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Messages - Skylord321

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Help / Re: ►►►Port Forwarding: How to host an internet game◄◄◄
« on: September 04, 2006, 01:02:00 AM »
somone told me what aDNS is but i forgot -.- lol

Lol  :cookieMonster: that is the easy part

you cant host them i guess =\

contact your internet provider

lol na im ok if it was my server blocland0002 i got killing that would be fun :)

-.- die following of a seat would have to be a realy old person or a realy mental idiot that puts his chair on the side of a cliff and gets internet some how

i dono -.-' sleepy.. *druel druel* Good Night

no... just microsoft... not blizzard.... >.>
every try hackinf pandaing blizzard.. i just tryed right i barly cracking into it and cops where at my door!!!!! i was like... WTF

Now try microsoft, the cops are IN your door then.
eyem en ur dor

If i even understood that -.-

copng u

yea and i dont think ill buy it so im wairting for a demo to try it out thats why i said :\

:\ evenualy

i agree

General Discussion / Re: Help with paint
« on: August 11, 2006, 09:42:55 PM »
oh well nvm :\ interupting me on my reading of the taco-land forums  it hosts a server for the game sven co-op a mod for half-life :) steam game you guys could play it i like it mor ethen blockland i got my own serrver on sven with ent yay ent (ent is somthing that lets you move thing around like editing the map and you get to spawn thing i also instald amxx a admin mod and installed plugins for it so im happy :P)

General Discussion / Re: Help with paint
« on: August 11, 2006, 09:37:22 PM »
:\ long and boring mite be fun to him

General Discussion / Re: Help with paint
« on: August 11, 2006, 09:29:41 PM »
guys dont you think you are confusing him :\ lol

If your router is any thing like mine type your IP in internet explorer or what ever you use and then you shoudk type username: admin  pass: admin then goto apllication and gaming it should say somthing like port range put bl in application syaty port 28002 end port 28002 leave protocal at both then IP you should look up if you got XP just click run type cmd a log will apear type ipconfig in it hit enter then remember your ip go back to your forwording range type that IP in or the last three digets then make sure its enabled and hit save changes i got charter cable dsl to so we should be kinda alike hope that helps if not im sorry

and badspot you need to make your help port forwording thing support other routers not every one has that kind

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