name is Anakin.
My bl id is 13082
i want to be a programmer.
i can be nice.

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