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Messages - Johnny Blockhead

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Drama / Re: Uladi - Multiclienting
« on: December 14, 2015, 11:02:21 PM »
If his intention was to have a multiclient party, and the title is clear that a multiclient party is what is happening at the server, along with a high player count, it all makes sense. It may be considered "spam" but random blockhead servers with just one person isn't any better.
The difference between what happened and random blockhead servers with one player is that the multiclient party gets boosted to the top of the server list. The blockhead servers are generally hidden from sight.

Drama / Re: Uladi - Multiclienting
« on: December 14, 2015, 08:14:38 PM »
Its not even trolling or what ever. The title of the server explains what the forget is happening there.
It's preferable to not have the server list clogged up with useless servers. If you sort by player count, you are expecting to see extremely populated servers, not just one guy who had the bright idea to launch Blockland a bunch of times.


I'm surprised since seemingly all of the people on here seem to be liberal.
OP seems like a total child, and also a cookie-cutter redditor when it comes to political beliefs.
It seems that a lot of people in this thread didn't even bother to read the article, or research this stuff in the slightest. Annoying Orange is no where close to being disqualified, that stuff really doesn't happen. It's just that one of Obama's underlings went out and publicly denounced him, saying that he 'should' be disqualified. Now, the jewishmedia ran away with that quote, just as clickbait material. The concept of a candidate getting 'disqualified' from the race before even getting close to being in office is fundamentally flawed. It's not like the candidate actually did that certain thing, he just made a campaign promise. Even so, if the candidate was in office its not like they could use their god king privileges to magically deport spics. The executive branch simply doesn't have that capability, mostly due to checks and balances. This is a thing that actually works against Annoying Orange, though. He doesn't have any political experience, and he thinks that the seat as president is a lot more powerful then it actually is. He's thinking of it as if he was running for CEO of the US. He probably won't be able to do half the things he promised. If you want real change, look at your congressman.

ps: bernie is a kek and has no chance

Off Topic / Re: who's ya inspiration
« on: December 01, 2015, 09:57:13 PM »
if anything thats a thing to look down upon :p
i guess /adv/, they have their stuff together socially
or at least as a collective

Off Topic / Re: (kids at school love thingy)
« on: December 01, 2015, 08:17:41 PM »
The chances of the kid getting in any sort of trouble with the law is even less now since I read the topic again and it wasn't actual intercourse, just fingering. Seriously, OP, drop it and move on with your life. Later on you'll realize how petty this all is.

Off Topic / Re: (kids at school love thingy)
« on: December 01, 2015, 08:13:51 PM »
Check your area's age of consent, don't just assume 18 cuz many places are lower
Where the forget are you getting this from
What are you going to do, get a signed parental permission form?

And again, where do you live?
No one can answer 100% accurately because the laws vary wildly by jurisdiction
I'm assuming TN now.
There isn't a place where love is illegal, theres just laws in place for statutory rape. Generally if someone is the same age as you it's ok to have loveual relations.
Under T.C.A 39-13-506, if an adult has love with a minor less than 18 years old, and the
adult (anyone older than 18) is at least four years older than the minor, the adult just committed statutory rape, a
Class E felony, carrying up to six years in prison.

Off Topic / Re: (kids at school love thingy)
« on: December 01, 2015, 08:06:57 PM »
I dunno, two 13 year olds having love doesn't sound like a good idea to me
ah, alright
The NSA is too busy to spy on 13 year olds in order to make sure they aren't getting busy themselves.
Seriously, would you arrest some kids for doing what their hormones tell them to?

Off Topic / Re: (kids at school love thingy)
« on: December 01, 2015, 08:04:22 PM »
I always thought you both had to be of age for it to be legal
No, the law is only there to stop creeps.
Not for the girl. She's 14.
>younger than 14

Seriously what state are you in? Did you specify that when you googled age of consent?

Off Topic / Re: (kids at school love thingy)
« on: December 01, 2015, 08:00:59 PM »
are you in middle school or something roflmao
We are freshmen.

[img ][/img]
She's 14
He's 15.
>younger than
it also depends on the state you're in, assuming you live in the US.

Off Topic / Re: (kids at school love thingy)
« on: December 01, 2015, 07:59:11 PM »
It's illegal, you cannot have love until you are 18
Do you seriously believe this? Where do you live?

overdose, that way you won't have to ever fall asleep again
sounds like you're an insomniac. does this happen regularly?

as a kid i would have such troubles falling asleep i would fantasize about a device you could put in your brain that would just click and you'd put your head to the pillow and your mind would enter this vestibule, where you could watch movies or play games as you slept or just wake up

i'd dream about this stuff so hard i'd fall asleep dreaming about it and think maybe it was real

you should look into lucid dreaming

Add-Ons / Re: Dark Lights
« on: November 30, 2015, 11:24:07 PM »
Guys, this is actually useful.
It dosen't have to be god damn GTA graphics to be good.
I think this add-on is useful for adventure saves and renderman servers.
Also, don't post something like
What happened to you guys telling me how to improve?
Numerous times people have told you how, and you refused to listen. Hone your skills, don't release everything that you make. You obviously don't have a thorough understanding of Torquescript, based off of previous posts in this topic.

Drama / Re: Yoke As A Host
« on: November 30, 2015, 10:33:13 PM »
why are people bashing yoke when its clearly the OP that is lacking...
he may have overreacted, but that's no worse than most drama situations
No one likes an egotistical ass.

Movietime bumbp

Off Topic / Re: Blockland Movie Night v2 - DEMOCRATIC PROCESS
« on: November 28, 2015, 09:18:02 PM »
Ok, It's a Wonderful Life finished processing.
Not that many people seem to be voting for it, maybe we'll save it for Christmas time. Yet, anything can happen, the polls are young.
edit: clarified that the Producers is the 1967 version

Starting in 10 minutes from this edit!
Looks like it's a tie, but when I made that last edit it was Terminator 2. I guess unless someone else votes for South Park, it'll be T2 then SP.

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